Good Saturday to you in our section of Iowa where the wind is still blowing, the temps are up and down, and our resident ducks are still trying to decide who's yard to call home! Joel looked out the window last night and saw 5 deer in the neighbor's yard....nibbling on corn cobs I am sure. No birds nesting yet that we can tell. I am not sure if Joel has the wren houses out yet as Iowa is still getting dustings of snow at times.
Speaking of Iowa, the NCAA women's basketball has been on and last night we watched Iowa play UCONN and what a game! Now, we were watching a new Hallmark Mystery, so it was mostly on commericals we would head to ESPN. I was past ready for bed at 10, but Joel stayed up and watched the end of an exciting game. Iowa will now play South Carolina for the championship tomorrow. We are NOT people who watch sports, but thisi past year we have watched a few Vikings games and now 4 womens Hawkeye games. I do like women's basketball and beach volleyball during the Olympics. Oh and curling too! Anyway, the Iowa Hawkeyes will have their work cut out for them playing this exceptional South Carolina team.
Speaking of sports one of our granddaughters celebrated a big birthday this week. Thanks to technology we were able to watch her college softball games live stream on her birthday. So great to be able to watch from the comfort of our living room. Happy Birthday G.! We love you bunches!!
Speaking of birthdays, my sister Janelle is having a birthday today. So thankful for her in my life. Recently she came down to stay with me while Joel was gone to northern Minnesota. It was nice to catch up and great to have someone here. Enjoy your day Janelle !!!
Joel is off to Gabby Grandpas this morning. It will be way too windy for him to ride bike today but he did get in 10 miles yesterday. He has been working hard to finish re-doing his book cover and getting ready for a confirmation service on the 12th where he will officiate. His energy continues to be exceptional for his age..Shhhhhh We don't talk about his age....its only a number! Where as my energy and increase in pain this week has been challenging. I still do things....I still walk...I still cook or bake....I still clean .....but I do so with effort and determination. No matter how awful I feel I still walk daily. Maybe only 20 minutes and maybe broken up in sections...but I walk. As I have mentioned before, Holy Spirit made it clear to me to :walk out my healing" in 2012 as I began healing from Lyme and I have not stopped for any length of time. Even when we were staying at Hope Lodge at Mayo Clinic I used to walk in the hallways. As we age, our legs are vital to staying upright and active. And it is important to me to be obedient to Holy.
Writing about walking takes me to last fall when all of a sudden my knee was hurting and collapsing under my weight. I tried the chiropractor and my physucal therapist gave me exercises...but nothing helped. And then we prayed. And I just started to slowly speak to my knee, my body. Telling it how wonderful it was to walk. How great that the knee was just fine, etc. All I can say is, for the past 2-3 months my knee has been good. No issues. Thank you Jesus. My sister Janelle told me my tennis shoes were worn out and probably causing me hip pain. Ummm that was nearly two years ago and I FINALLY did something about it and after trying on shoes for a year I bought myself some Sketcher Slip-ons that fit really well. Hip pain? Gone 99% of time.
We did look for a new laptop for me this week. We are learning what "works"for someone with one funky eye. For sure we will have one with a good voice activated system for typing and backlighting for keyboard. Need a good contrast between keyboard keys and letters. I mention all this because isn't it wonderful what is available to us in the tech world?? So many choices and helpful programs. SO blessed!\
I am still listening to audiobooks (great when walking indoors) and I'm on number 21 in the Hannah Swensen series. Really light mysteries where if you fall asleep listening or miss some words while walking, it is not a big deal! Ha This week we watched the usual favorites on TV along with some womens NCAA basketball. A new Hannah Swenson Movie last night on Hallmark. Looking forward to when we can porch sit again in the evenings.
Best close these Scribbles with the things I am grateful G.'s birthday and being able to watch her play softball. Grateful for walking without knee or hip issues. Grateful for Joel's book ready to print. Grateful for Janelle's birthday. Grateful to be able to purchase a new laptop. Grateful for sunshine. Grateful for phone calls from friends and family! Grateful for texts, photos, and emails. And just sooooooooooooo much more.
Enjoy your weekend!
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