Saturday, March 26, 2022

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from our corner of Iowa where Spring is unveiling it's beauty.  Yesterday's winds were sustained at 35mph with gusts to 50 mph!  Today is a bit better but temperatures have returned to the twenties and thirties.  It looks so nice outside today.......but it is not! March is still showing it's blustery side even as the buds come out and we welcome home the birds!

Speaking of March, I have entered into my 74th year now and am stepping into it with extra hope for a good one!  No, a great one!  I enjoyed a day with connections through texts and phone calls and Joel presented me with a meal of grilled pork chops and sweet potato fries.  Our first grilling of the season. (Thank you to all who sent birthday greetings in the mail or through Facebook)

Today we decided to head to our local mall to walk.  We have not been there since before my last cancer diagnosis or the years of covid.  Besides a few stores, they now have a hockey arena, ice skating club, dance studio, miniature indoor golf place and an axe throwing place.  Who knew?!?!  Guess we need to get back out in the world a bit more.... We walked about 45 minutes with a stop or two since today happened to be a home and craft show too.  Joel picked up some local honey to try.  He goes through a lot of honey!  He also uses a natural sweetener called Allelose.  It is spendy but much better for you than sugar ~ it goes in his coffee.  I think it is made from figs, kiwi, and raisins,  but he says it tastes like sugar.

I had an eye shot this week.......we waited a month this time and hoped for the best, but by the time I got in my eye was really giving me grief and a bit of vision loss.  So we are back to every three weeks.  And grateful.  I am always amazed at the people that go there and complain and complain about waiting.  The retina specialist drives up here on Monday and Tuesday.....doing surgery Monday afternoons.  I go on Tuesday and the doctor will see between 80-90 patients in one day.  Things get bottled up.  You have to see the tech who checks your vision, to have scans of the eye if you are like me, and then  to see the doctor, be checked.  He first numbs the eye with drops and a shot of lidocaine, then after several minutes an injection, for me, of a very costly drug.  I am talking thousands........(thank God for insurance).  It is the only one of several that is working for me.  Anyway, we know that all of this is going to take a lot of time.  We plan on being there always 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Joel sometimes goes to Menards or Target near by.   Waiting is not always fun, but I usually visit with the receptionist, or get on my phone,  and just remember that we don't have to drive 2 hrs one way to the specialist in Des Moines.  They come to us.  Complaining does NOT change a thing!  It only makes you crabby and affects those around you.  I guess we could say that about everything in life....complaining does not change anything for the better.  I know there area times when we need to speak up, take a stand, etc. but for the most part complaining just creates a negative atmosphere.....okay, I'm done preaching! ( I think I needed to hear it!)

I have been rereading many of the articles I wrote on our years in The Philippines.  It really takes me back to a time of new adventures, welcoming home two babies, getting involved in an interdenominational group and church, just so much to look back on.  Including living in a third world country.  Sometimes I think it should be required by all Americans at least once in their/our lifetimes.  It wakes us to how blessed we are.  How privileged.  How "rich".  How free. is sobering.

I made homemade bread this week and chocolate chip cookies.  It has been at least 10 years since I have made chocolate chip cookies!  It used to be a staple in our house............I made all the cookies needed for a family of 10. Or our girls did as they got older.  I haven't eaten them in years and years, but I still remember how good one tastes when it comes out of the oven....dripping warm chocolate.  I have decided that when I go to Heaven I am requesting to work in the bakery..........what a delightful place to work, being able to enjoy the goodies without any consequences.  I can smell those caramel rolls, cookies, breads, etc.   Mmmmmmmmmmm

I told Joel one day this week that I walked 45 minutes.........accidently..  I think it is why I got so tired.  He cracked up.  How do you accidently walk 45 minutes??  I replied, "Well, I got lost in my counting and thought I had gone 35 minutes but it was actually 45.  Maybe a little brain fog?  We had a good laugh.........and I am back to 35 to 40 every day.

So, this week I am thankful for a warm house on blustery days, a mall to walk in, local honey to buy, one day of a 45 minute walk,  chocolate chip cookies for Joel to enjoy, flowers on my table, cards to read.  Grateful for phone calls from Minnesota and Florida, texts from kids and a few grands, energy to walk, a retina specialist who comes to our little corner of the world, a craft show, articles that take me back to the Philippines,  prayers, laughter, tears, a hubby who loves to hold hands, and so much more.......

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from our corner of the world where temperatures hit 55 today and a balmy 68 is forecast for tomorrow! We walked down by the river this week and the birds were so noisy as they greeted each other after a long winter apart!  We heard cardinals, robins, sparrows, and more as we enjoyed the fresh air once again.  Winter has pretty much passed, and the ground is warming up.  Animals are enjoying the outdoors and so are humans as they begin to come out of "hibernations" and take in the fresh air.  Spring officially arrives tomorrow (along with my 74th birthday), and it gives us hope for what is to come! 

Speaking of fresh air we had a couple breaths of that this week with visits from two grandsons.  Our grandson Grant came up for a day to visit.  It was wonderful to reconnect on a one to one basis.  He and his Papa built a box out of recycled redwood.  He did great!  Then yesterday Sarah and Jonas stopped by for a short visit and we got to hug on more family.  So nice!  Early birthday gifts! 

*My computer is acting up as I write, and is not cooperating to post photos!)

Another early birthday sister Kay and her husband Dan came by for a long visit today. We were catching up on life ~ snow birds having returned home.  Kay always gives me the most beautiful cards.  Keepers!  We have narrowed down our card keeping to only 1 box....we used to keep every card!  Does anyone else have trouble getting rid of cards?!?

Speaking of gifts, flowers were delivered to the house today from my hubby.  Beautiful yellow roses sit on ourvo table.  Another sign of Spring!  Yellow roses are a favorite since I carried them for our wedding.  I actually carried a small Bible with a lace cover that had cascading tiny yellow roses flowing down on ribbons from the Bible.  Unusual bouquet for a bride, but I loved it!

Joel has been biking some this week!  After a winter off the bike he gets right back on and rides 10 miles with no problems!  

My scribbles is short this week, the sun is setting on both the day and my writing. Not much to share and my brain and my computer are not cooperating!  As I end this day I am grateful this week for Grant's visit, Sarah and Jonas's visit, and Kay and Dan's visit.  Grateful for yellow roses, an Amazon bouquet card from family, a new Britbox series, "Murder in Provence", a chiropracter visit, walking 35-45 minutes daily, a new lymphedema pump, Spring arriving, birds singing, celebrating another birthday, texts, phone calls, bike rides, river walks, and so much more..............

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Saturday's Scribbles


Good Saturday to you from our home to yours on this sunny and cold March morning here in Iowa.  We are heading towards warmer temps once again next week, but today the fireplace is going and hot drinks are in our hands as we begin the day.  

I have been going over some of the hundreds of articles I have written over the years as I gather them for a book.  I am amazed at how many leave me laughing or shaking my head.  So many adventures that make "life stranger than fiction".  Thought I would share one today.

In January 2014 I wrote about a water fiasco that occured for us during a blizzard.  That was the winter of water issues here, from frozen pipes and flooding toilets to an incident with a shop vac which I am sharing today.

We had been forewarned of a blizzard and by late in the afternoon of that day the weather took an abrupt turn with temperatures plunging to -40 and winds sustained at 40 mph and gusting over 50 mph.  Snow and bitter cold were causing more than our bones to complain as our house creaked and groaned loudly!

We kept hearing a banging noise in the kitchen somewhere and sought out the cause.  Joel finally figured out that the high winds were causing the lower bathroom ceiling fan to flap and vibrate making a gread deal of noise.  He decided to head dowstairs to the basement to figure out what he could do to make it stop.  After finding yet another use for duck tape and plastic, he decided he would clean out the fan vent while he had it open.  He took the shop vaccuum and put on the attachment so he could reach deep inside.  While standing on a chair and sucking out the dust and lint the attachment fell apart, leaving him with just the end piece in his hands.  As he looked down to see what had happened to the rest of the hose he saw it fall into the toilet.  Before he could react and grab for it,  ALL the water was sucked out of the toilet and into the vacuum.  The toilet bowl was dry by the time he was able to take action!

What just happened??!?

He quickly jumped down and turned off the vacuum.  As fast as he could he took the water logged vacuum bag out of the vacuum, ran it upstairs and got it outisde into the garage.  When he came in and told me what had happened he was laughing so hard he could hardly talk....which of course got me laughing...we were both hysterical to the point of tears over this latest toilet crisis.  We noted that the stress we were feeling over life that day was "sucked" right out of us.  We laughed about this for a  long time.............

Laughing is so important while walking through life.  There are going to be times in our lives that leave us asking......"What just happened?" Sometimes on a lighter scale like with our shop vac where we can easily laugh about it.  But there will be circumstances on a much more challenging scale where  everything gets shaken up, our foundation moves, fear rises.....and we are left asking "what just happened"?  

This morning Joel and I had a quiet time where we waited to hear from God or have him show us something...which is how I often "hear" from Him.  After about 10 minutes I asked Joel what He heard and he he replied, "Just one thing.........WE are so LOVED by God."  I told him that what I had seen relaid the same thing.  I was sitting on my favorite bench overlooking a city on a bay and Jesus was right beside me linking arms with me.  The Lion of Judah was leaning against my leg and behind me stood Papa God who put His hand on my shoulder.  Holy Spirit was in movement around me with swirls of color.  I felt so cared for, so loved.  I heard.........."Just lean in to us."  Such a comfort.  

Today's story, on a more serious note,  has me thinking there are plenty of times, I expect, when each of us find ourselves saying, "What just happened?" Times when we can take comfort in this same scene I saw and words shared by Joel.  Lean in to God and remember, we are loved.

I pray that for Ukraine today as their horrific battle for freedom continues.  I pray that for those who struggle with the treatments and aftermath of cancer, heart disease, and Covid, broken hearts, broken relationships, and more.  For those who are asking on a large scale or small scale........"What just happened?"  May all of you, all of us find that when those seasons of life come ....we hear God say,  "You are so loved....just lean in to Me."

It is a strange Saturday Scribbles I am sharing, but it is where my mind is scribbling.  So today I am grateful for reminders of God's love, for the videos he shows me in my mind, for words of comfort from the Trinity, for a funny story to share, for a quiet week, texts, emails, phone calls, and pictures that draw us near to those we love and care about.  Grateful for laughter and it's healing qualities.  Grateful we can lean in to God, Jesus, and Holy and know beyond a doubt that we are loved,  Grateful for all this and so much more....

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to all of you from our small corner of the world where warm weather has melted most of our snow and is bringing storms and rain today.  And then later in the week?  ,Snow again.  This kind of weather makes more sense in March, and we are in the first weekend of March, aren't we!  

We headed outside to walk this morning before the storms make their way in,  the 4th time being able to walk outside.  Yay!!  Spring is just around the corner.  I am walking 35 to 40 minutes every day and so grateful I can.  It has taken awhile to build up the steps...which are totaling around an average of 5500 daily now.  I'm a bit competitive with myself, but don't wig out if I have a lower steps day.  Joel is anxious to get back on his bike.  He walks, but much prefers riding.  

Has anyone else struggled with not keeping your focus on Ukraine and what is happening to the people there.  So tragic, so senseless.  The people seem so patriotic, so determined to keep their freedom but they are more than a little outnumbered.  Someone said, don't call Putin a madman...........he is smart, calculated and just plain evil.  

We headed to church on Sunday and again on Wednesday for Ash Wednesday.  Joel and I have gone to a variety of churches over the years, but we do feel that Lutherans are a denomination that knows how to "do Lent".  There is something important to both of us to receive communion and ashes in the sign of a cross on our foreheads.  Jesus sacrificed it all for us.  All.

FedEx came knocking on our door today with a package for me.  The last time I was at Mayo my PT called the company my first lymphedema pump came from and told them the issues I was having with it.  Between the two of them they were able to work things out with how long I tried it, the need for a better one, etc. and I found out three days ago our insurance would fully cover the costs.  It arrived today!  They are so efficient and fast at Mayo and the people they work with and we are blessed because of it.  

We have been responding to questions that come once a week from a company that takes all your answers to their questions and compiles them into a book at the end of 52 weeks.  Storyworth is the company and our oldest and her family gave us this for Christmas.  This week's question had us thinking about our time at The Lutheran Bible Institute/Golden Valley Lutheran College.  We spent two years on their small campus in Golden Valley MN.  It is where Joel and I met, and where we connected with many people who became long time friends.  Those two years of studying the Bible taught by professors who were pastors and missionaries, really shaped our lives.  More than a few who went there met their spouses there, and went on to finish college and seminary to be ordained pastors.  Sadly, the college no longer exists but the memories do!

Speaking of our oldest, Bethany's birthday is today,  Happy Birthday Blessings, daughter!  Beth arrived 3 1/2 or 4 weeks late and weighed 8, 5 lbs.  She had the most beautiful skin....still does.  We were so excited but had very little knowledge on how to parent.  We learned as we went along and she put up with us!   There are so many opportunities now to be prepared......

Speaking of now, and this season of our lives, we watched a movie last night called, "Queen Bees" that we rented on Prime Video.  Ellen Burstyn, James Caan, Ann Margret, and others make up a great cast.  Ellen Burstyn is an amazing actress.  The show takes place in a retirement community, and was well written, funny, and enjoyable.  Of course there were a couple of scenes that it could have left out, but overall so good!

Speaking of so good, it is time to remember what I am grateful for.  Grateful for Ash Wednesday, for a new pump, for walks in the fresh air, for the snow melting, for our daughter and her birthday.  We are grateful for a good movie to watch, laughter, tears, phone calls, texts, emails, and face to face connections.  We are grateful for rain to nourish the ground, the rabbits, squirrelsl, birds, and deer that visit our yard.  Grateful for Joel, family, and friends online and in person.  So grateful for these and so  much more.....

Enjoy your weekend!