Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Grateful For Giggles

Joel and I had the giggles.  I was in a room waiting for a breast MRI on Tuesday to tell us if the ultrasound had it right, and to see what the lymph nodes had to say.  The day was filled with unknowns.  The tech had given me hospital pants and a gown to put on.  The first pair of pants were toooooo small, the second pair she gave me to wear were 4 sizes bigger and I could not keep them up!  To our surprise and delight it gave us the giggles.  In the midst of it all we had a good laugh.

The last 7 months have been a difficult season and often laughter was hard to come by.  Still, sometimes it just happens.  Laughter and giggles, a nice reprieve from the seriousness of the situation.    There is something to be said for the idea that laughter is the best medicine.

Too often we do not take time to enjoy the small moments of laughter, joy, etc. until life throws us a curve ball and we realize how precious it really is.....this waking up every morning to a new day.   Ann Voskamp learned that writing down all the moments of the day, giving thanks for everything that caught her attention, would fill her with peace, joy, and love for a God, our God who delights us blessing His kids. 

We are so grateful today for those few minutes of giggling.  And so many other things.  Grateful for the sunshine and the rain.  Grateful for the two bunnies that are always sunning themselves outside our living room window.  Grateful to watch a squirrel drag a cob of corn to his home, knowing he has found a good food source.  Grateful to hear my hubby upstairs in his office as he works on mundane and not so mundane tasks.  Grateful for that little noise that comes on my phone to let me know I have a text from friends or family.  Grateful I can talk to my Papa God any time I want to.   Grateful for grilled pork chops and roasted sweet potatoes after too many meals of yogurt or eggs.  Grateful. 

Today we are feeling the gratitude to the max with a good news report on the MRI.  The lymph nodes are not enlarged and the mass is breaking up.  Significant changes for the better seen on the MRI.  The treatments I have been on are working well!  This is the best news we could have as I go into surgery mid June.  So.  very.  grateful.

Sometimes our giggling, our nature observations, our counting the blessings, and our connecting with friends and family need to be intentional.  I hear so often about peoples busy lives.  "We are sooooooooo busy"......Too busy to smell the roses.........speak with loved ones from afar........enjoy God's creation..........There is something not okay with that.  I get it......I have been there..........and....I regret much in the so busy lifestyle I once had.  Oh, life, it passes us by so quickly.

Today I hope you find something to giggle about.........even if you are in the midst of a challenging situation.  Just take time to giggle, to laugh.  And be grateful for the opportunity.   

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