It is raining and windy here this Memorial Day Saturday with temperatures hoping to reach 70. Rain is forecast for the weekend with some heat and humidity "blessing" us tomorrow. It began raining heavy in the night so Joel got up and 3:30 am and went downstairs to sit on the front porch and enjoy the rain. Everything looks so very green, many shades, with bursts of red, yellow, pink, and more everywhere. This year especially, I am soaking it up. It's great to be alive, isn't it?!
Speaking of green, Joel made a mini-garden for our back deck in the hopes that we can grow green beans and cucumbers without the deer and rabbits coming to nibble. He did a good job, using my nephew Bill and his wife Deb's own container garden as an example to follow. The rabbit family that lives under our deck is so cute with their babies hopping around now, but they are eating our hostas! Hopefully not our veggies! The price we pay for nature. The deer love to come through our yard on their way to the river so they graze on our lilies upfront. Ugh....I don't like the deer because deer mean Lyme ticks and ticks mean Lyme Disease.
Green beans, cucs, and potted basil
Joel also managed to get a big dead branch down from a locust tree that hangs over our deck yesterday. It was up pretty high but our neighbor suggested he use a weighted rope to get it instead of standing on a ladder and sawing with a long extended sharp clipper on one end. To risky. It made me nervous to watch anyway, so I went inside and kept busy, telling him to just let me know when it was done!
This weekend we remember those who died serving our country. We also remember those we loved who have died. Too many to number at this time of our lives. Grateful for them and how they shaped our lives.
So this past week we ventured to the garden center once again, adding a couple of flower baskets to our few outside. Tuesday was my eye shot again and I got a phone call Monday telling me to wear a mask and that my driver had to wait outside. I was not happy about that since I cannot remember the last time I went without Joel, well, anywhere except the radiation room. When I got into the clinic the staff ( who see me every 3 weeks and in some ways have gone through this cancer journey with me also) asked me where Joel was. They are used to visiting with him. I told them about the phone call and they said that is not our policy, must be a Des Moines policy. My response was "Oh, good. You know how people have therapy dogs? I have a therapy husband!" Just like in the past, they keep me separate from others and try to "whisk me in and out". It makes me uncomfortable to say the least, but the nurse will have it no other way.
This morning one float with High School senior band members came through town and into our association playing their instruments. This is Band Festival weekend where bands come from all over to play in a parade. It is Meredith Wilson weekend here! It has been cancelled but I expect the seniors got creative and paraded around town playing, being this is their last year. There have been so many great ways people are connecting and having special experiences as they have had to set aside the normal things we have all taken for granted.
We are giving thanks today that my sister Jo who raised me, Gr. Jo to our family, is now home from the hospital after spending nearly a week there alone. Alone. No one could visit her, and she was too weak to spend more than a few minutes on the phone. It is a strange and sad season we are in the midst of. My sister Janelle advocated for her with nurses and doctors via the phone as they tried to take care of her and figure out her health issues with her lungs and heart. Thankfully, two Covid tests were negative, they have gotten a few answers, and she can now be home with Janelle caring for her and Home Health Care in the picture. It would not be safe for her in rehab with so much Covid-19 in her area and in care facilities. Please keep her in prayer.
Mayo Clinic called this week as we made the decision I would go to their breast clinic for my after cancer care. They are so diligent and thorough, and like our oldest son said, "Mom if you have to be seen every three months and followed for surveilance and after care you might as well have the A-Team." So I head over mid June for a consult and exam and probably infusions for my bone care. I will also need to go back for physical therapy due to issues returning where nodes were removed and radiation took place. It seems that the bi-lateral mastectomy, chemo and radiation are the "gifts" that keeps on giving.
We continue to mostly shelter in place, social distance, and just plain avoid people, places and things that are not necessary. It is not easy, but we feel it is the best way for us to live right now. We do not make our choices out of fear. We miss life as it was, but just don't feel God is telling us anything different right now. We are so grateful for online worship that you can go to, any time any place anywhere. We have been doing that for years and now all the services we attend are at home.
Joel and I have both been reading more lately....another Covid blessing. Joel is reading his friend John Skipper's memoir and I am reading a book our oldest daughter sent me for Mother's Day...the best seller "The Nightingale". Both are so good! What are you reading?
Grateful. We are so very grateful for being able to have a mini garden, enjoy some beautiful flowers, listen to the rain, even in the middle of the night from the front porch. We are grateful our family is doing well, we can walk or bike, chat with neighbors across the street, pick up a phone and call loved ones, have the doors and windows open and smell Spring! What are you grateful for this weekend?
Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend!