Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Box Monday: Saved By The Gavel
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Welcome Home...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Thankful Thursday
Today the sun is shining, the wind is gently blowing and the temperature is going to be a dry 85 here in the Midwest. A perfect day for porch sitting! I am so thankful that we can have the windows open to bring in the fresh air, and be able to hear all the birds. Our miniature schnauzer, Levi, is sitting at the front door enjoying the smells and sounds of a late May morning. We are blessed.
I am thankful that my trip to the dentist this morning eliminated any dental problem connected to my aching teeth. Going to the dentist is challenging when you react to all the chemicals they use, so I am glad it was a quick trip. I am also thankful that we see our Lyme doctor soon so we can try to figure out if this is now a Lyme problem. These beasts get everywhere.
I am thankful that my brother-in-law's open heart bypass surgery ( one week ago) went very very well. He has been home since Monday and walked to the end of the block and back yesterday! Praise God!!!
I am thankful for being able to go flower shopping with my husband and spend some quality time together. I am thankful for his willingness to plant those flowers for his wife!
I am thankful for telephones and email that connect us to the ones we love. Conversations with friends and family.....and conversations with God!
I am thankful for a the gift of life itself. It is precious and to be day presented to us at a time!
It has been a good week with much to be thankful for. May your week be filled with an abundance of blessings, and much to be thankful for.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Thunder From The Mountain
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thankful Thursday Thinking
And just listen to this ~~~ his heart is going to work better than EVER in his whole life because even though he did not know it until the first angiogram, the right side of his heart has never worked. Not ever. While the doctors were inside doing 3 bypasses they also were able to bypass that area so now his WHOLE heart working! Isn't God amazing!!!!!! He is in all the details! To God be the glory!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Have I Not Commanded You?
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Memorial Box Monday: Welcome Home Son!
We never were able to keep contact with Kiko, but still pray for him. Hopefully he experienced the love of Christ in our home, and is today a blessing to others the way our son is to us. God works in mysterious and amazing ways!
Friday, May 14, 2010
"Gwandma Na Is Good!"
"Gwandma Na" lives life mostly from her living room sanctuary, so, when Grandma told Greta that she was good~ Greta decided this was something to celebrate!
When this occurred, I began wonder how often my response is not "I am good." More often than I would like to admit, I let my circumstances or my symptoms dictate my day...good .....or bad..... when really, every day is good! Every day we open our eyes to the morning light is something to celebrate. I like to remember that every day is an opportunity for a miracle because God is in the center of it.
Psalm 118: 24 says, "This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!"
We cannot deny that there are times that are really tough, and it is hard to feel positive sometimes due to tragic or difficult circumstances. It is more than okay to be honest about where we find ourselves, but when we remember that God is with in us and with us, loves us, and will never leave us ~then like Greta we have reason to celebrate~ reason to say, "I am good".
I hope that each of you today find reason to say, "I am good!" If you need encouragement and inspiration visit Charlotte and Ginger at Spiritual Sundays.
Please Watch And Be Informed
May 12th was CFIDS/CFS/ME Awareness Day. This debilitating illness is often misunderstood by those who come across it. Today, in honor of those who do suffer with this life changing illness ~ including my husband Joel and myself, I am posting this video with the hope that you will take the 6 minutes needed to view it.
Some people are able to function at 30-50% of their former selves, others are bedridden or homebound, and a select few regain nearly all their health back. On a side note, Joel functions at 40% and I am one of the homebound ~ with our illnesses complicated by Lyme Disease. Those of us fighting this illness do not want pity or even expect clear understanding. Across the board we want people to be informed and accepting. A cure is needed. Thank you.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Thankful Thursday Thinking
This week I am thankful for a faster-than-lightening answer to prayer ~ God has given me the idea to create a book from these stories. I am both excited and apprehensive to begin this new adventure! And surprised too ~ I always thought I would write a book about living with chronic illnesses! Maybe that will come later...for now I am leading where God is guiding me!
Thank you God that you are a God of surprises!!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
The Gift of Love
This Sunday is Mother's Day~ a time set aside to remember and honor mothers. I believe that all women are mothers in one form or another~ not just those with birth, adopted or step children, but all women who show love to and nurture others.
I have to share a story about our son Mark who was three at the time. We had adopted him as an infant when we lived in The Philippines, and it was quite obvious that he was not our birth child. I was disciplining him one day and he said to me, "You can't tell me what to do, you are not my real mother!" I responded back to him, "Oh yes I am...I have fed you, clothed you, and loved you with my whole heart~ I am as real as it gets!" I never heard another word about that subject again (chuckle).
I have had the privilege of having 3 mom who raised me until I was 12, when she was no longer capable, and my two older sisters who took over the job after that. They all fed me, clothed me, and loved me with their whole hearts ~ doing the best they could at the time.
Love is the most important gift we can give anyone. The Bible devotes a whole chapter to it ~ I Corinthians 13. And all of us know the value of Jesus's perfect love for each of us ~ dying for our sins.
On this Mother's Day I pray that each of you have been blessed with the gift of a mother's love from someone who has touched your life, and in return may we be that gift to others each and every day!
Join others at Spiritual Sundays ( to read or add your own inspirational posts. Ginger and Charlotte welcome everyone!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Memorial Box Monday: Here After All!
I have many stories to share about how well God worked out the details up to and after my surgery, and I have shared a couple already. Today, once again, the memory that came to mind has to do with that time.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
I am now being challenged by a nasty flare up of my Lyme Disease and CFS/ME as a result of the surgery. Being on the sofa or in bed 20 hrs a day has been difficult. But more of a challenge has been my effort to resist accepting my "life after cancer" I know it is a process, just like my body's recovery, but I have used a lot of my limited energy to keep my feelings stored behind a locked door in my mind. This week I finally was able to open that door, come out from under my wool comforter(affectionately named Woolie) and attempt to deal with my new reality. The great news is, I don't have to do this alone. God has promised to always be with me. God has promised to be with all of us. In Isaiah 41:10 (NLT) we read:
Today's email devotional by Rick Warren spoke of surrendering to God and what that means. Resistance, surrender, acceptance ~ these are all words that are swirling around in my head and heart right now. I saw an image of a small child who squirms in her father's arms, wanting to get down and be on her way when the father only wants to protect his child. I saw myself doing the same thing. Do you ever find yourself resisting God? God is willing to hold us in His loving arms, protecting, and guiding our journey ~ but I seem to be resisting and squirming, determined to do things my way. The difference is I am old enough to know that my Father wants what is best for me, when often a small child does not. It is just so hard to let go of our own will, isn't it!
I have a lot to learn in this life after cancer and I HAVE that privilege, but first I need to cease resisting where I find myself, surrender and accept God's plan, and focus on all the goodness that has come from this journey. It is a journey we all take at different times in our lives for many different reasons, but we are all blessed to have God's promise to walk with us along the way.
For more inspirational posts visit Charlotte and Ginger at Spiritual Sundays.