Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Light As Feathers

This morning Joel and I sat quietly after asking God to share with us something He wanted to tell each of us today.  Immediately I saw myself surrounded by white feathers.  They were swirling around me and I was standing waist deep in feathers.  I saw myself smiling as I reached out and put one in my hand.

As I pondered if these were angel feathers or God's sheltering feathers I heard these words:  "Your worries are as light as a feather...."  I was stunned by what God was saying.  I questioned, "All these white feathers are my worries?  Waist deep, surrounding and swirling around me.....worries?  God interrupted my thoughts with His words....."Your worries are as light as a feather when placed in MY hands." I saw God's enormous hand come down from the sky and then I saw myself putting a feather in the palm of His hand.   Of course!  What I had heard became clear to me when seeing His hand......

When we place our worries into God's hands, they become light as a feather in our lives.  They do not burden us or weigh us down.  God has often used feathers when He talks with me. Our oldest daughter reminds me of that with gifts focused on His sheltering feathers and a friend sends me text images of feathers periodically.  Feathers led us to Bethel Church nearly 3 years ago and scriptures on feathers helped me walk through cancer in 2015.  And today God used them to bring peace and assurance to an old worrier!   Psalm 91:4 has become such an important scripture for me over the past five years, that I want to share it with you today.

I would expect we all have a few worries weighing us down right now.  I know I do.  Being honest here, I struggle with worrying the cancer will come back.  I worry about Joel getting Covid-19...I worry I will get it, or our family members and what that could mean for them.  Do to childhood situations I experienced , being "safe" has always been at the top of my needs list.  Through Holy Spirit's guidance most of that has healed, but the last two years of cancer and surgeries and now the Covid-19 virus are whispering to me that the world is not safe, my world is not safe.  Yeah, I worry.......And many many times I am not even aware of how much those worries creep into my mind, body, and spirit.

But God is aware of how the enemy spends his time seeking to "kill, steal, and destroy", even in our worries.  In His deep love for us He wants us to know where our peace and courage lie.  It is in Him.  Today He opened the door for me to be aware that He is waiting for me to once again place all my worries in His more than capable hands.  All of us can place our worries in God's capable hands,  and by placing them in His hands, they become light as feathers!

ceramic feather given to me
by our oldest daughter

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