Saturday, March 22, 2025

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from our corner of Iowa where once again we went through a blizzard this week before the warm temperatures returned and melted most of the 4 in of snow that we received. It seems to be a pattern for March! The other night Joel looked out and there were seven or eight deer that were resting in the neighbor's unusual occurrence. Just like when we looked out the kitchen window with 4 inches of snow on the ground and blizzard conditions and watched our resident duck couple waddling across the yard. This past week Joel rode his bike 10 miles on one day and then was using the snow blower two days later! Again,  as I said before it's an unpredictable weather climate this year! Not unlike life.       

Speaking of life, I celebrated my 77th birthday on Thursday and I'm so grateful to be here to celebrate it. There was a time in my life where I was so ill that Joel wasn't sure that I would make it to 60. And that was before cancer came visiting. Lyme disease was destroying my body. But I'm 77, still here, still able to enjoy life. I will say 77 seems awfully close to 80! On Tuesday we went birthday shopping.  I celebrated my birthday Thursday with a few phone calls, Culver's chicken cashew salad, and a beautiful flower arrangement. Yesterday my sister Kay and her husband Danny came for a visit. It was nice to catch up with them since they returned from snowbirding. I managed to walk 25 minutes most days this week . And I managed to clean a couple bathrooms, and dusted again. Keeping the house ready for potential buyers can be tiring but right now we aren't having many potential buyers! And you know right now that's okay! God has this!

Joel did some woodworking., and also road his bike 10 miles one day when it was so nice. He is off to Gabby Grandpa's this morning. He has also been working on office stuff. Looking back at birthdays I remember when I was trying to lose some weight when I turned 30 so that day he gave me a cake made up of cut up fruit shaped in the number 30. It was such a nice idea but some of my family stopped over and they brought a nice big chocolate cake! He is always trying to find me new treats that are gluten free and not much sugar if any! He's such a good guy I think I'll keep him! By the way, for my 30th birthday, just to be funny, he bought me a cane! I confess there's been one or two times when my back went out over the years where I have used that cane!

So today I am thankful for memories that bring up that 3-0 fruit "cake"and a cane! I'm grateful that I'm celebrating 77 now and that the cane has come in handy once in awhile! Grateful for Culver's salad, phone calls, so many birthday wishes on Facebook,  flowers, a gift card, and birthday shopping, and more. Grateful for the 4 in. of snow that already melted and it nourising the ground. Grateful for a family visit. Grateful for Joel and all he does to encourage and support me. Grateful for texts, phone calls, emails, cards and the love of family and friends. Grateful for all this and so much more. 

Enjoy your weekend!

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