Saturday, September 9, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this beautiful Fall day in Iowa.  Yes, it is early Fall, but it is FALL and I am loving the cooler temps we have had the last few days.  Nice!  The squirrels are busy storing their acorns, etc. and one decided to store them in our purple pansies on the back deck.  He dug them up so much they died.  Not cool!  The yellow ones up front are still going.  We'll have to add some mums to the landscape soon.  

Once the cooler temps came back Joel was able to do more biking.  He gets in a minimum of ten miles each ride.  He sticks to a route that avoids roads.  In fact, our river road has been paved and baracaded so that only bikers and walkers can use it now.  So great!  He continues to do some woodworking and this week he did our windows on the main level,  Our house does not have any roof overhangs so they seem to get more dirty.  They look good now, although of course he went out to do them when the heat index was 96.  Really? Hmmmm

I headed back to the chiropractor this past Tuesday and then the grocery store Friday.  In between I was in the house and not accomplishing as much as I would like.  The trigeminal nerve is acting up which means the balance is off too.  Are we having fun yet?  I have listened to a couple podcasts, livestream, and audiobooks.  I finished Laura Bush's book and am looking for another memoir to enjoy,  Any ideas?  I have written on my book a tiny bit, and am reading The Way Out a little at a time.  I have started doing Lymph Massage for the ears and sinuses.  It seems to be helping!  Joel brought me home a surprise decoration for fall this week.  What a sweet thing to do!  It even says "Welcome Fall!"  

Yesterday our youngest stopped for a visit and this morning our granddaughter L. called us from college to chat.  We had a great visit, leaving both Joel and I smiling!  Just love hearing from our grands.....our two youngest are both sophomores this year.  How did that happen?

Speaking of time going by,  I was talking with L. and told her that her grandpa grew up in a solid home and community like the Waltons........or Lake Woebegone.  Me?  Not so much.  She had never heard of either.  Yeah.  I am that old!  

Speaking of old, I heard Joel say he plans to live to 110.  Two of his Aunts lived until 108 and 109 but he plans to live over that to 110.  I do not think that way.  If this body continues to cjomplain so loudly I am thinking 110 is too old.  Give me Heaven and a NEW body by then.....ha

Speaking of age, we have been watching a documentary on the Blue Zones and what keeps people in certain areas living past 100.  For sure, healthy eating....we in America consume 220 lbs of meat yearly but in these areas they eat only 20 lbs of meat a year.  That is kinda a big difference. Lots of grains, freshly cooked veggies, beans, some fish, tofu, etc.  About a year ago we cut out eating meat twice a day......but I am thinking we need to add protein.  I do eat a lot of yogurt, plain, with fruits and nuts or oatmeal at night.  Whole grain cereals and oatmeal for Joel for supper.  Sometimes eggs and cheese.  We tried recently to go back to meat meals twice a day and it just doesn't feel right now.  Interesting.  I read an article this week written by a woman who moved to Ireland and said she is so much healthier now...lots of walking and biking there and fresh healthy foods available.  That was another key in the blue zones....staying fit.  AND fellowship with friends and family.  It is an interesting documentary on Netflix.  We can all do some small thing to live healthier and hopefully longer lives.  

We watched another silly movie this week.  My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.  It had us laughing and that is a good thing,    We have managed some good porch sitting.  A hummingbird has been visiting our petunias and that has been fun to see...and of course the pesky squirrels trying to store up food for winter.  We always enjoy people they use our street to get to the river road from our association.  Mostly we like to watch their dogs!  They each have their own personality which comes out as they walk. Big or small they are each unique.  Just like people!

Time to stop this rambling scribble.  So I am grateful for my old laptop that keeps old IPad that does the same.  Grateful for dryer, cooler weather that makes porch sitting so enjoyable.  Grateful that we had have very few mosquitos this year!  Grateful for silly movies that make us laugh.  Grateful for lymph massage that helps drain our bodies, grateful for a granddaughter reaching out to call us.  Grateful for a Wordle connection, texts that keep us communicating, phone calls, surprise gifts from my hubby, colorful pansies, a hummingbird's visits, the beginning of my favorite season, open doors and windows and fresh air, clean windows, documentaries that make us think, a daughter's visit, Amazon deliveries!  Grateful for all this and soooooo much more.

Enjoy your weekend~

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