Good Saturday to you on this first weekend in December. It is a cold (-14 wind chill this morning) day here in our corner of the world but it is supposed to hit 40 degrees again. What a roller coaster ride the weather has been!
Speaking of roller coasters...........Joel and I have been hanging on tight as we ride one, trusting God is with us as life keeps sending surprises. We found out my retina was detached a few days before Thanksgiving. Not good news. Pressure was still low. This past Wed. we drove to Des Moines and the pressure had come up three points...Yes! The Dr. told us he still wants to do another surgery to inflate the eye with an oil bubble and try to attach the retina to keep eye from shrinking. Things change weekly and we just keep holding tight to God's promises. On the 12th I will need a tooth extraction that was postponed due to the eye drama. Now, add to this, (I am not kidding) another trip to the ER because Joel woke with an aching jaw and other mild heart symptoms on Thursday morning. They found nothing but told him even though he is is good shape he could have blockages so that will now be pursued. We have started praying for a hedge around us as this garbage continues. We believe it is "the enemy" that comes to kill steal and destroy as stated in Scriptures, so we pray against him and his hoodlums.
Let's move on to the great time we had at Thanksgiving. Our family started arriving Thursday afternoon and the last ones left for home Sat. morning. We had our big meal on Friday noon. There was cribbage and Yahtzee going, and even some World Cup Soccer on TV. It was so great for Joel and I to catch up on hugs from everyone. We were pretty tired out still, but the family took over cooking and clean ups, and by the time they left Saturday, things had been cleaned, put away, organized, food sorted out, our Christmas tree up and the living room rearranged. What a gift for us to have all that done!
A big gift for us is to see our family together, laughing, talking, snuggling, playing. We see them as a group usually only once a year so we soaked it all in.
Joel and I enjoyed a great Hallmark movie, 'Three Wise Men and a Baby". We laughed so much over this movie, one of the best we have seen on Hallmark. We recommend it highly! There have been a few Christmas specials on already too.
This past week a friend of Joel's died. He was a friend to many many people here in Mason City at The Globe Gazette where he worked, at his church, and in many other areas of the community. He edited Joel's book, and they got to know each other during that time. John Skipper will be greatly missed.
Joel's mom would have been 105 today. One of her granddaughters said she was not overly affectionate, kinda stern, but you knew she loved you. Yes, we did. She certainly loved the Lord and prayed for so many people, including us. We miss you Mom T.
Our tree is up thanks to some of the grandkids, and Joel and I decorated it yesterday. We are getting a few decorations for the house out and the Christmas cards are starting to arrive. This is a season to celebrate. And there is much to be grateful for.
Giving thanks that our Thanksgiving went well, we got to hug on family, enjoy the laughter and love of all who gathered here, and eat some good food....and for us, pie! Grateful that the pressure in my eye came up three points, grateful for good doctors and a tech who asked if he could put me on his prayer list~~! Grateful for Joel getting the help he needs and that God is walking with him. Grateful for movies that make us laugh, for new ornaments on the tree, Christmas music, safe travels, the love and prayers of family and friends. Grateful for all this and so much more......
Enjoy your weekend!
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