Saturday, December 31, 2022

Saturday's Scribbles


Good Saturday to you on this last day of the year 2022.  Our weather is cooperating for a nice New Year's Eve, which will be good for those who venture out.  We are, and have always been homebodies when it comes to New Year's Eve.  Expect we will enjoy a few snacks, maybe pizza for Joel, and a movie if we can find one we would even enjoy!  This girl will try to make it til 10 pm and I am not kidding.....I really find myself needing my Woolie comforter and bed by 9:30 at the latest.  Today we talked about our first New Year's Eve together when we were at Joel's home farm in MN.  We went up to the church just a quarter mile away, and rang the church bells at midnight.... 68 times for the year 1968 beginning.  And what a year it was!  A good memory from so many years ago.

A quick update:  We will be heading to the retina specialist Tuesday and see what is going on...hopefully good things as a surgery is in my near future.  I continue to have a sore eye that waters and waters...and blurry vision in the other eye, but I am making it work as best I can.  The tooth extraction on the 12th was a challenge and I ended up on two weeks on antibiotics but now all is well and healing is almost there. Joel's stress test results were normal.  YES!  

Now moving on from the medical updates, how was your Christmas?  Ours was good.  Our oldest son came on the 18th and we made 10 dozen Townhouse cookies (his request to learn) and had a nice meal together.  Enjoyed the hugs the most!  We were alone for most of the holiday, except for Christmas Day afternoon when my sister Kay and her hubby Dan came over for pie and a visit.  I think what made it "the best Christmas ever" was talking to 4 of 5 of our kids who called either Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or the day after to visit with their parents.  We went to church Christmas Eve, then came home for our usual opening of one present from each other and pie.  The pie is pretty important......especially for the now retired preacher.  Being a pastor meant long hours at Christmas, usually starting with a barn service and ending with a Candlelight service Christmas Eve.  Sometimes church Christmas Day.  Not like Lent and Easter, but hectic nonetheless.  So, the quiet time with the two of us began in the early years where we set aside time to fill the stockings (at one time 10) and then opening a gift and having pie.  We continue it today even though the number of stockings is down to 2.

Did anyone see the Steve Hartman special on Kindness, on Wednesday night?  It was so touching, so good, so needed.  Just a little more kindness is what we all need.  Towards others......and even towards ourselves.  Speaking of that, someone left a box of candy in our mailbox again this year from a Monastery in Dubuque Iowa.  It is all handmade by nuns in the Abbey, packaged and sent out.  We received one last year and have know idea who put it in our mailbox...and this year too!  What a nice surprise....a kind thing to do.

Yesterday I was able to connect with my friend Katherine, from New Hampshire.  We met through a Lyme Disease prayer group so very long ago.  She is the person who talked to us about healing, and God wanting us well.  She recommended a teacher we should listen to....we did that Joel was completely healed of Lyme, co-infections, thyroid disease, an eye disease, and arthritis.  Completely....just. like. that.  We actually got to meet in person in 2013 at a Healing Conference in CT.  She is younger than most of our kids,and has a wise old soul.  We try to keep in touch via the phone and messaging....when we pick up the phone to talk it is like time melts and we are family catching up.  She has been such a blessing from God in our lives.  

So now we are coming to the end of another year.  I have been asking God for a word to focus on and the word HOPE has come up so many times, I really can't ignore it.  HOPE.  We are ready for 2022 to end, and stepping out in hope for 2023.  We have our tent "pitched in the land of hope" as David says in the Psalms.  

With hope for tomorrow we are grateful today for the many blessings that came our way in 2022....God's Presence as we walked through the days....good doctors, good reports, good support, the many prayers of others.  Grateful for graduations, confirmation, birthdays, family gatherings, phone calls, texts, and emails.  Grateful for each other....celebrating our 55th New Year's Eve together.  Grateful for medications, miracles, and promises.  Grateful for the love of family and their support.  Grateful to close the door on a challenging year while giving thanks on how God was in the midst of it all.  He is faithful.

Enjoy your weekend.

Saturday, December 24, 2022



Merry Christmas!


 A Church In The Foothills

Every year about this time I reflect on a very special Christmas service our family attended in 1978. To this day it remains one of my favorite services.

When Joel was in the seminary we spent his Internship year in Malta, located in North Central Montana. Malta’s Parish consisted of four main Lutheran churches, a hot springs resort chapel, and a tiny Catholic church in Zortman, Mt. ~ a historic mining town nestled in the foothills of the Little Rocky Mountains. Joel and his internship pastor ministered to all of these areas.

The services at Zortman were held once a month, with most people driving around 75 miles across gravel roads to attend church and worship together. The small Catholic church sat on the top of a high hill and was one of only a few buildings in this small village. I believe at that time there were 9 full time residents. People from the surrounding area often came to enjoy what the Little Rockies had to offer, and the small café/bar provided nourishment when they visited. We had the privilege of being a part of the Christmas service the year we were there, and it is stored away in our memories forever.

Our family drove the long distance through snow and freezing temperatures that December, arriving with many others shortly before the service began. Everyone gathered at the local cafe beforehand, with all of us dressed for the bitter cold in snowmobile suits, snowsuits, insulated underwear, heavy boots, scarves, and warm mittens. When it was time for the services to begin, everything in the little town closed up. It was dark outside, and as we left the cafe many of us were given lanterns to carry up the long winding hill to the church. We were one of the last families to leave, and in doing so we were able to watch the glowing lights move up the steep winding path as the people walked the trail to the church. As each person carrying a lantern entered the sanctuary, the church filled up with more and more light. What a beautiful sight to see!

Once we arrived in the sanctuary, we all huddled together on benches to keep warm. The wood burning potbelly stove, which stood in the corner of the room, gave off a warm glow and provided the only heat in the church. Our hymns of Christmas joy were especially meaningful as we sang along to the old pump organ. Joel's breath was visible as he preached the Christmas message that night. For many reasons, the Christmas story of Jesus being born in a humble stable held special meaning for us as we gathered.

When services were over, we all walked back down the hill guided by the lanterns and a moonlit sky. All those who attended went into the local bar/café for coffee, dessert, and more fellowship together, before heading back out into the cold and traveling home.

The service in the Little Rockies is forever a beautiful memory etched on our minds. Across the world people were coming together to worship our Lord and Savior and celebrate His birth. It did not matter whether we were worshiping in a big cathedral in New York City, or a tiny “borrowed” Catholic church in a small historic mining town in Montana. The focus was the same ~ giving glory to God for the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord!


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from our corner of the world where winter has covered us with a few inches of snow this week, although it is nothing like north of us...say in Duluth MN where they have had over two feet of snow.  Duluth is a place we are fond of.  We lived there in 1972-74 while Joel was a meteorologist in the Air Force, forecasting weather for the pilots flying in that part of the world where winter was long and cold and the average temperature was 70 in the summer.  Lake Superior kept things cooler.  It is beautiful country with much to see there.  If you enjoy winter, there is snowshoeing, ice fishing, cross country skiing and much more to take in.  We went back to visit in the 90's because that is where our oldest was married ~ her husband came from the area! 

On the medical side of things, this past Monday I had a tooth extraction that turned out to be a bit challenging.  Today I am feeling good and glad to have it over and done with.  Joel had his stress test Tuesday, he did well, but we don't have any results yet?!?  I see the retina specialist next week.   One thing that I had to put aside for two months was walking, but I am back starting today to build up my strength.  Years ago Holy Spirit made it clear to me that I was to "walk out my healing" literally, and I began walking 5 minutes at a time and ended up walking 45 minutes on a good day.  It is my goal to get back to that.

Yesterday I made Joel Cinnamon Rolls, a pastry cookie that consists of mainly butter, flour, and a tiny bit of sugar. Norwegian I am sure!  We have been eating pretty bland, soft foods until the gum heals.  Since in my family catsup was considered spicy I would say most of what I cook is bland anyway!  Ha.....

 I finally finished getting out our Christmas cards.  Like I said before, no more red envelopes.  It saddens me how hard it is to see when writing, etc. because I have always loved to write, draw, do cards, etc.  When I wrote a newsletter for 150 chronically ill people, I would send one out via the mail every month for years....then every other month.  Now the cost to do that would be so high it would be near impossible to do it.  

As I write today I am listening to Vince Gill's Christmas CD...Yep, a good old fashioned CD.  We still have an old CD/radio and lots of CDs we pull out at Christmas.  Some Yo Yo Ma, Kenny G, Lori Line, etc.  I have a Christmas playlist on Alexa but sometimes I just like the CDs. One of my favorites is an old Alabama Christmas CD that we would put on to decorate our tree when the kids were all home.  Such a good memory.  

It is only a week until Christmas.  Stores are full of people and some shelves are empty.  Including grocery stores.  We are surprised by what used to be "staples" becoming hard to find items.  When Joel was searching for some cookie ingredients, a clerk told him it is difficult to get dates and raisins right now besides a lot of other things.   They are not getting in the big orders they request.  And the cost of things?  Yikes!  I feel so bad for parents trying to find over the counter meds for their sick little ones.  Ugh....  So far our families have avoided RSV, flu, etc.  Except for one older member who battled RSV for weeks.  He is finally starting to mend and we are so so grateful!  I pray you all have a healthy Christmas and New Years!

I hope this finds you listening to Christmas music, maybe your own old fashioned CD?  I hope it finds you getting ready for the coming week.....with loved worship.....gathering around the table.....

Today I am grateful for old CD's, favorite Christmas music, worship online and in person, being able to make one of Joel's favorite cookies, healing from the extraction and so grateful it is over and done.  Grateful for antibiotics, good medical care, Joel doing well on the stress test, laughter, catching up with people via Christmas cards.  Grateful for a warm house, a snowblower, texts with family and friends, phone calls, the power of prayer...........and so much more.

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Saturday's Scribbles

Hello from snowy Iowa!  We woke up Friday morning to (if you like the white stuff) a beautiful white landscape!  We ended up with around 4-6 inches but a few miles north of us they had over 10 inches.  Winter has officially arrived, although the temps are still fluctuating.

Fluctuating is a good word to describe my continual eye drama. It is no longer a roller coaster ride, although it does cause this lady some tummy turmoil.  It is more like, what will change this week?  Will we be taking a step forward or a step back?  My doctor is quick to point out the good news with each visit, while being carefully direct about what is not going the way he would like. 

Sharing a couple of pictures from the snow, as we continue to see the goodness of God show up in our lives.  For instance....Friday's snow, heavy and wet...I woke up asking whether Joel should be even using the snow blower when the stress test is still ahead.  Those unknowns.  Before he could get outside, our neighbor did the driveway across the street and then came next door and did our driveway!  What a nice surprise.  (Thank you T. and K.) And later our neighbor from across the street came over to scoop up what the plow left at the end of our driveway.  The goodness of God showing up in our neighbors.  Love it.

I have been working on the Christmas cards this week and have a "note to self" tucked away for next year.  Do NOT have cards with red envelopes if you are not using labels.....cuz my right eye cannot see the dark ink on the red very well.  I love to send out cards, so next year's plan is in place.  No red envelopes!

Back to Joel.  We saw his doctor Monday and he will have his stress test next Tuesday.  He has not had one symptom arise since his trip to ER, so that is a good thing.  He has been busy with catching up in the office and working on a new small wood project out in the garage.  He managed one 2 mile walk but it is hard to walk outside now and of course biking is impossible.  

On Thursday I had my 6 mo check up with the urologist.  We were almost two months behind due to the eye thing, but all was stable.  I like those words.  He asked about what else was going on so we did share the eye drama......he then sat back and chatted with us about life in general...his and ours and we spent a good 15 minutes just talking.  It wa so nice....we left with smiles on our faces and as we drove home I turned to Joel and said, we have such good doctors to be grateful for!  The goodness of God showing up in a patient's waiting room.  I have been getting the Christmas newsletter ready and getting cards out, and with my energy much improved I am getting some cleaning and cooking done.  There will be homemade soup on the stove tomorrow to be available after my tooth extraction Monday.  Are we having fun yet?

We are "having fun" in-between the other stuff, with watching a few Murdoch episodes on Acorn TV and any Christmas specials we come across.  We are enjoying the Christmas cards that are arriving.  .  We are enjoying the first snow, albeit through sunglasses for me! And my Christmas playlist is providing us with holiday music!

We had to pick up a prescription this morning and thought we would shop a little but after seeing the full parking lots and so many people heading into stores we decided....nah.....we're good for now!  We will wait and go when people are working and kids are in school.  It is one of the benefits of being a "senior".  

For those of you who read these scribbles, I hope you do so with a cup of your favorite beverage and a Christmas cookie in hand.  Our scribbles have been pretty "medical minded" for a while, which can produce a yawn or two.  But our lives have been just that, "medical minded".  Thus the mantra I have been speaking aloud this week...."This is going to be the BEST Christmas ever!"  Do we have great plans?  Nope.  Are we still in the midst of medical dramas?  Yep.  Will we be spending Christmas with family?  Nope. Will we be having pie and presents?  Yep.  No matter what comes our way, or doesn't, this is going to be the BEST Christmas ever!  

So today, I am grateful that our first snow arrived and left us beauty to enjoy. Grateful for caring doctors.  Grateful Joel has not had any more symptoms, grateful for giving neighbors, grateful for Christmas music ranging from Pentatonix to our 1980's Alabama Christmas CD.  Grateful for a decorated house, for Christmas cards arriving (and going), For Christmas specials, Hallmark movies, and Murdoch series, for texts, pictures, emails, and phone calls that brighten our days, and so, so much more.

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you on this first weekend in December.  It is a cold (-14 wind chill this morning) day here in our corner of the world but it is supposed to hit 40 degrees again.  What a roller coaster ride the weather has been!

Speaking of roller coasters...........Joel and I have been hanging on tight  as we ride one, trusting God is with us as life keeps sending surprises.  We found out my retina was detached a few days before Thanksgiving.  Not good news.  Pressure was still low.  This past Wed. we drove to Des Moines and the pressure had come up three points...Yes!  The Dr. told us he still wants to do another surgery to inflate the eye with an oil bubble and try to attach the retina to keep eye from shrinking.  Things change weekly and we just keep holding tight to God's promises.  On the 12th I will need a tooth extraction that was postponed due to the eye drama.  Now, add to this, (I am not kidding) another trip to the ER because Joel woke with an aching jaw and other mild heart symptoms on Thursday morning.  They found nothing but told him even though he is is good shape he could have blockages so that will now be pursued.  We have started praying for a hedge around us as this garbage continues.  We believe it is "the enemy" that comes to kill steal and destroy as stated in Scriptures, so we pray against him and his hoodlums.  

Let's move on to the great time we had at Thanksgiving.  Our family started arriving Thursday afternoon and the last ones left for home Sat. morning.  We had our big meal on Friday noon.  There was cribbage and Yahtzee going, and even some World Cup Soccer on TV.  It was so great for Joel and I to catch up on hugs from everyone.  We were pretty tired out still, but the family took over cooking and clean ups, and by the time they left Saturday, things had been cleaned, put away, organized, food sorted out, our Christmas tree up and the living room rearranged.  What a gift for us to have all that done!  

A big gift for us is to see our family together, laughing, talking, snuggling, playing.  We see them as a group usually only once a year so we soaked it all in.

Joel and I enjoyed a great Hallmark movie, 'Three Wise Men and a Baby".  We laughed so much over this movie, one of the best we have seen on Hallmark.  We recommend it highly!  There have been a few Christmas specials on already too.

This past week a friend of Joel's died.  He was a friend to many many people here in Mason City at The Globe Gazette where he worked, at his church, and in many other areas of the community.  He edited Joel's book, and they got to know each other during that time.  John Skipper will be greatly missed. 

Joel's mom would have been 105 today.  One of her granddaughters said she was not overly affectionate, kinda stern, but you knew she loved you. Yes, we did.  She certainly loved the Lord and prayed for so many people, including us.  We miss you Mom T.

Our tree is up thanks to some of the grandkids, and Joel and I decorated it yesterday.  We are getting a few decorations for the house out and the Christmas cards are starting to arrive.  This is a season to celebrate.  And there is much to be grateful for.

Giving thanks that our Thanksgiving went well, we got to hug on family, enjoy the laughter and love of all who gathered here, and eat some good food....and for us, pie!  Grateful that the pressure in my eye came up three points, grateful for good doctors and a tech who asked if he could put me on his prayer list~~!  Grateful for Joel getting the help he needs and that God is walking with him.  Grateful for movies that make us laugh, for new ornaments on the tree, Christmas music, safe travels, the love and prayers of family and friends.  Grateful for all this and so much more......

Enjoy your weekend!