Sunday, July 30, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday and Sunday to you from our corner of Iowa where the hot and humid weather kept us inside much of the week.  With dewpoints in the mid to high 70's the air was thick and heavy.  Today we are experiencing lower temps and it feels so great!

Speaking of feeling great, I expect that is how many Ragbrai riders were feeling Saturday as they finish up their week long trek across Iowa.  It is an annual bike ride, this year 18,000 registered for the week, with thousands more joining for a day or maybe a few hours to be part of the pack.  Most of the week they rode in high heat and humidity often leaving before dawn to ride up to 100 miles a day.   It is a pretty good group of people of all ages that join this annual challenge,  '

Speaking of riding, Joel has managed a few rides earlier in the morning, but has never had an interest to ride with 18,000 others, camp outside, etc.  Some have friends or family that follow along with an RV, etc. which is great! And smart!  

Speaking of great, we have been able to spend time with friends this week who left our city 5 years ago to be full time RVers and serve in shelters, Salvation Armies, or Food Shelves aong the way.  They came for food and fellowship Wednesday night and then we went and watched them when they had a presentation of their lifestyle and ministry.   They greatly enjoy their new and after 5 years not so new life~!  Great to see old friends!

Speaking of old friends, we had two stop by for a short visit Saturday morning.  Dave and Deb came by for hugs and to catch up.  I have been praying for Dave since he and I were both kids,  He grew up in Brazil, the child of missionaries.  My home church helped support their family and I can remember looking at the bulletin board at church, seeing pictures of the Grant family and wondering what it was like to be missionary kids,,,,we prayed for them in Sunday School.  Then decades later we met them as a couple when Joel was serving a church in North central MN where he also was serving a church.   Realizing who he was, and our connection with adoption,  put us on a path to friendship.  Again, such a small world,

Joel had colleague group this week and was able to get to  most of it inbetween getting me to the doctor to check the ear thing.  He did a little woodworking and deck step building.  (His finger is is healing well. )  It really was a small injury that bled a lot.  Joel is helping out this morning with our church's healing/annointing with oil service that ocurs occasionally.  Something he feels strongly about. I have been walking daily, doing some writing, but mostly saving energy for visits from friends.  A rare but welcoming time.  Ear infection is gone but balance issues and sore ears continue.  Maybe a decongestant or antihistamine will help.  

Our resident wren has quit singinig and chatting all the time which probably means her babies have left the nest.  Miss her morning chatter~!  A few more rabbits are hopping around, and a couple of noisy crows are making themselves known.  Our plan is to get down to the river road this week.  It has been paved and set up as only a walking and biking path now.  Nice!  It was filled with potholes and ruts for so many years.  Such a pretty area only 5 minutes from us down the association path.  

I best end this scribbbles and get it posted.  Grateful for seeing dear friends, one couple we have known for nearly 3 decades and other couple for 4 decades!  We are old!  Grateful for laughter, tears, and all emotions inbetween.  Grateful for sunshine and cooler weather again.  Grateful for healing of fingers and ears.  Grateful for our oldest son who had a birthday.  Grateful for the good man he is.  Grateful for phone calls, texts, photos, emails and in person hugs.  Grateful for our home, our family, our friends, and so much more........

Enjoy your weekend~!

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from another beautiful day in Iowa.  The sun is shining, there is a gentle breeze, and the flowers are showing off their beauty.  We are delighted that our yellow pansey plant is still going strong.  They usually don't do too well in the heat of summer but this one is sturdy and blessing us daily from the porch view. Joel told me a sparrow decided to nestle down in the pansies and sat preening himself, looking around, and even singing before it took off again.  Joel loves to go out early and have his coffee while nature wakes up for the day.

Speaking of porch sitting, we have managed some, although the air quality was unhealthy a couple days at least.  So far the mosquitoes have not found us during the day.   Joel has spent most the week rebuilding the steps on our back deck, and staining them.  He'll stain the whole deck eventually.  We have a big maple tree he can work under which provides the shade he needs.  I love that Maple tree and enjoy resting with the back door open so I can hear that tree as the wind blows through its leaves.  

Speaking of trees they finally were able to come and trim our 60 ft. high trees up front and in the back too.  Five hours of work and a whole boatload of cash expended has us feeling better about the trees.  Especially those that hang over onto our two neighbors properties.  The owner of the tree company came by the night before and he gavc Joel a piece of wood ......a "burl"..,,from a wood native to the Bahamas where he had been on vacation.  What a nice gift for Joel!  Of course it cannot be used for anything, but it is a great conversation piece.

We asked our retired opthamologist neighbor to look at my MRI report since I can't get answers until August......crazy wrong.  Anyway it was very helpful and especially since he told me that I had some fluid show up in my mastoid air cells and that alone can cause balance issues.  Well, long story short, last night my balance was really bad and then my ears started hurting.  Joel wanted me to get it checked so we went to urgent care this morning and sure enough, for the first time ever, I have ear infections!  What?  Dr. said my balance should definitely improve so we are hopeful!  So glad we asked our neighbor for his inisghts.........thank you neighbor and thank you God!

Speaking of neighbors today our neighbor from our old neighborhood, Millie, is having a celebration of her many many years of doing day care.  She truly served children in the community doing the "Lord's Work" in caring for little ones.   She has used her gifts well.  When Joel was in seminary I did day care in our home...three years.  We enjoyed the little ones and their parents too.  There were two little girls who often spent weekends with us too as mom and dad were involved in work that took them for weekends and during the week.  We took care of one little girl for 9 days.  She even spend her first birthday with us.  When her parents came to get her she would not leave my arms.  She was confused as she thought we were her new family.  It opened my eyes to how hard it can be for little ones when their parents are gone long periods of time.  Anyway, doing day care was enjoyable but not something I would want to do for decades.  Way to go, Millie!  So thanful for people dedicated to caring for the children of others.

Speaking of thankful, I am thankful for porch sitting, Joel riding and me walking, nice weather, antibiotics that heal, people like Millie, my energizer bunny Joel, helpful neighbors, our big Maple tree, the trimmed trees, phone calls, texts, and emails... and so much more.........

Enjoy your weekend....

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this hazy, smoke-filled day here in the Upper Midwest.  Iowa has again joined many other states with poor air quality due to Canada's fires.  If it is bad here how is Canada fairing?  Earlier in the week we had a lot of rain....probably over three inches which is a good thing except that our trees are still waiting for the tree people to show up.  Joel went out mid week and trimmed off all the leaves and thin branches from the large limb that fell.  It will be next week before they get here and Joel didn't want the leaves, etc. laying on the grass so long.  He just took out his trusty chain saw and safely did what he could;  

On Thursday we had family stop by too.  Our niece's husband was taking his stepdaughter back to her home in the south when they hit a deer about 1/2 hour from here.  Joel went and picked them up  Thursday and we had a nice visit before our niece arrived here from north central Minnesota .  It was nice to see everyone again and get some hugs, share some laughter.

Friday was our appointments with our favorite dermatologist.  We both came home with hugs and good reports.  Yay!  Speaking of reports, I finally messaged my neurologist on Tuesday asking for the report on the MRI's I had on July 6th to be explained.  Seems my neurologist is GONE the whole month of July.  They had her colleague look at the report and give a one sentence reply that I could probably go ahead and go on medication....Gabepenten....BUT no explanation of the report from the radiologist.  They said if I had any questions regarding the report I would have to wait until August for answers.  So, after I calmed down some from this news, I am trying to focus on the fact there was not any cancer our any evidence of pathology in the trigeminal nerve...........whatever that means.  I am thinking the no evidence is a good thing, just like the no signs of tumors, etc.  I am left with the symptoms and no help at present as I am not going to my primary without a report from the neurologist that actually SAYS something.  I have noted clearly that the symptoms get worse when I am really stressed.   I am not surprised by that.  So we continue to wait, pray, and believe. I am 6 months with these symptoms which can be challenging for both of us.  Once in awhile I have a symptom free day.  Once in awhile a rough day with a lot of head pain.   Most days I have some level of head pressure,  aching and balance issues.  But life goes forward and hope continues to lead the way.

Joel has been busy with woodworking, biking, yard work, and office work since he is preaching tomorrow.  He has a few Sundays in August marked on the calendar too.  I am still walking up to 25 minutes a day, writing the book, working with the Curable App, and doing a few household chores.  Right now I have homemade bread rising.  It has been awhile!

We have found little to watch on TV at night.  We finished the Jesse Stone series of movies.  Thought about watching Blue Bloods with Tom Sellack, but it is not for free on any of the livestreams we have. Hallmark has Christmas in July going.  It is not our cup of tea.  I need to take the time to researcch what shows we would like......we are particular so they are few and far between!  I miss being able to read more, but have audiobooks through Hoopla which connects with the library system.  

Speaking of books, I have enjoyed re-reading some of the stories I have written regarding our lives.  So much history in 55 years together.  So many adventures...mostly good, some bad, and even a few ugly.  It is always helpful to look back and see how God was in the midst of everything.  AND He still is!

So today I am grateful for God being in the midst of our lives....always.  Grateful for no bad news from the MRI's and for a good determatology report.  Grateful for Joel's many abilities...even with a chain saw.  Grateful for homemade bread rising and cookies baked.  Grateful for porch sitting on smoke free days!  Grateful for a family visit.  Grateful for the rain that was so needed.  Grateful for memories that remind us that God is always with us.  Always in our midst.  Grateful for phone calls, texts, and emails. Grateful for the love and prayers of family and friends..... And so much mroe...........

Enjoy your weekend....

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Satlurday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this beautiful, cool summer day.  The sun is shining, the dewpoint is down, the sky is blue.  Flowers are blooming, corn is growing and birds are singing.  We love listening to our resident wren...she sings so often!  The other morning as we sat on the porch Joel noticed a cardinal across the street....and then another male cardinal .....and then yet one more!  a group of juveniles! It must be that time of year as our oldest son had a nest of cardinals in a bush and they were leaving the nest and flitting around too....

Speaking of nature, we had another BIG branch break off the locust tree and take a smaller branch off the Maple with it.  No deck or house damage though.  The tree guys promise (?) they will be here Monday first thing.  We hope to save the tree but the cutting will tell us whether it is possible or not.  Either way, it is costly to care for your trees!  Like small-used-car costly!  Hehe Add to that having to pay 2/3 of the prosthetic eye cost and we are buckling down, BUT grateful to be able to have the money to take care of it.  

Speaking of the eye this past Thursday I had an MRI on my eyes and on my face and then contrast added for another round.  I was under that loud, tightly bound machine  of torture for nearly 1 1/2 hours.  They give you a panic button to squeeze just in case!  I am still recovering from the anxiety of it all.  The results came in but my doctor has to interpret was for the trigeminal nerve and also ruling out cancer which was not expected anyway.  I continue with the Curable App and most days are a 4-5 for pain levels.....better on and off over time which we pray will continue.  

Last Sunday we went to outdoor church...No wind, and partly cloudy.  The pastor who preached Joel has briefly known since he was a kid.  How exciting for his parents and the congregation who saw him grow up.  I expect Joel's home congregation felt the same way about him.  Small country church within walking distance from Joel's home farm his brother has now.  There are 17 Dahlens buried there in the church cemetery and we will also join the group when our time comes.  

Joel has been busy with "projects" and biking and floor cleaning this week.  I have been busy with some cleaning, writing, podcasts and walking.  Up to 25 minutes most days now.  We watched the fireworks from our house Monday night....they are less than a mile away and often debris lands in our yard!  We just turn the loveseat around and take in the view through the trees.  On the 4th my sister and her hubby came for strawberry shortcake and a nice visit.  It was hot and humid that day so we stayed inside.  

Speaking of the 4th, we have so much to be thankful for in America, don't we.  When we lived in a third world country where our maid whispered the president  of Philippines name.....where we watched children under the age of 5 going through our garbage for food scraps.....or watched the garbage men fight over our scraps and eating them right on the truck....  A country where we needed bars on our windows and hired guards to protect our property.....where poverty was the norm....Yeah.  Grateful for America, flaws and all.  Grateful for freedoms..........lets appreciate them, folks.  Grateful for having so much when most of the world has so little.  We didn't earn it.  We don't deserve it.  We are not chosen.  We are blessed.  We just happen to live in America.....and are so blessed.

SO, this week I am grateful for the country we live in, where we keep trying to get it right, have freedom to vote, read our Bible or speak our minds.  Grateful for a full fridge, a cozy home, another safe trip to Rochester, grateful the MRI's are over.  Grateful the tree branch did no real damage.  Grateful for strawberry shortcake topped with whipped cream and blueberries, fireworks, texts, pictures, emails, birthdays (Happy Birthday grandson), family, friends, and so much more....

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles



Good Saturday to you on this first day of July 2023.  It is another hazy, cloudy, humid day here in north Iowa.  The flowers seem to like the weather though, especially the rain we had last week....4 inches or more here.  Our resident wren is singing away and of course we were visited by two cardinals this past week too.  I wrote about them on my Facebook page.  Only God. 

our wedding June 1968

Speaking of "only God", yesterday we celebrated our 55th Wedding Anniversary.  With thanksgiving we enjoyed a special meal, a drive to Clear Lake (in Ventura IA) and a Jesse Stone movie, besides a few texts from family.  We are so very thankful for having so many years together.........longer than anyone on either side of our families (due to divorce or death).  At one time we had talked of going to Norway.........Joel's choice....or Hawaii........My choice.  But then life interrupted and we are just thankful we could go for a drive, enjoy a lake view, and be together still.  We have always said, we were prayed together and will stay together!

Joel keeps busy with yard work, woodworking projects, and biking.  The other day he opened the garage door while I was laying on sofa and said as he walked in through the kitchen..."Hi, I am taking the mailman downstairs to look at the small boxes I made, he might want a couple."  I looked up to see the mailman walk through and down the stairs with Joel, saying "Hello Ma'am. " as they walked by.  Okay then.  Seriously?  He led a stranger through the kitchen and living area and down the stairs past a bedroom to the family room to show him boxes?  We definitely have different ideas on what being safe at home means.  For me there is a high level of security to feel "safe".  For Joel, not so much.  It was "just" our fill in mailman, so no big deal.....In the end I was chuckling at what Joel will do to have another project to work on!  He likes keeping busy for sure.  Like recently when he carted home a bunch of wood scraps from the local college dumpster and then had to build a large box on wheels to store it in!  He is not good at doing "nothing" that is for sure.  

As I write this I am listening to George Winston piano music.  I remember back when we bought a piano in was scarce so we had to choose between a new bed ( a spring was poking out) or a piano for Bethany.  We were told when she was 7 that she was "gifted" musically.  So, we chose the piano and as was common in those days, got a big discount in the purchase because Joel was a pastor.  It wasn't long after that we had to use a saving bond to purchase a sat on the floor until the church bought us a frame and a dresser for Christmas.  And the piano?  Our oldest has that at her home and gives students piano lessons on it.  The piano teacher was right, she is very gifted musically and plays for schools and also keyboard for her church on Sundays.  All of our kids took piano lessons and more than one is gifted musically.  Two still play.  One of the best purchases we ever made!  I still miss listening to them....

I am walking daily, mostly inside....probably wearing out the living room wool rug!  I have been working on the book I keep feeling nudged to write.  I am using an app called "Curable" to manage and shift pain and it's patterns.  I have actually seen some shifts, subtle but noteworthy.  Each day is different here, so we enjoy the hours of freedom that comes with symptom relief, no matter how long it lasts.  Next week I head to Mayo for an MRI to see what that nerve damage really looks like.  

It is 4th of July weekend.  We have no plans but a little grilling and porch sitting.  I hope your long weekend brings a smile to your face as we celebrate this country we call America.  

Giving thanks today for America, for fireworks, for biking, walking, celebrations like birthdays and anniversaries.  Grateful for 55 years of marriage with Joel.  Grateful for rain, for lakes, for grilling, for Jesse Stone movies, for Curable App education, for flowers, for neighbors, for worship services live stream and in person...a freedom here in America!  Grateful for texts, emails, and photos that make family seem closer.  Grateful for Joel and our life together....and so much more.

Enjoy your weekend!!