Saturday, April 29, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this chilly last weekend of April.  After two warm days we are back to temps in the 50's.  Joel has been busy outside giving a lot of time and effort to our yard.  He ordered a de-thatcher/scariater and has been working up the yard front and back.  It's hard work, but should nourish and improve our yard.  I was able to do a little porch sitting this week which was nice.  Joel takes his morning coffee on the porch and watches the rabbits, birds and squirrels.  We have one pesky woodpecker that keeps thinking our cement siding is wood and pecks and pecks before giving up awhile. 

Speaking of giving up...........I have been close this week once or twice.  Let me explain.  First of all, when I started this blog I told myself I would be writing with honesty about my life...the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Years later, with this latest health journey I have recently felt a vast number of emotions over the referred pain that continues to ebb and flow with great intensity.  I have always prided myself in handling pain, ( pride cometh before the fall?)  never using pain meds or even OTC pain relief except after surgery..  And then this eye invasion of strep happened and I felt literally desperate for relief.  Just one month on gabepentin took down the level of pain greatly.  Then, a couple days after surgery the pain came back.  Expected after cutting out the middle of your eye, right? We have been telling ourselves for two weeks that it will get better..........the eye swelling is MUCH better so the pain will be too.  It went down to around 50 % of what it was and then it started creeping back up.  Yesterday it was a 9 of 10 at times.  Ibuprofen takes the edge off a bit. I don't like writing about it anymore.....I just want it gone and I find myself asking a lot of why questions of God.  And as those of us who tend to want answers to the why questions know, you just don't get many answers to the whys with God.  Recently a friend gave me a new devotional book by Lysa TerKeurst which talked about just this.......and I will quote what stood out for me:

"Sometimes God has to lean in closely to our hearts and gently don't have to have all the answers, you just need to trust."  

That does not mean I need to bear the burden of the "why" pain without help, but it does mean I need to trust that God is in the midst of this journey that has perplexed, confused, exhausted, and  saddened both Joel and myself.  We just need to trust His plan. And know.... This too shall pass...........

God is sooooo good to send in the form of our neighbor who is a retired ophthalmologist and came by to ask Joel to cut a couple of boards for him.  He asked how I was doing and when I explained the pain...he said, "Oh that is referred pain."  It sometimes takes awhile for that to subside.  Pain meds may help."  Just that little conversation with our neighbor was affirming.  And definitely from God.  Yesterday I received a card in the mail at just the right time when the pain had me sad......a card of encouragement and words of praise sent with love from someone who calls me "Mama Dahlen" (which I love).  Again...........just what I needed.  THIS is our GOD!   Whether a phone call, a new devotional, a goodnight text from my sister, someone asking me how I am doing......and on and on.  Yes, God continually sends encouragement our way.

When I was having surgery the anesthesiologist came in while the IV nurse was trying to get a vein to cooperate.  He said to her,  "Just use her right hand, there is a big one there."  I told him we could not use my right hand or arm because I have lymphedema....I even had a warning bracelet the nurse had clipped on.  He said to me, we won't do blood pressure in that arm, but an IV will work there.  THREE times I said, NO.  I had been warned from the beginning by my MAYO lymphedema physical therapist that even a little cut or burn on that arm or hand was risky for infection and even sepsis.  The nurse ignored his command and found a small vein in my left hand fairly quickly.  When he turned his back I mouthed "{Thank you" to her.  When he left the room she said, "I am very proud of you for standing up for yourself.  It is your body and you know what it needs."  SHE was a gift from God.  It made Joel and I a little stressed that he would be in charge of my sedation BUT she said, He is good with that.  And others are in the room too......."  I just love how God takes care of the details.  BTW the rest of my journey with surgery at St. Mary's was really positive.  And the anesthesiologist was good....maybe a little cocky....and just not very knowledgeable about lymphedema!   

Joel and I enjoyed a couple of shows this past week that added much needed laughter to our days.  We watched the movie, "Ticket to Paradise" with George Clooney and Julia Roberts.  And we watched the Carol Burnett special celebrating her 90th birthday,  The latter had me looking for old episodes of her long running show so we could keep the laughs going.  Of course, Tim Conway was so darn funny in that show.  He cracked everyone up!  

I have been listening to books on, a gift from our oldest and her family and went from Prince Harry's book, "Spare" which had a combo of good, bad, and ugly in it, and now Michelle Obama's book, "Beloved".  I enjoy learning about people and their lives and both have not disappointed.  I also hooked up to my library on Hoopla.  I tried the app Libby but it would not take my card....but Hoopla did and I am listening to one of my favorite cozy mystery authors right now.  It is a great tool for saving my eye for other things!  Who knew?!  

Time to end this week's scribbles with so much to be grateful for.  Shows that make us laugh, audio books to distract while I heal, phone calls from our oldest son, texts from our kids and family, the prayers of many. Grateful for the neighbor's knowledge on referred pain.  Grateful for a beautiful card that carried hope and love. Grateful for audio books, funny TV, and Alexa podcasts.  Grateful for warmer weather at times, eye improvement, the way God is in the details of our lives.  Grateful for all this and so much more........

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this quiet day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  A time to reflect, to prepare. Joel has the front door open so we can see out the glass storm door.  No snow left here, just the brown that comes within the time between Winter and Spring.  The squirrels are very rambunctious and comical to watch and our resident ducks are back in the neighborhood.  There are still a few birthday flowers on our dining room counter to enjoy.  As Spring comes to stay I'm looking forward to a few pansies again!

Speaking of looking forward, the heaviness of Good Friday is behind us as we swivel our gazes off the cross and unto tomorrow.  I look forward to hearing and saying, "He is risen"!  "He is risen indeed!"  Joel will head out early for his first service which includes a baptism and communion and then head SW about 20 minutes to the second service.  There will be ham for his dinner, the usual trimmings and the mini pie he picked up at Target.  As is par for the course it will be the two of us.  I expect Joel will add a long nap to his afternoon. He will need it.

 Looking back I remember when we would boil up 3-4 dozen eggs to dye and decorate.  Easter baskets were filled with candy and books.  Everyone had a new outfit to wear.  Usually there was an early morning service among one or two others, depending ono how many churches Joel was serving.  

As a teen there were five of us singing in mostly different choirs at different services.  We would be up before dawn and heading out for 6 am services........usually all standing in a row before we left for an inspection to make sure we looked appropriate!  Even when I came home from college my Easter basket had to be found.....always hidden for us to locate after church.  Many years we spent the whole morning at the church.  I fondly called it our "second home".  Not a bad second home to have.

Speaking of home, we have been watching services this Holy Week from our living room.  Such a gift to tune in to services at our local congregation, and two of our daughters churches, our oldest son's church, even the Montana parish Joel served back in the early eighties!  We have also been able to listen and watch our daughter on keyboard and flute.  It always makes us smile and feel closer to our family who just seem out of reach for those hugs we all desire.  

In need of a distraction right now, I have been listening to the audio book, "Spare" by Prince Harry.  I decided on a book that was big and thick, one that I would not pay money for but was interested in reading and this one came up.  I have been pleasantly surprised to actually like it so far.  He narrates it himself and that has been helpful to keep my mind open to what he has to say.  I'm half way through and so far it is mostly on his early life.  Not surprising, I enjoyed the chapters on his training in the military and time in Iraq and Afghanistan the most.  I expect that has something to do with our 8 years of military life.  It took me awhile to get used to an audio book, but it saves on my eyes.

Speaking of eyes, my outpatient surgery is scheduled for April 14th and I wish that was yesterday of course.  Things are in order and all that is left is for me to stay healthy.  A daily prayer!  We have cleaned the house, I have baked two kinds of cookies for Joel, and we'll have a pot of soup waiting for us when we get home.  Being prepared gives us a sense of having some control over this situation.  

Grateful today for Jesus dying for my sins, our sins.  Grateful for Easter being the new beginning we all need!  Grateful for memories of Easters past.  Grateful for being able to watch services online and visibly see some of our children in the process.  Grateful for warmer temperatures, sqirrely squirrels!  Grateful for the porch chairs being back on the porch!  Grateful for a clean house, fresh flowers, a book to distract me, Grateful for texts, pictures, emails, and phone calls.  And so much more!

Have a blessed Easter!  He is Risen!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles


Good Saturday to  you on this first day of April, 2023.  The last day of March brought with it rain, a bit of hail, and then an overnight dusting of snow.  Nothing like north of us where once again some of our Minnesota family were dealing with blizzard warnings!  Good grief.  Friday it was 68 degrees here and today?  A high of 39 is forecast.  Mother Nature had one thing to say to the Midwest today...."April Fool's_!!  The roller coaster continues with weather, that's for sure.  But how can we complain when tornadoes have ripped through the south killing many and destroying so many homes.  Or how about northern CA where I read they have had over 800 inches of snow in the high mountain towns this year.  Not 80....800.  Yikes.  Unfathomable.  

Speaking of unfathomable, yet another senseless school shooting has taken the lives of sweet innocent children and those who cared for them.  You can argue both sides of this debate regarding weapons, and many do vehemently, but the bottom line is,  NOTHING HAS CHANGED.  Our country has an embarrassing over the top number of deaths from violence...and violence is the #1 cause of death in America's children.  Seriously, something has to change.  Someone....EVERYONE has to compromise....our children need to be loved first and foremost above every other love......every other belief........every other consideration.  We need to make our children our priority.  

We lived in the Philippines when there was a lot of unrest with Marcos.  Our maid was even afraid to mention his name.  We listened to gunfire many nights in the distance and guerilla warfare was all around in the jungles.  Our planes were shot at often when they took off or landed. Our kids rode a small jeepney bus with wires and bars on the windows to keep them from being snatched on their way to preschool.  When we were able to move onto the base we had guards in guardhouses surrounding the base to protect the 40,000 who lived there.  We seldom went down into the barrios alone and never left our home after dark when living off base as there was Marshall Law that prevented us from doing so without a Filipino guard escort after 10:30 pm.    We survived...we thrived.....but when we came home we felt safer.  Can we say the same thing now in America?  Are our children safer? 

As you can tell, my heart has been heavy with this.  If you made it this far with me today, bless you.  Soooo lets move on...............

I love to watch Steve Hartman on CBS when he has a short segment on Fridays that leave us with good news for a change.  This week it was about some young teenage boys who decided, after they talked about how their grandparents knew nothing about today's technology, to go to a local assisted living or nursing home near their school, and help seniors learn how to manage their phones and laptops.  They taught them how to send pics on their phones, get rid of emails, send emails, etc. etc.   The seniors LOVE having them come and of course the teen boys visit with them too which is an added benefit.   What a wonderful connection for all of them.  Just love those stories that focus on kindness in America.  A good thing.\

Today we made pizza....with cauliflower crust.  It was good!  Homemade bread is rising on the countertop, and Joel's cookie containers are full once again.  Smells good in here.

I keep walking 21 minutes a day and we stay focused on our Bible in a Year readings.  Still not liking the Old Testament God very much.  Sure glad Jesus came!  I have been listening to an audio book and sticking to our normal routine.  Joel will be biking again soon.  He is preaching at two churches on Easter Sunday.  His once a month commitment. Tonight Lutheran Church of Hope has a worship night that we will watch and of course tomorrow is Palm Sunday. Lent and Easter used to be our resident pastor's busiest time of the year which made it so for the whole family.  

Time to close out this week's Scribbles.  After living in a third world country I need to say I am still grateful for America, flaws and all.  Grateful for our freedoms.  Grateful for only getting a little snow this time around.  Grateful for all the good smells that fill the house.  Grateful for cauliflower crusts, homemade bread and Joel's cookies.  Grateful for phone calls, texts, emails, and little nudges from God to let me know He is on all the details of my upcoming surgery.  Grateful for the love and prayers of family and friends.  And so much more............

Enjoy your weekend!
