Saturday, April 27, 2024

Saturday's Scribbles

It is the last Saturday in April, a warm day after plenty of rain yesterday and last night.  We have need of the rain so no complaints there.  We also avoided tornados yesterday...there were at least 10 in central Iowa.  As far as rain goes, a couple good "soakers" would be great for our parched planting soil.  Our grass is green,though, the trees are leafing out.  Our resident duck couple has been settling in the neighborhood.  

Speaking of grass, Joel has been raking and fertilizing before Friday's rain.  He's gotten in a couple bike rides and met with his colleagues.  Wednesday night he was at church.   This Sunday he fills in for a vacationing pastor here in town.   It's at a church he served and we attended for 10 years.   

Joel finished self-publishing with Amazon his second book, "Fencepost Theology ", " a practical understanding of God,  the world,  and ourselves ".  Of course I'm prejudice,  but I think it's a great read! One of the sermons he gave to a group of pastors during his year of Internship was called "Fencepost Theology ".  His Internship pastor thought Joel should write a book about it....and 40+ yrs later he did!  

After a week of challenging symptoms once again, I can say that even with the pain I still walk, clean, cook, bake and get out of the house once in awhile.  And I have taken two trips to nearby states.  Regarding the walking, as I have shared before, years ago Holy whispered to me....'Walk out your healing".  And I did walk out of Lyme!  Because of his instructions I still walk 99 % of my days...mostly 25 minutes with a few 30 minutes of walking thrown in recently.  Sometimes I can only walk 10 and then rest...and walk 10 more, etc. but I still walk.  My doctor appointments have all been good this year but the joint and neuropathy pain continuue to speak loudly.   Energy is okay, balance is challenging.  Sure at times I get discouraged and sad at the losses that have occured, BUT I am still here and spending my days and nights with my amazing hubby.....who just published his second book....Did I mention that?  haha  

Often I mention that when I go to heaven I am going to work in the bakery.....eating my way through all the delicious rolls, donuts, breads I can't eat here.......but lately I have been thinking my passion really is writing so I would love to be writing in Heaven..and living near a bakery!  HA!  I expect there will be plenty to do in Heaven, but I am thinking that it will be filled with what we love most.....besides Jesus....I am thinking, I CAN ONLY IMAGINE!

I have been listening to the biography, "Romney:  The Reckoning" by McKay Coppins.  I like to read about people whom I am curious about.....I have listened to Michelle Obama's book, Barbara Bush, Laura Bush, and now Romney.  They have all been intersting reads.  I usually listen to an audiobook while I walk in the house.  We have watched the usual shows this week but one night I found a movie that was supposed to be a comedy/drama....with Maggie Smith and Kathy Bates...."The Miracle Club".  British....There was NO was dark, depressing, and only redeemable the last 5 minutes.  So, if you are looking for a movie to make you laugh?  This is NOT it.

Tomorrow would be my sister Jo, Gr. Jo to our kids, birthday.  She would be 91.  I expect she will be celebrating in Heaven...although I am not sure we keep aging when given eternal life!  She was strong minded, sometimes short tempered, passionate about her beliefs whether politics or God and absolutely over the top in love, protective, and proud of her family.  She had a delightful, memorable laugh and the most beautiful eyes....she was just plain beautiful, once mistaken for Elizabeth Taylor at Mayo Clinic in MN.  She helped raise me...taking me in under her wings and into her home for much of my childhood.  So grateful.  And miss her so much.  Happy Birthday Joey!  

This day I am grateful for Joey and her love and passion for life.  Grateful for Joel's second book coming out!  So good!  Grateful for the rain that is much needed.  Grateful for our resident ducks coming "home" again.  Grateful to still be here.  Grateful for being able to walk.  Grateful for Joel's bike rides.  Grateful for watching a grand play softball on my phone.  Grateful for resolved "challenges" for friends and family.  Grateful for texts, photos, and phone calls.....and so much more.

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Saturday's Scribbles

It is Saturday here in our corner of the world where April showers continue.  In fact, we had heavy rain, tornado watches, winds, and hail earlier in the week.  We definitely need the rain but the storms? Not necessary.

Speaking of winds and rain, on Tuesday we drove nearly 6 hours northwest into Minnesota through steady hard rain, high winds, and endless dark skies.  It felt good to finally arrive and be able to hear the howling winds from inside the house!  

Speaking of NW MN we were there to attend Joel's brother James' funeral which was held at their country church Wednesday.  Joel was baptised, confirmed, and ordained in this church.  The graveyard/church yard has 17 or more Dahlens buried there.  We too, will place our earthly remains there.  It was a nice funeral as we celebrated James life with sadness for the loss and joy for where he is now.  It was nice to see so many of Joel's family.  Memories were shared and hugs were passed around.  It was a short trip.....leaving Tuesday morning and arriving back home Thursday afternoon.  

Speaking of home, it was a cool 60 degrees inside the house when we arrived!  Ha...we forgot to turn the heat back on before leaving, as we had a couple of hot days.  It was good to be back home, and it did not take long to warm things back up!

One of the families we reconnected with were the Erlandsons who lived on the farm south of Joel's family farm.  They were there when Joel's dad died at age 49, they were there for our family when Joel was ordained, they were there for Joel's brother James (with special needs)when he needed help to pass the driving test to get his license.  They were there for countless people who were in need.  Janis is still 88 years young and loved by so many, rightly so.  I remember the first time I went to their home and I noticed she had one whole drawer filled with just boxes of jello!  Rows of soup, lots of staples stored...I never had a "jello drawer" but I did learn from her on stocking our kitchen.We still buy some things in bulk and store it as if the stores were hours away.  And for us Trader Joe's is!  Haha   It has served us well when we both had Lyme and when we went through the pandemic.  Regarding Janis's generosity, we have quilts she has made us, we have long hand written letters she sends us.  We have memoires of Joel's ordination party when they opened their home to so many people.  There are just some people who have the gifts of hospitality....and grace.....and love.....and encouragement. This family, Merle and Janis Erlandson blessed the world, and Janis STILL blesses so many people including her own great family.  So grateful!

Going back to Joel's family territory is enjoyable but also tugs on our hearts.  We miss the hills, lakes, and trees of northern Minnesota...and lets not forget the people.   It just wasn't God's plan for us to move back there.  We, who have always called Minnesota our home state, are living in Iowa...Twenty eight years ago today we moved here to Mason City, never thinking it would be permanent.  Neither of us have ever lived anywhere this long....We have tried to move 3 times and the doors have shut.  I think the desire to move will always have a small hold on us from our years in the military and also our desire to live near our family but here we are.  Starting year 29 in this city of 28,000.  In Iowa. Always open to God's leading to "go".....and open to His whisper to "stay".  

So today I am grateful for being able to gather in Joel's home church to grieve the death of a loved one and at the same time celebrate his life.  Grateful for our middle daughter being able to go with us and open her home to us.  Grateful for safe travel in so much heavy rain especially while grateful for the much needed rain.  Grateful for laughter and tears for James.  Grateful for coming home to "home".  Grateful for the past 28 years here.  Grateful for the memories with Janis and Merle and their family.  Grateful for seeing family and catching up.  Grateful for all the hugs, conversastions, texts, and phone calls....and so much more.

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Saturday's Scribbles


Good Saturday to you from Iowa where the weather is warm. the winds are strong, and sunshine is filling the day.  I am sure nature is smiling down on us this weekend with temps near 80 expected.  A little warm for April but delightful.  

Speaking of nature Joel went to a secular talk at church this week on the "fear of nature".  It was interesting he said.  Most animals and bugs in the Midwest are not harmful.  What I "fear" in Iowa nature is nasty ticks....and the Lyme they carry.  Ugh.  Of course I mostly experience nature from the front porch or on our walks at the park and along the river road.  Once years ago we went for a walk in tall grasses close to the Mississippi river in western Iowa and by the time we were back to the car we had so many ticks crawling on us....but thankfully none attached and we did not encounter any rattlesnakes. I guess you can run into them near the cliffs of the Mississippi.  We've lived where rattlers, cobras, giant lizards. and scorpions live....but we kinda like Iowa's type of nature best.  

Joel has done some biking and sermonizing this week.  Along with a couple of medical appointments.  Our SUV was in for some repairs and they gave us a Ford F 150 pickup as a loaner.  I had a doctor's appointment so we had to get me into that truck to get there.  I am only 5' 2 1/2" and I'm pretty short on the leg end of that...... so we used a foot stool for me to climb up on the running board and then we hoisted me in from the running board.  It was not pretty and my sister Jan asked me if Joel took pictures.  His reply...."Not if I value my life!"  Considering I am 76 and vertically challenged,  I think I did pretty good on this little adventure.   I like pick ups but they are a bit like climbing Mt Everest for me! We are celebrating two good reports this week from the retina doc and from the urologist.  Something very interesting came up with my urology doctor.  He asked me the name of the drug/injections I was getting when I lost my vision in the left eye and then said after we talked about your eye issue he had had two diffferent patients come in saying they got infections in their eyes after eye injections...from the SAME medicine as me, and one lost his vision in his eye.  Their doctor told them it was a contaminated batch of shots that was the culprit.  This was at a different specialist in a different city.....but we are going to look into it.  It was a year ago yesterday that I had surgery to remove the center of my eye.  Glad that is all in the past.

Joel had fun skipping this week at his check up.  His primary told him he's in good health...nice to hear.  Another celebration! He encourages staff to skip with him.  Some do, some don't.  the nurse told him she saw he was coming in so assumed there would be some skipping going on.  His doctor asked him what he had been up to and he told her about his second book.  She had read the first one and really enjoyed it she said and wants to buy the second...He told her he had a few copies that are not the finished product in the car and she bought them both.  Yesterday he was at the mechanics and they were chatting, including about Joel's healing story,  and one of the men asked Joel if he had any copies of his books. He thought his wife and he would like to read them.  Joel did explain that the first book was a bit "wild" for some, but the guy wanted to read about healing.  Holy Spirit shows up in the most unexpected places for Joel to share his heart and God's love with others.  Joel shares his story when he feels nudged by Holy, and sometimes it goes well and other times it does not.  His books are the same way. He prays a lot, writes, and publishes.   The rest is up to God.

I am writing this with the doors and windows open, letting in fresh air.  The fresh air is blending with the aroma of oatmeal cookies that I made for Joel this morning.  So nice to be able to have the outside filtering in.  This week was mostly doctor and dentist appointments for one or two of us plus the usual routines, some biking and walking and a few TV shows in the evenings.  Joel is still riding his 10 miles and I am still walking in the house 25 minutes.  On that note it is time to close my Scribbles.

Grateful today for fresh air, the smell of cookies baking, biking, walking, a pick-up adventure, the SUV getting maintenance, putting Joel's books in the hands of others, ALL good reports from our doctors, reflections on a year ago and leaving that behind.  Grateful for Iowa's neutral nature.  Grateful for audiobooks, music, worship online and at church.  Grateful for Joel's ability to skip!  Grateful for texts, pictures, emails, phone calls and so much more.....

Enjoy your weekend!


Saturday, April 6, 2024

Saturday's Scribbles


Good Saturday to you in our section of Iowa where the wind is still blowing, the temps are up and down, and our resident ducks are still trying to decide who's yard to call home!  Joel looked out the window last night and saw 5 deer in the neighbor's yard....nibbling on corn cobs I am sure.  No birds nesting yet that we can tell.  I am not sure if Joel has the wren houses out yet as Iowa is still getting dustings of snow at times.

Speaking of Iowa, the NCAA women's basketball has been on and last night we watched Iowa play UCONN and what a game!  Now, we were watching a new Hallmark Mystery, so it was mostly on commericals we would head to ESPN.  I was past ready for bed at 10, but Joel stayed up and watched the end of an exciting game.  Iowa will now play South Carolina for the championship tomorrow.  We are NOT people who watch sports, but thisi past year we have watched a few Vikings games and now 4 womens Hawkeye games.  I do like women's basketball and beach volleyball during the Olympics.  Oh and curling too!  Anyway, the Iowa Hawkeyes will have their work cut out for them playing this exceptional South Carolina team.

Speaking of sports one of our granddaughters celebrated a big birthday this week. Thanks to technology we were able to watch her college softball games live stream  on her birthday.  So great to be able to watch from the comfort of our living room.  Happy Birthday G.!  We love you bunches!!  

Speaking of birthdays, my sister Janelle is having a birthday today.  So thankful for her in my life.  Recently she came down to stay with me while Joel was gone to northern Minnesota.  It was nice to catch up and great to have someone here.  Enjoy your day Janelle !!!

Joel is off to Gabby Grandpas this morning.  It will be way too windy for him to ride bike today but he did get in 10 miles yesterday.  He has been working hard to finish re-doing his book cover and getting ready for a confirmation service on the 12th where he will officiate.  His energy continues to be exceptional for his age..Shhhhhh  We don't talk about his age....its only a number!  Where as my energy and increase in pain this week has been challenging.  I still do things....I still walk...I still cook or bake....I still clean .....but I do so with effort and determination.  No matter how awful I feel I still walk daily.  Maybe only 20 minutes and maybe broken up in sections...but I walk. As I have mentioned before, Holy Spirit made it clear to me to :walk out my healing" in 2012 as I began healing from Lyme and I have not stopped for any length of time.  Even when we were staying at Hope Lodge at Mayo Clinic I used to walk in the hallways.  As we age, our legs are vital to staying upright and active. And it is important to me to be obedient to Holy. 

Writing about walking takes me to last fall when all of a sudden my knee was hurting and collapsing under my weight.  I tried the chiropractor and my physucal therapist gave me exercises...but nothing helped.  And then we prayed.  And I just started to slowly speak to my knee, my body.  Telling it how wonderful it was to walk.  How great that the knee was just fine, etc.  All I can say is, for the past 2-3 months my knee has been good.  No issues.  Thank you Jesus. My sister Janelle told me my tennis shoes were worn out and probably causing me hip pain.  Ummm that was nearly two years ago and I FINALLY did something about it and after trying on shoes for a year I bought myself some Sketcher Slip-ons that fit really well. Hip pain?  Gone 99% of time.

We did look for a new laptop for me this week.  We are learning what "works"for someone with one funky eye.  For sure we will have one with a good voice activated system for typing and backlighting for keyboard.  Need a good contrast between keyboard keys and letters.  I mention all this because isn't it wonderful what is available to us in the tech world??  So many choices and helpful programs.  SO blessed!\

I am still listening to audiobooks (great when walking indoors) and I'm on number 21 in the Hannah Swensen series.  Really light mysteries where if you fall asleep listening or miss some words while walking, it is not a big deal!  Ha  This week we watched the usual favorites on TV along with some womens NCAA basketball.  A new Hannah Swenson Movie last night on Hallmark.  Looking forward to when we can porch sit again in the evenings.  

Best close these Scribbles with the things I am grateful G.'s birthday and being able to watch her play softball.  Grateful for walking without knee or hip issues.  Grateful for Joel's book ready to print.  Grateful for Janelle's birthday.  Grateful to be able to purchase a new laptop.  Grateful for sunshine.  Grateful for phone calls from friends and family!  Grateful for texts, photos, and emails.  And just sooooooooooooo much more.

Enjoy your weekend!