Saturday, September 16, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this typical September weekend.  Temps in the 60's to low 70's during the day and 40's to 50's at night.  We turn the furnace on each morning to take the chill off.  It is Fall!  We live just across the river from the High School so we get to "hear" the games and band playing on Friday nights.  It is kinda nice......We noticed this week that the flowers are starting to fade out....especially our pansies that have graced us with beauty so long.  We still have 1 hummingbird hanging around, trying to get nectar from our petunias,  

Last Sunday Joel preached at two churches south of here.  He leaves before 8 and gets home around 12:30.  So many churches are without pastors....our synod has something like 38 churches without pastors and one of our daughter's synods has 40.  It is the same most places.  Joel has 700 miles on his bike so far this summer/fall.  He managed a few 10 mile rides this past week.  Thursday he went to his pastors conference meeting which was less than two miles from here.  He has been going to those gatherings around the area for 26 years.  He spent time outside doing woodworking...building a few more boxes.  He is trying to finish 3 for the fill-in postman who liked them.  I look at his energy and shake my head.  He is so active and I am so grateful that he is!

My week has been spent close to home.  The trigeminal is acting up which affects my balance more. It is an ebb and flow problem out of my control.  I have managed to clean some and write a little.  I still walk 20-25 minutes a day.  God continues to give me the verse, "Those who hope in the Lord will soar on wings like eagles...They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint."  Isaiah 40:31.  I continue to stand firm, believing...What choice do we have?  Believe what the world says, or believe what God says?  The God who created the universe...the galaxies....the stars.....the earth we walk on.  HE wants to have a relationship with us...little us.  AND He makes promises we can hang on to.  Do we see them all come to pass?  Not in our lifetime.  BUT that does not take away the promises in His Word that are for us.

I have been listening to George Winston play piano this morning on Alexa.  Piano music reminds me so much of our two older girls and their years of piano playing at home.  Both went to the McPhail Center of the Arts in downtown Mpls. MN.  What a special time it was.............The oldest plays piano and flute at her church and accompanies for the local High School competitions.  She teaches piano and has since high school.  Do I play?  Only in my dreams!  My mom was very musical and played piano, though.

We finished watching a 4 part documentary on Netflix, "Live to be 100:  Blue Zones" the other night.  It really was interesting as it showed how America has turned to the fast food world and in doing so become the most obese unfit country in the world.  More importantly it revealed some of the "secrets" to longer lives...good food choices, exercise and activity, friends and family, rest, and attitude.  I don't plan to live to 100 but Joel certainly has it in his genes and body to do so.  His two aunts on his mom's side lived to be 108 and 109.  It wasn't the goal of most of the people in the Blue Zones to live a long life, it just happened because of how they lived.  

We enjoyed phone calls this week from two of our grands who are off at different colleges,  and also a daughter.  Such FUN to talk to all three of them.  It makes our day when the phone rings and family is on the line.  Having a cell phone makes all the difference in the world, doesn't it.  Wayyyyy back cost so much to call "long distance" so calls were few and far between and after 7 at night when it was cheaper.  Now, we can call anywhere, anytime and yet it seems to us that calling becomes less and less as people text more.  We miss hearing when we do?  We celebrate!  Cell phones also make it easier for kids to be away at college or jobs.  They can connect so easily with those they miss......a good thing!

Speaking of good things, so grateful today for cell phones, phone calls, voices of loved ones.  Grateful for Fall weather, a lone hummingbird hanging around, flowers still sharing theiir beauty.  Grateful for porch sitting, naps, good food, and the ability to walk and ride.  Grateful for Bible verses that come from God is threes.  Grateful for texts, photos, prayers, piano music, and so much more.  

Enjoy your weekend!

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