Saturday, February 25, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this last weekend of February.  This past week brought a powerful storm dumping up to 12 inches of snow in many places of the Midwest.  We got "only" six inches and that is enough.  Snow and wind brought things to a standstill for a while.  And for Monday?  Rain is forecast!  Crazy weather! 

 Friday morning Joel called me to come look out the upstairs window at 5 deer in the neighbor's yard. They know where they can find some food!  They were pretty to look at from afar.  Mostly gentle animals, I have seen one annoyed with me......It was eating the neighbor's bushes and I went outside in the yard to chase it away.  When the doe started pawing the ground and snorting I heeded her warning and backed off retreating to the deck.  I was not going to confront a deer that perceived me as a threat. I was unable to save the neighbor's bush!

Monday I saw the doctor and asked if they ever do referrals to Mayo for eye surgeries.  The doctor immediately connected with his staff in Des Moines to have them look into it and now I have a consultation with Mayo Ophthalmology the third week of March.  Just like that.  I like my regular doctor a lot and know he has done all he can, but I guess a second opinion is not a bad idea.......and the month we wait will give us time to know if my eye is getting better or not.  I know the pain is still there because I stopped taking Tylenol 2-3 times a day for stomach issues that arose, and was only taking a pain med and I woke up this morning with the pain speaking loudly.  Seriously done with this.  

We planned to go to Ash Wednesday services but the snow storm had us staying home to worship.  We also had communion and distribution of ashes at home.  Plan B.  I was remembering one Lent growing up when there was a storm.  We still went to church.....walking the mile to get there through a whole lot of snow!  There was only one other family at church besides us.  Our reward for trooping through the storm was being able to stop for hot chocolate on the way back home! That did not happen here! No walking through the snow or hot chocolate!

Friday we went to the theater to see the movie, "Jesus Revolution", based on a true story.  I felt strongly that we were to go see it.  And since we had not gone to a movie theater for 8 years, it was a new adventure.  Especially with my eyes.....but I took a fleece blanket and my sunglasses and it went well.  After coming home, I did research on the names and ministries that came from this period of time when the hippies in California started believing in Jesus.  It is certainly a story from our generation, and a powerful story of how God works.  It just came out this week and runs parallel with the Asbury Revival in my thinking.  The most interesting character for me was Pastor Chuck Smith and what happened in his life and in the lives of thousands when he stepped out of his comfort zone and said yes to Jesus.  So good..........

As I bring this scribbles to an end today I am giving thanks for going to the movie, Jesus Revolution, for the Asbury Revival and those hungry for more of God.  Grateful for doctors, for worship, for prayers, for movies about Jesus, for those brave enough to step out in faith and obedience to God.  Grateful for a warm house, fireplace, wool comforter, and homemade chicken and rice soup.  Grateful for the internet live streams that have Bible studies, worship services, and teachings about God at our fingertips.  Grateful for Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.  Grateful for homemade soup.  Grateful for phone calls, texts, emails, and so much more............

Enjoy the weekend!

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this third weekend in February.  This week we had one day of rain...steady.....and then a bit of snow later in the week.  Will be close to 40 again today.  The world around us is stark and black, white, and brown in color.  The river below is full.  The animals are still mostly quiet except for a few squirrels and deer.  Of course I wouldn't know what moves around at night.........I am never out at night!  When I start getting ready for bed at 9 there is not much time for "partying" before that!  Ha

Speaking of partying, our son Mark turned 48 this week.  We have spent time thinking back on how he came to our family ~ I wrote about it on Facebook~ and we are so thankful for this soon to be 50 son of ours.  Where does the time go?  It can't have always been easy for him to be in our family where his dad served mostly rural or small town churches and there would be so few if any people who were not white. With his beautiful skin and afro hair he stood out for sure.  I remember once an elderly woman in church reached over the pew and patted his hair.  At age 3 he turned around and looked at her and said, "Yes, my hair is curly, and I am black, too!"  A woman who was curious on how his hair felt!  Seriously, though, racism did raise it's ugly head at time with our beautiful family.  I am not sure much has changed.

On a lighter note, has anyone heard anything about the Asbury (University) Revival going on at a Kentucky non-denominational college campus?  It's all over social media and has caught my attention for sure.  I have watched the live stream a couple of days and it is exciting to see so many youth seeking more of God.  Busses have come with kids and staff from many other universities, people are driving and flying there from across the country and out of country?  Wow....Bless them all Lord!

My eye saga continues.  Pain led me to using a pain medication which is taking awhile to take affect.  We are talking about eye removal and where to go for that.  What do I want?  Relief.

February also brings with it an AA birthday for my mom.  She celebrated 35 years of sobriety before dying at the age of 92.  So proud of her courage and determination.  If she was alive I would  not be speaking of would her story to share, but for anyone who may have a family member or themselves are struggles with addiction, it is possible to live a full and healthy life again.  

Not much going on this past week....seeing a retina dr got me out the door.  Shopping for groceries.... Otherwise I made Joel cookies, cleaned a couple of bathrooms, and and cooked a few meals.  Seriously, just day to day while managing the drama.  One of the highlights of the week was talking to my sister Jan for an hour and my friend Katherine who blessed me with some powerful prayer time.  She is on fire for the Lord and I sure miss giving her an in person hug! 

Hope you had a good Valentine's Day~!  So thankful Joel and I have had 56 February 14th celebrations together!  So blessed!!!

We have kept up with our Bible listening and I have not found Numbers anymore exciting than Leviticus....except for the talking donkey!!   The supernatural power of God at work!   The book of Mark which we listen to daily also, has much to say!  We listen to the weekly podcast too which gives us a better understanding of what we are reading.  It has actually been fun to get into this!

Best close this scribbles.........We are grateful for the continual help and guidance from God with my eye.  Gratefu for what we are learning about the Bible.....Never too old to learn more~  Grateful for my mom and the years we had with her.  Grateful for laughing with my sister Jan. Grateful for praying with Katherine.  Grateful for this Asbury Revival and what it is stirring up.  Grateful for our son Mark and his 48 years of life. Grateful for a great phone call with him.   For celebrating 56 Valentine Days with Joel.   Grateful for texts, emails, packages that arrive in the mail, phone calls, and so much more...

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles


Good Saturday to you from the Upper Midwest where temperatures will reach a balmy 40 drees today.  What???  Such strange weather this year,  Up and down for sure.  Snow still provides us a winter wonderland but I expect the lakes are not so safe for ice fishing or kite flying with the fluctuation of temperatures.  Even though it is only February, we are so ready for Spring here!

Speaking of weather, the other night I told Joel I wanted to walk around the cul-de-sac after dark.  He put his coat on to go with me and off we went.  We got as far as two steps onto our sidewalk from the porch and started to slip and slide.  I grabbed the side of the house and Joel navigated us back to the porch where we took in a little fresh air but no walking!  I'm sure it was comical to see  but not experience!  The cold...warm...cold....pattern has made the ground slippery at times.

That cold...warm...cold pattern seems like my journey with my eye too.  Last couple of days have brought me more pain and discomfort which is frustrating but we have been forewarned that this is how it is.  Still trying to save the eye.  We know that God could heal my eye in  a blink of mine.....he heals eyes, the Bible tells us so.  Have we seen my eye healed?  No.  Do we continue to pray for it?  Yes.  And even when we don't begin to understand and have a million whys we would love to get answers to, we remember that God is faithful.  He is good. 

Speaking of God, I often hear from Him through scriptures that come and come and come again...repetition speaks to me of God.  But he has been silent and then yesterday when Joel was praying for what direction to go with my eye I heard a quiet voice, the familiar although not often heard voice say...."Trust Me".   So, we intentionally trust even when we don't understand..  We worship as a sacrifice if necessary.  This was all affirmed to me this morning as I listened to a Lisa Harper YouTube video on the same subject.  So, we move forward or stand firm living one day at a time, praying for guidance and healing while lamenting with honesty our suffering.  God is good with that.  

Does anyone else have wild dreams?  I sure do.  The other night I woke myself up from one.  I dreamt a drone was attacking me.....(I am not kidding) and I woke up swinging my bed pillow up in the air trying to hit the drone while yelling..."Get away from me"!  Where did that come from?  Well, a week ago I watched a funny show called, "So, help me Todd" and in the show a drones were attacking and chasing a couple of was humorous....but  showed up days later in my "nightmare".  Joel talks a lot in his sleep and laughs and also prays in his prayer language in his sleep which often wakes him up.  I am thinking I need more of his kind of dreams!

We are moving forward in our daily Bible listening in both the Old and New Testaments.....into Numbers now.  I still do not like how God handles things in the Old Testament.  Such wrath.  Ugh.....  We are also in Mark, which is about Jesus and his ministry....that makes sense to me!

We have been watching our favorite show, "All Creatures Great and Small" on our PBS channel Sunday nights.  A new season started and it is as good as the last,  We are old enough to have watched the original series many years ago....and of course we read the books.  This newer version is even better!  

So, as I end this week's ramblings, I am thankful for our favorite show starting up again.  Grateful for hearing God speak quietly in my head.  Grateful for the days I am better, and for days we can open the windows to let in fresh air.  Grateful for phone calls, texts, emails, and more.  Grateful we are through Leviticus and half way through Numbers in our Bible journey.  Grateful for warmer weather, walks in the house for me and outside for Joel.  Grateful for Lisa Harper's videos on YouTube.  Grateful for family and friends, good doctors, and great prayer warriors....and so much more....

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this first weekend of February 2023. This week has brought bitterly cold temps with wind chills in double digits below zero.  Today we head back up with a forecast of 33 degrees.  So unpredictable!  

Speaking of unpredictable, that would be the way of this eye drama as it continues.  The week before last there were 4 of 7 nights where sleep did not come easy or stay around,  Last Sunday night after 12 hours of relentless pain and a sleepless night I headed to the doctor and we have a plan in place with new meds and environmental changes that has now reduced the pain, helped me sleep more, and hopefully is reducing the inflammation that has flared again.  Such is this journey and it will be months before we know if my eye can be saved.  We do know the doctor is doing everything he can to save the eye, although the vision will never return.  Right now I am just happy to be sleeping and getting through the days without persistent pain.  Thank you for all your prayers as we cautiously make our way forward.

Speaking of making our way forward,  we also continue on in our journey to read the whole Bible this year. Audio version!  This is through Lutheran Church of Hope and their sermons and weekly podcast are great places to get deeper insights into what we are reading.  So, that being said, Leviticus is a loooooong list of rules that tend to make me yawn, but we will soon be heading into Numbers and.....oh yeah, more yawning ahead!  But insights too.  Just have to wade through to pull out the nuggets of gold.  I am certainly getting a new and better perspective of the Old Testament.  

I seldom leave home, but was able to make homemade bread this week, and cut Joel's hair again.  Surprised he trusts his one wonky eyed wife to do it~  Ha!  Joel is able to stay connected to his colleague group, Wednesday nights at church, and Saturday's Gabby Grandpas group.  He has been with the same guys in his colleague group for 24 years.  Pretty amazing and great support as these 5 pastors stay connected.  

My sister had another birthday!  She doesn't dwell on her age (86) but she is trucking around, looks amazing, and lives life to the fullest that she can.  Happy birthday Jan!  Our grandson has his birthday on the same day, turning 15 already. Happy Birthday S.!

Joel has been reading aloud a book I gave him for Christmas filled with animal stories.  It has provided comic relief at times and taken us back to our own pets.  We had several cats over the years until kids became allergic so we turned to miniature schnauzers....Sir Jacob Manchester Sackett (Jake) and Levi The Little Guy (Levi).  Each lived close to 14 very well bred, the other coming from a puppy mill.  Both deeply loved.  They entertained, comforted, and encouraged us through life and we are thankful for them both.  Sure miss having a pet around the house!

Best close this as eye time on devices is limited.  Today I am grateful for less pain, a doctor who keeps working hard to save my eye, for Joel's continual love and support, for phone calls and texts that keep me going.  Grateful for sleep....such a gift!  Grateful for celebrations like birthdays.  Grateful for homemade bread, fresh fruits at our beck and call, catered meals from dear friends.  Grateful for music, audio Bible versions, being able to cut Joel's hair, and so much more!

Enjoy your weekend!