This past week Joel was able to bike more...somtimes twice a day as he gets closer and closer to his personal goal of 1,000 miles this year. He'll make it before long. He has spent a bit of time raking leaves too, after high winds and heavy rain this week. The groud is blanketed for sure. He'll preach tomorrow at the church in town where he served for 10 years.
We had our Covid boosters on Tuesday. We both felt fine but I woke before midnight that night with aching, chills, and just plain feeling funky. Wednesday I was sofa bound covered in blankets. I napped three times and got 9 hrs of sleep.....I was actually quite surprised by how the booster hit me this time, but it is only temporary. Today I feel my usual "normal". Of course my normal could be someone else's wack-a-doodle! haha
Speaking of wack-a-doodle, the last two weeks have us shaking our head again. A week ago our youngest daughter was in a bad car accident, totaling the car. She ended up having surgery to put a steel rod and screws in her arm. She is pretty much covered in bruises and has a few hairline fractures, but she is going to be okay. Praise God! Thursday one of our grandsons was in a bad car accident after a semi crossed over into his lane, caught the bumper of his car, spun him around and sent him into a cement barrier. He came out of it okay even with the car being totaled. Yikes! Praise God he is okay. A couple weeks before that his oldest sister was T-boned by a car, but not injured and the car fixable. Praise God again! Adding Joel's little fender bender to the mix gives me pause. Enough with the car accidents already. Bottom line, life is so unpredictable..
Speaking of unpredictable, this last massacre in Maine is so heartbreaking, so senseless, so frustrating. Sadly the when and where of these events may be unpredictable but we can predict that they will continue until we all decide enough is enough. Back in 1985 we became aware of a priest and two others being murdered in their church in Wisconsin. This was really rare then. It was around that time that Joel's life was threatened by a church member. Credible enough that our home was filled with armed police and we were escorted out of town. Very long story short, we lived with this man's threats, stalking, phone calls, etc. the whole 6 years we continued to live in that Minnesota town. It made us aware of how unpredictable people could be. How violent. Is hard to fathom that we have had over 560 mass shootings just. this. year. With the continued war in the middle east, the massacre in Maine, and the thousands who solve their frustrations with violence. It has us petitioning....."Lord have mercy".
I have been looking at the pictures I have on my phone sent in a quick second from across the miles or the country....or ocean. It is such a gift. My mom would have loved it! We sure do. When our kids go on a trip they "take us along" with photos they send. We have received them from Europe, the UK, Utah, Nashville, and more.....cell phone photos connect us in great ways. When we miss an event, there it is in a picture. If they just want to say hi......It is all so good!
Speaking of good, our middle daughter had a birthday this week. She is a pure joy and we are so thankful for her. Happy Birthday N.
Thursday and Friday I felt the urge to "sort" and "purge" and "organize" I had little energy to spare but used it to clean out two cupboards and one large lazy susan cupboard with Joel's help. I sorted through my favorite large basket that has held devotionals, etc. for years. I have a narrow wicker basket in the kitchen that holds all my essential oils....purged. Vitamins checked and if outdated...purged. Old shampoos, etc. purged! I just could not get enough sorting done. Spring cleaning in the Fall!?! I cannot connect this urge to anything specific but it is a bit comical. Can anyone relate? I still have this urge to sort and purge so I expect it will continue!
Time to end this with a generous dose of gratitude. SOoooooooo thankful Sarah is recovering from the car accident and the others are okay. Praise God. Grateful another Covid booster is done and the side effects are gone. Grateful that we had some beautiful Fall weather and enjoyed viewing some tree foliage before the cold arrived. Grateful for a hubby that helps so much. Grateful for the power of prayer. Grateful for bike rides and walking, laughter, tears, phone calls with family and friends, texts, emails, and pictures. So many pictures to make us smile~ Yes, grateful for all this and so much more.
Enjoy your weekend~