Lately I find myself singing the chorus of a song I like. It draws my eyes unto Jesus, and seems appropriate for Holy Week.
I love I love.....I love Your presence
I love I love.....I love Your presence
I love I love............I love You Jesus
I love I love......I love your presence
A few days ago when I listened to the whole song, part of a verse drew my attention and brought me back to God's persistent message to me about resting.
"In the glory of Your presence
I find rest for my soul"
There it was again.......RESTING. That same day a comment left by a cyber friend in reply to a post I wrote brought tears to my eyes as it spoke Gods message to me a second time. Gayle wished me happy birthday and said, " may you find rest for your soul".
Rest for my soul.
I long for peace, but I am not so good at resting. It is a difficult concept for me, but one that God keeps addressing. During my quest for healing this past year, I have often struggled with my desire to find the key~ the formula to releasing the healing Jesus provides. I have been diligently seeking and striving instead of resting and trusting in the promises of God.
I do rest in what the Bible says in Isaiah 53, among other places~ that Jesus died for our sins and all diseases. Just like with salvation, I believe healing is availble for ALL, but there is no formula for receiving and releasing that healing. With Joel is was overnight. He commanded healing come into his body, and. it. did. Period. Amazing, right?
Recently I read a book titled, "Your Healing Door" by Pastor Greg Mohr. He wrote about the many doors available for your healing and that of others you pray for. He went on to say how important it is to listen to the Father's voice speak to us when in need of healing, and then in obedience we do what God says. Mohr metioned that God does not use a formula for healing because THEN we would rely on the formula and NOT on God! I have read many books on healing and like this one the best, as it explains things so clearly and simply.....including a chapter on when healing does not occur.
Since reading Pastor Mohr's book, I have begun to ask God what HE wants me to do regarding the return of symptoms that have me in my recliner struggling with discouragement. Remember when the Holy Spirit told Joel I was to walk to the river, which was a very strange answer to what I was experiencing? I did so and ended up going to Urgent care for a big increase of UTI symptoms immediately following that walk. Sometimes Jesus uses medicine to heal too and the antibiotics I was given cleared me of that condition. Yesterday I was feeling anxious over how weak I am and while visualizing in the Garden of my heart, the Holy Spirit showed me I was to praise God and so I began to do so, praising Him with scriptures and with whatever came from my heart. The fear left and joy took its place. Some of the weakness left, but mostly it was a renewing of my mind that happened when my focus went from me to Jesus!
I know that it is here that I find rest for my soul. When my focus is on Jesus......when I stop worrying over my circumstances.....when it is not all about me.....when I open my heart to God's timing and God's way, trusting Him completely. He beckons me with familiar words:
Come to me all who are weary.....oh I am so weary of striving, Lord......
and you will find rest for your soul. Thank you Jesus....I need that rest. Thank you Lord for not giving up on me, for not giving up on any of us. Thank you Lord for persisting. Thank you Lord for sending your Son who suffered so greatly on that cross for our sins and our diseases. Thank you Lord for Your presence in our lives. Thank you Lord Jesus for providing rest for our souls.
"In the glory of Your presence