Saturday, December 30, 2023

Saturday"s Scribbles

Good Saturday to you as we say good-bye to 2023 tomorrow.   Weather wise. It is a strange ending.   Yesterday Joel was mulching leaves again.  It's chilly but it's the end of December!  The animals seem a bit confused by our lack of winter, for sure many of us humans do!  Today the sun is shining for the first time in many days.  Good to have her back!

Speaking of being back, we were able to have our family gather this past week.  So good to have them back and our house be full of people, food, laughter, and conversation.  We savor those rare times and give thanks for each one who enters in to stay awhile.  Family came from Wisconsin,  Minnesota, NW Iowa, and South central Iowa.....They started arriving Tuesday afternoon and were all here by Wednesday morning.   Wednesday was our "Christmas Day" with a big meal, pie and cake, plenty of cookies, gifts, and good conversation.  We also can add in a walk by the river for Papa and a few grands, setting up a new TV by our tech grand after the oldest mechanical engineer grand helped Papa create a top for the TV stand so the new TV would fit!  The gals do most of the cooking and organizing and the guys do most of the clean up and dishes.   AND lets not forget there were plenty of hugs....boy do I love the hugs!

It fascinates me and makes me proud to see our grands doing so well in life.  To watch them embrace each other with great love and acceptance.  It blesses us to watch their relationships fine tune and grow as we welcome newbies into the family.  We ache for them all when they are gone, but oh how blessed we are to have them all in our lives.  Our hearts are bursting as we sit now in our quiet house, give thanks.....and hold tight to our memories.  We. are. blessed.

It was a busy week preparing for the gathering, and our own Christmas.  On Christmas Eve we watched Lutheran Church of Hope and another service before heading to our local church at 5:30 pm.  We saved our "Christmas" meals for when family would be here, but ended our meals with homemade pies....Joel's pumpkin and mine sweet potato pie with almond flour crust.  So good..

Speaking of so good, my energy has been better the last 2 1/2 weeks.....balance still wonky or more wonky....but improvements are being experienced and for that we are grateful. I'm walking indoors....Joel outside on nice brisk days.  

Well, people, 2023 is coming to an end and I confess, we are ready for a fresh start....praying that 2024 is filled with more abundant life and less difficulties.  Besides our own dramas, we have family and friends who are fighting cancer, reconvering from surgery, going through tests, hospitalized with heart issues, dealing with issues of body, soul, and spirit.  There is no lack of suffering in our broken world.  BUT there is always hope.  We have seen HOPE show up in the manger, on the cross, within each of us.  The HOPE that passes all understanding.  We hold on to it tightly, believing God and his Word.  In that we do rejoice and give thanks. 

Speaking of giving thanks, we have so much we are grateful for this week...Grateful for our home being FILLED to capacity ( 25 for dinner) with our big family.  Grateful for laughter, insights, our amazing family, gifts received.  Grateful for texts, phone calls, prayers....Grateul for worship services.  GRATEFUL for in person hugs, the sounds of laughter, the gift of love.  So so grateful for all this and so much more.........\

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles




                A Church In The Foothills

Every year about this time I reflect on a special Christmas service our family attended in 1978. I have shared this before, but thought I would write it from a story I wrote for our local newspaper several years ago.

When my husband was in the seminary we spent his Internship year in North Central Montana. Malta’s Parish consisted of four main Lutheran churches, a hot springs resort chapel, and a tiny church in Zortman, Mt. ~ a historic mining town nestled in the foothills of the Little Rocky Mountains. Joel and his internship pastor ministered to all of these areas.

The services at Zortman were held once a month, with most people driving around 75 miles across gravel roads to attend church and worship together. The small Catholic church sat on the top of a high hill and was one of only a few buildings in this small town. I believe at that time there were 9 full time residents in the place. People from the surrounding area often came to enjoy what the Little Rockies had to offer, and the small café/bar provided nourishment when they visited. We had the privilege of being a part of the Christmas service the year we were there, and it is tucked away in our memories forever.

Our family drove the long distance through snow and freezing temperatures that December, arriving with many others shortly before the service started. Everyone gathered at the local cafe/bar beforehand, with all of us dressed for the bitter cold in snowmobile suits, snowsuits, insulated underwear, heavy boots, scarves, and warm mittens. When it was time for the services to begin, everything in the little town closed up. It was dark outside, and as we left the cafe many of us were given lanterns to carry up the long hill to the church. We were one of the last families to leave, and in doing so we were able to watch the glowing lights move up the steep winding path as the people walked the trail to the church on the hill.  As each person carrying a lantern entered the sanctuary, the church filled up with light. What a beautiful sight to see!

Once we arrived in the sanctuary, we all huddled together on benches to keep warm. The wood burning potbelly stove, which stood in the corner of the room, gave off a warm glow and provided the only heat in the church. Our hymns of Christmas joy were especially meaningful as we sang along to the old pump organ. Joel's breath was visible as he preached the Christmas message. For many reasons, the Christmas story of Jesus being born in a humble stable held special meaning for us that night.

When services were over, we all walked back down the hill guided by the lanterns and moonlit sky. All those who attended went into the local bar/café for coffee, dessert, and more fellowship together, before heading back out into the cold and traveling home.

The service in the Little Rockies is forever a beautiful memory etched on our minds. Across the world people were coming together to worship our Lord and Savior and celebrate His birth. It did not matter whether we were worshiping in a big cathedral in New York City, or a tiny “borrowed” Catholic church in a small historic mining town in Montana. The focus was the same ~ giving glory to God for the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord!


Saturday, December 16, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you all on this cool, gray rainy day in mid December! snow, but rain forecast for the day. The geese are making quite a bit of noise lately.....they probably can't believe this is December in Iowa either!  Joel has been walking down by the river, usually around 4 or so and the geese are active then, getting ready to go feed.  I told Joel that a lot of us elderly eat supper around 5pm (we do not) just like the geese!  

It has been a quiet week here again in "Lake Woebegon".  A fictional place that Garrison Keillor has spoken and written about for decades.  Lake Woebegone is a place where the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and the children are above average!?!

So, quiet here.....mostly a week spent finishing up shopping, getting Christmas cards and newsletters off, and getting gift cards purchased for our Christmas gathering ....right after Christmas. 
Last Sunday Joel preached at two different churches south of Mason City and I watched live stream.  He continues to fill in one Sunday a month so they can have communion, baptisms, etc.  So many churches are lacking called pastors in our the whole midwest.  Sad state of affairs.  Joel is filling in at two churches where he was an Interim....twice over the years!  He knows the people, good people, and enjoys what he is doing.  

Speaking of Sunday, tomorrow will be the third one in Advent.  Joy!  Joy at remmebering the Savior's birth.  Joy in knowing that Jesus will come again.  Joy.....remembering that the JOY of the Lord is our strength.  

Speaking of Joy, Joel and I watched a movie Thursday night on Hallmark called  "Heaven Down Here".  It really was quite based, comical...had us laughing a lot....I'm planning to watch it again to take in some of the great statements made.  

I was telling my friend L. about the movie this morning.  We have been friends since I was 11 years old.  Her faith is strong and most of our conversations revolve around faith, who and what we need to pray for, and how Holy Spirit is working in our lives. We both have dealt with the good, the bad, and the ugly in our lives, but we have never walked alone.  God walks with us....with us all.   

Speaking of life's journey, I read an article today written by George Jerjian regarding retirement.  He was 52 when we was told he had six months to live.  That turned out to be a wrong diagnosis but he retired due to his challenging journey back to health.  What he discovered in his sixties was that he was bored, discouraged and felt like he had no he unretired and started his own business.  He has written 10 books to encourage others on their own journey through what I call the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Gratitude was something he learned to practice and embrace along the way.  Very intersting...

With that, I am closing this week's scribbles by giving thanks for the much needed rain....little as it is....Grateful for taking a couple trips to stores this week...Grateful for articles that make me think and movies that make me laugh and cry.  Grateful for the Christmas shopping getting done and Christmas cards getting out.  Grateful for Joel's walks by the river and my walks inside.   Grateful for geese, deer, birds, and more. Grateful Joel is still preaching.   Grateful for L. in my life.  Grateful for phone calls, prayers, texts, and emails.  Grateful for each sunrise and so much more.

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this cold, blustery day in Iowa.  A few snowflakes are swirling around in the air but nothing much is sticking to the groud yet.  Our "warm" December seems to be over....we'll see!  Next week we are heading for highs in the 40's again.  

Joel was able to catch a sunrise yesterday morning and then he sat on a chair in the dining room and watched three deer grazing in the yard.  They seemed to enjoy the Lilac bushes a lot!  

Speaking of December, we have the house decorated, the tree up and filled with ornaments, and the Christmas cards getting addressed.  Getting the newsletter ready was a challenge for a number of reasons.  In all honestly, looking back on the last year has been difficult.  Too much medical drama....too many days of little energy for me....too little travel, or other activities.  Putting that aside, we also had trouble with printing....Joel put a new colored ink cartridge in the printer, but it did not work at all.  We cleaned the cartridge heads, etc. but nothing but blue or yellow showed up in the photo.   Eventually he went back to Target, told them the problem, returned and exchanged the cartridge and yippee!  It now works!    

I got out the old CD/cassette player and we have been listening to some Christmas CD favorites like James Taylor, Alabama, Vince Gill, Kenny G., and YoYo Ma.  We have an Alexa, Bose speaker, and our phones, but there is just something about the CD player and old familiar songs......

It has been a quiet week here.  We did head to church Sunday morning.  The temperature was close to 60 on Wednesday and in mid 50's on Thursday so Joel was working on a wood project outside and also cleaning up the yard one more time.  We even had the back deck door open to bring fresh air into the house.....but alas....those days are over I expect.  We headed to the Dollar Tree this morning to start picking up the cards for the family.  Then over to HyVee to get a few groceries.  My big outing of the week.  Just 2,  3/4 full bags cost $108 today.  This took me back to the summer everyone was home and we were feeding a family of ten.  Our biggest bill of the month was for groceries!  I also was washing a lot of laundry with kids working for the summer and needing clean uniforms or work clothes.  One week I did 20+ loads.  Not kidding.  Those days are long gone for sure.  

It is a quiet house now, with fewer groceries to buy, and less clothes to wash.  When everyone comes to visit it usually takes us a few hours to adjust to the noise level...and it is delightful!  The laughter, the stories, the hustle and bustle in the kitchen, the games being played on the dining room table,'s all good.  

Last night we watched the Norman Lear special.  I had forgotten some of the shows he created.  He was an interesting man for sure.  Thinking about old shows, we have been catching M.A.S.H late in the afternoons again.  I remember when we came back to the states after living in the Philippines and Joel felt that M.A.S.H was not descent for us to watch.  Years later it became one of his favorite shows.  Three's Company also was off limits by us.  And now?  The ads on TV are worse than the shows we used to think were so bad.  

I have little to say this week, so am giving thanks for warmer weather, a festive house, decorated tree, and newsletter printed.  Grateful for Advent.....Grateful for a quiet house with no medical drama this week.  Grateful for our old CD player...and Kenny G playing as I type.  Grateful for  money to buy groceries, gas, and everything else we need.  Grateful for TV shows, movies and specials to entertain.  Grateful for texts and phone calls.  Grateful for so much more...

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this first weekend of December 2023.  It is chilly but most of our snow melted the past couple of days and I am good with that.  Yesterday three deer came into our neighbor's yard to graze, get rid of bodily fluids (yuk) and take their time looking around.  Later in the day Joel and I went for a drive to look at Christmas lights and we saw 5 more deer in our association heading to their home in a nearby woods.  Two nights ago Joel heard a coyote "talking" in the night.  Nature has been busy this week.  Wish we could have seen the NorthernLights, but we were too far south.  Our daughter and family saw them Friday night....happy for them and a little jealous.  

Speaking of Northern Lights we got a phone call from a long time friend who at age 91 is still busy serving God.  She plays piano in the memory care section of her Senior Living fcacility and also has a morning Bible study.  We have known Marge since 1971 when we were living in Salt Lake City, Utah.  She and her husband Dick went to the church we were attending.  They were older than us and took us under their wing.  We have remained friends over the years as we moved and they moved and we eventually ended up in MN at the same time for many years.  Dick has gone home to Heaven now.  They were and are the most gracious, generous, and caring people who blessed us richly over the years.  The reason I connect this story to the Northern Lights?  When we told her our daughter and family had gotten to see them she said, "OH how wonderful!  It is on my bucket list to see them myself!"  Pretty cool to have a "bucket list" at age 91.  Pretty cool to be blessed with a friend like Marge too!

As I sit in the corner of my living room typing I am looking out on a big mess of red and green tubs scattered around the dining room....Christmas decorations are in the process of being put out.  Some date back to is like unwrapping old friends when we take out the tubs and start recalling the memories that come up with each item.  Of course while I decorate I listen to James Taylor or Kenny G's Christmas music.  I really prefer the familiar this time of year.  

Speaking of familiar, has anyone else noticed that so many of the Hallmark Christsmas movies have a "familiar" plot line....over and over.......As I age I have also noticed that the main characters are usually young so I find it more interesting when plots include someone over 50!  woohooo!  Still, with the slim choices we have to choose from on TV, we turn to the Hallmark channel a few nights a week.  I do prefer the slower pace and happy endings!  

Joel was actually out mulching yesterday with the lawn December.  Just getting rid of the pesky leaves.  The mower is now put away and the snow blower is primed and ready,  Joel's eye is doing great!  My follow up was okay....STILL needing more fluids and salt.  Seems like I am putting salt on everything now.  Well, not my daily yogurt yet!  haha Joel got in a few extra miles on his bike too, so got in 1075 this year...and hit 10,500 miles on this bike odometer.  I think a total of close to 20,000 miles in past 20 years with this bike.

Advent is a special time of year as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and as we now wait and prepare for the second coming of Jesus. There is much speculation on that, but the bottom line is...we don't know when....but we know how to be "ready".  Believe....Tomorrow is the first Sunday of Advent.  HOPE.  So much to hope for....and can we even have faith without hope?  Hope for what is in what we cannot yet see?!

Today I am thankful for HOPE.  Grateful for Advent, devotions that give us focus.  Grateful for Christmas tubs to unpack, decorations to display.  Grateful for good reports, melting snow, Christmas music, deer that made us stand motionless in awe and laugh at their antics.  Grateful for a phone call from an old dear friend and the memories of so long ago.  Grateful for Northern Lights (on our bucket list too!).  Grateful for Hallmark Christmas movies.  Grateful for pictures, texts, emails, and phone calls.  And soooooo much more!

Enjoy your weekend!