Sunday we were to attend a celebration but it was cancelled, so we headed to church at a local congregation. We sometimes go with friends to their church ....other times we go to a large Lutheran church downtown, which is where we found ourselves yesterday.
After services a man we have known for over 20 years came over to me and expressed how good it was to see us there. He then said, "Say, didn't you go to _______ Church for awhile?" Even though this was not the first time he had brought this up to us, I replied, "Yes we did! For over a year." He asked, "So you go to this service on Sundays now?" I replied, "Joel is still filling in most Sundays, but when he is not filling in somewhere. we go to _________church with our friends, or attend a Lutheran church like this one. We like variety. " This man's reply was "OH!" _______ church? "Well, it is really good to see you here." He had a smile on his face, but a question or two left in his eyes.
The sermon we had just listened to talked about stepping out of our comfort zone and about being open to new things God wants to show us. In hindsight I would have brought that into the conversation. As it was, I had "rocked the boat" a bit I expect.
Not too long ago Joel and I listened to people speak about places of worship. The tone was quite clear......"them vs us". We found ourselves once again defending mainline churches. It has been the reason we have with sadness walked away from more than one place of worship or a group.
Jesus is to be the center of our places of worship. The rest is interpretation, doctrine, and individual needs. In the past five years we have found that no matter what church we are worshiping in, we seem to rock the boat when it comes to being Lutherans who believe and walk in the prophetic, speaking in tongues, and God-wants-you-well healing. It is not often a comfortable position to be in.
The term "rock the boat" did not come from us but from God. When we were at Bethel church in Redding CA we went to a personal prophetic session, where we were asked a question by one of the leaders that made us laugh. He said to us, "Do you two rock the boat?" It is so strange but God is showing me a picture of you both in a boat, rocking it!" We expressed our thoughts on this, responding that we do rock the boat in the fact that we are Lutherans who believe and walk in God-wants-you-well healing, speaking in tongues, and seeing the prophetic come to light. The man said, "Well, God told me you are to keep rocking the boat. Don't stop rocking the boat. Keep rocking the boat with love. When you do stop rocking the boat, that will be when He calls you Home." So.......we all three said together.....Keep rocking the boat! (not really ready to go home to Heaven.)
As I told Joel about this conversation with the man we know while on our way home Sunday, he said, "I think you were rocking his boat, Missy."
I pondered this, as I really do get weary of explaining our way of worship, or defending mainline denominations like the Lutheran church for their form of worship or doctrine. It is frustrating. I keep thinking there is unity in diversity and it should start in the pew first! In my search for a church home for us I found a congregation in Huntington Beach CA that an ELCA pastor started. He defines himself as a Norwegian Lutheran pastor with incurable Pentecostal tendencies. That would be a long Sunday morning commute......but it is nice to know that there are others like us out in the world.
Today I realized it probably won't end until God calls us Home. It seems we are boat rockers. Evidently God has placed us in this position.....whether sharing healing stories, defending "others" in the them vs us way of thinking, or answering the questions of those who just don't get us. I cannot say I like it, but I do receive it. We will keep rocking the boat with love, Lord, as you direct us, until you call us Home.
Monday, April 30, 2018
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Tell Them God Is With Me
I have been going back over old posts I have written here in the past 6 years as I put together what I think would be worthwhile to be in book form. Recently I re-read an article I wrote in 2013 about our grandson Grant.
Grant ended up taking an ambulance ride to ER after breaking the large bones in his forearm while at a wrestling meet. He landed with his full weight on his arm, snapping both the large bones. I cannot imagine the pain he felt or the fear he experienced when his arm hung over in a "U" shape. At age 11 it must have been pretty traumatic.
While in the ambulance he told his dad to call us so we would know about his injury. He wanted his dad to tell us "God is with me". God is with me. He was worried, even thinking he might die at one point, but he knew God was with him. He was in an ambulance in terrible pain but he wanted us to know God was with him. As you can imagine, we were pretty proud of him. We also could not help but ponder what lessons Grant was teaching us and everyone around him.
God's timing is always perfect and re-reading this story felt like a warm blanket of God's love. My medical journey continues with eye issues that I can only put into God's hands. We are still waiting for the monthly injections to work. I am still limiting my "sunlight" because the retina reacts so strongly bringing with it a light show. Truthfully it has at times brought me to my knees. I am an avid reader and writer and my vision is kinda important. I expect we all feel the same way. And the Vitamin D toxicity? I'm slowly improving.
Our brother-in-law Lanny is going through chemo for lung cancer. It has been more than a little challenging. In just a few weeks he will begin radiation. Tough season. Our dear friend L. is just beginning a familiar journey of surgery, chemo, and radiation. Another long time friend, B. has been given a terminal diagnosis. There are more....too many more. We pray and we remember, God walks with them all.
"The Lord your God goes before you and will be with you;
He will never leave you nor forsake you,
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
Deuteronomy 31:8
God is with us.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Such Good Friends
I have a friend who spends her days taking care of a house full of treasures. Some with special needs, all part of their big family. She recently shared on her blog that she spends her days doing a lot of talking. Certainly you would expect that with so many kids to care for, but she stated she talks all day to God. They are "long time friends" and she visits with Him continually and listens when He talks to her. This relationship has been part of her life since she was a young child. Ana Werner, author and speaker, shared in her book "The Seer's Path" that she spends a lot of time talking with Jesus. A back and forth conversation guided by Holy Spirit I expect. I desire what they talk about.
It is common knowledge that God wants a close relationship with us. It seems to me that would require some good back and forth conversation. Just like any relationship, we need to put the time and effort into nurturing those that are important to us.
Recently I asked Jesus a question that someone suggested. What would Jesus say about me? As I thought about it, I remembered that He has said more than once I am faithful. He expressed to me through words of knowledge that I have tenacity. Those two I already knew, but when I asked this question while quietly sitting in His Presence, I also heard Him say "God fiercely loves you." I then saw Jesus link arms with me and heard Him say "We are such good friends!"
"Such good friends". Wow. That surprised me and got me thinking even more. Am I really a good friend? Do I come to Him only with my own agenda or do I find out how He is doing too. Do I listen as well as I talk? Do I laugh with Him, cry with Him? Do I desire to spend time with Him like I do my earthly friends? Do I trust Him fully as I do my Joel? Do we do life well together?
I am often amazed that Jesus wants to be our friend. That Papa God loves us so much. I am amazed at the perseverance of them both to bring home the lost and continually care for their children. Always with us, always for us. That is the best kind of relationship to have, isn't it. I'm so glad we are such good friends.
Friday, April 20, 2018
I Have Been Talking To You All Night
I was determined to hear her speak, the author of two books that we had read. Judy Franklin is an assistant to pastor Bill Johnson and shares her gifting of visions from Holy Spirit as a speaker and author.. She understands the spirit realm and has written about her own experiences. It is powerful the way God can use our imagination for His own purposes.
She was so interesting! Part of her lecture was to have us sit back and visualize Jesus in front of us. Then listen for what he wants to tell you and see what he wants to show you.
As I leaned back and closed my eyes Jesus came right up. Eyes so vivid and hair a reddish brown, thick and wavy. He took my hand and I noticed the scar on the top of His. I leaned down and kissed the scar. He urged me to walk with Him so I did. We went to a meadow by a creek and he sat down leaning back on His hands with His ankles crossed. I sat beside Him. He suddenly scooped His hands up from the grass and lifted them high in the air. Feathers went up and then fell down all around us. So many small white feathers! As I stood up and started gathering the,, He said, "You don't have to collect them, there will always be more."
That was the end of what I saw as the speaker then invited some of us to share what we had seen. I am not completely sure what the feathers represent but they have come to me often over the past 2 1/2 years. It started with breast cancer surgery and the verses and feathers showing up in images, etc. Shelter-of-His-wings feathers, healing feathers. Then when we went to Bethel Church last fall they showed up before we left after we asked for them as affirmation for our trip. This time from an owl who was gracing us with his nightly presence. Now once again I am seeing feathers. I am praying for clarification and meaning to fully come, but for now I am grateful there will always be more.
At the end of Judy Franklin's teaching, she pointed her finger at me and told me she had been "looking at me and talking to me the whole night". She went on to speak some amazing words over and about me that touched my heart and has had me pondering their meaning ever since. I was one of 3 people she spoke to in a room of 75-100 listeners, so I am so grateful to hear from someone who has helped me to understand the things I see and hear.
There are so many ways that God speaks to us. Through our devotionals, the scriptures, worship songs, the words of friends and family, books written by others, prophetic words, and much more. More, like God using our minds/imagination for His divine purposes.
She was so interesting! Part of her lecture was to have us sit back and visualize Jesus in front of us. Then listen for what he wants to tell you and see what he wants to show you.
As I leaned back and closed my eyes Jesus came right up. Eyes so vivid and hair a reddish brown, thick and wavy. He took my hand and I noticed the scar on the top of His. I leaned down and kissed the scar. He urged me to walk with Him so I did. We went to a meadow by a creek and he sat down leaning back on His hands with His ankles crossed. I sat beside Him. He suddenly scooped His hands up from the grass and lifted them high in the air. Feathers went up and then fell down all around us. So many small white feathers! As I stood up and started gathering the,, He said, "You don't have to collect them, there will always be more."
That was the end of what I saw as the speaker then invited some of us to share what we had seen. I am not completely sure what the feathers represent but they have come to me often over the past 2 1/2 years. It started with breast cancer surgery and the verses and feathers showing up in images, etc. Shelter-of-His-wings feathers, healing feathers. Then when we went to Bethel Church last fall they showed up before we left after we asked for them as affirmation for our trip. This time from an owl who was gracing us with his nightly presence. Now once again I am seeing feathers. I am praying for clarification and meaning to fully come, but for now I am grateful there will always be more.
At the end of Judy Franklin's teaching, she pointed her finger at me and told me she had been "looking at me and talking to me the whole night". She went on to speak some amazing words over and about me that touched my heart and has had me pondering their meaning ever since. I was one of 3 people she spoke to in a room of 75-100 listeners, so I am so grateful to hear from someone who has helped me to understand the things I see and hear.
There are so many ways that God speaks to us. Through our devotionals, the scriptures, worship songs, the words of friends and family, books written by others, prophetic words, and much more. More, like God using our minds/imagination for His divine purposes.
Garden of My Heart,
God's purpose,
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Let Me Tell You A Story
Recently we listened to Pastor Kris Vallotton speak about a very difficult time in his life. A number of circumstances came together to put him into a deep depression. It was 5 months before he saw a glimmer of hope,as he lay on the sofa day after day. With medication and prayer he slowly improved. He said, "The day I experienced one hour without depression I told the devil he should have killed me".............because now he (Kris) was going to tell the world how God saved him from the enemy's destruction." From that winter season of his life came the book "Spirit Wars" which is still helping others. Since this time of struggle he has used the winter seasons of his life to write books and bring God glory, making his story God's story.
Recently I read a story about a woman who felt it was her calling to help those God sent her way. She was going to a store one day and as she pulled into the parking lot a young man came up to her window, put a gun to her head and told her to get out or he would kill her. She him that he did not really want her car because so many things were wrong with it. He replied, "Get out or I will shoot you." At that moment Holy Spirit whispered to her, "He is suicidal." She said to him, "You are having suicidal thoughts" and with surprise in his voice he told her he was. She told him to go around and get in the car.....when he did she shared with him about Jesus and prayed for him, also breaking off a spirit of suicide. He left her car and walked away that day a different man. Her story, this one story really speaks of her faith, boldness ( some people might think more.....rashness) and God's glory. Wow. Don't you just love this?!
Not all stories are so dramatic, for sure. Yet I expect each of us has at least a story or two to share about how God has been faithful.............protective.............healing.............loving...........Whether we call them testimonies, faith stories, or "coincidences" they tell others how God is with us through the best of the best and the worst of the worst.
One of Joel's stories of protection has been written about here before. We were selling our car in the Philippine Islands before heading home to the states. He received a call from a Filipino man who wanted to see the car in the hopes of buying it. When Joel picked him up he had a buddy with him. Joel drove them around Angeles City, a heavily populated city right outside the base. As they drove the one young man started directing Joel where to go. At one point he told Joel to turn left which would take them to a rural unpopulated area. As Joel waited to turn he heard a strong voice in his head say, "Don't turn!" When Joel hesitated he heard the voice again....."Do not turn!" Joel knew it was God speaking to him and he immediately drove to a very busy area, stopped the car and got out. He then told the two men to get out of the car and leave. As they did, they stole his calculator but he firmly told them to put it back, keeping his distance from them. As soon as they walked away he got in the car and drove home.
It was only a couple of days later he heard about a man from the base who had been showing his car to two young men and these men had him drive to a rural area, where they stabbed and robbed him, stealing the car in the process.
Before Joel had gone out to try and sell the car we had prayed about it, asking for his protection because life was pretty chaotic in this third world country where people lived in such deep poverty and lack. God heard our prayers and intervened that day.
Our stories are God's stories and I never tire of hearing them or sharing them. It is always encouraging to hear the many ways God works in our lives. Our stories becoming His stories. They put the devil in his place of defeat and God in His place of glory.
Recently I read a story about a woman who felt it was her calling to help those God sent her way. She was going to a store one day and as she pulled into the parking lot a young man came up to her window, put a gun to her head and told her to get out or he would kill her. She him that he did not really want her car because so many things were wrong with it. He replied, "Get out or I will shoot you." At that moment Holy Spirit whispered to her, "He is suicidal." She said to him, "You are having suicidal thoughts" and with surprise in his voice he told her he was. She told him to go around and get in the car.....when he did she shared with him about Jesus and prayed for him, also breaking off a spirit of suicide. He left her car and walked away that day a different man. Her story, this one story really speaks of her faith, boldness ( some people might think more.....rashness) and God's glory. Wow. Don't you just love this?!
Not all stories are so dramatic, for sure. Yet I expect each of us has at least a story or two to share about how God has been faithful.............protective.............healing.............loving...........Whether we call them testimonies, faith stories, or "coincidences" they tell others how God is with us through the best of the best and the worst of the worst.
One of Joel's stories of protection has been written about here before. We were selling our car in the Philippine Islands before heading home to the states. He received a call from a Filipino man who wanted to see the car in the hopes of buying it. When Joel picked him up he had a buddy with him. Joel drove them around Angeles City, a heavily populated city right outside the base. As they drove the one young man started directing Joel where to go. At one point he told Joel to turn left which would take them to a rural unpopulated area. As Joel waited to turn he heard a strong voice in his head say, "Don't turn!" When Joel hesitated he heard the voice again....."Do not turn!" Joel knew it was God speaking to him and he immediately drove to a very busy area, stopped the car and got out. He then told the two men to get out of the car and leave. As they did, they stole his calculator but he firmly told them to put it back, keeping his distance from them. As soon as they walked away he got in the car and drove home.
It was only a couple of days later he heard about a man from the base who had been showing his car to two young men and these men had him drive to a rural area, where they stabbed and robbed him, stealing the car in the process.
Before Joel had gone out to try and sell the car we had prayed about it, asking for his protection because life was pretty chaotic in this third world country where people lived in such deep poverty and lack. God heard our prayers and intervened that day.
Our stories are God's stories and I never tire of hearing them or sharing them. It is always encouraging to hear the many ways God works in our lives. Our stories becoming His stories. They put the devil in his place of defeat and God in His place of glory.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Saturday's Scribbles: Let There Be Light!
candle and fireplace glow
It is Saturday, in our corner of the world and nature has completely lost her mind. Mid April and we are in the midst of yet another snow event. At the moment we are watching it snow......while listening to it thunder! The forecast is for "only" 3-6 inches here, while just north of us they are to get 6-8. About 100 miles north of us they are in blizzard conditions with 10-16 inches of wet snow on the way. Seriously, this is gone beyond strange to crazy. Spring has lost it's way!
It started last night with a thunderstorm and high winds that took out our electricity for an hour or so. We had just turned in and were settling into sleep when the TV came back on downstairs and the beeping and whirring of technology came alive........"I'm back.....I'm back."
There is something calming about sitting in the dark with candles for light. It is peaceful and the silence is almost palpable. One small candle in the dark provides enough light to see our way. God's light in the darkness theme in the Bible holds great truth.
Of course that light is the One......Jesus. Our light in darkness to lead the way.........His Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. The Light of the world. Jesus.
We are not looking forward to any more storms or winter with weather or in life, but comfort is near. Even with darkness around us, there is light to be found. In a candle.........and in our Jesus.
Let there be light!
Thursday, April 12, 2018
A Sturdy Backpack
I have been reading Tsh Oxenreider's book, "At Home In The World: Reflections on Belonging While Wandering the Globe" . I am savoring the words she has "penned" the way you do a good dessert. One spoonful at a time.
Tsh, her husband, and three kids sold their home, put their belongings in storage and put on sturdy backpacks, making the world their home for nine months. It has been delightful to see her perspective on life in Asia, Australia, Europe, and more. It reminds me of a quote that hangs on our wall............
"Adventure will leave you speechless,
then turns you into a storyteller."
"Adventure does not always require a sturdy backpack."
Tsh Oxenreider
"We are strangers, but this is community."
Tsh Oxenreider
When we say yes to Him, when we surrender to Him, adventures abound. Sometimes it requires a "sturdy backpack" and sometimes the adventure takes place in our own backyard. Or maybe inside the pages of a book! Living life to the fullest with our God is a daring adventure whether backpacking across the world, or experiencing life in the place we call home. Embrace it!
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
God Of Angel Armies
I was quietly meditating, asking Holy to guide my thoughts and show me anything I needed to see for Joel and myself. I immediately saw us in Heaven, standing on the sidelines, watching a battle taking place. To our right were slate colored horses with riders wearing slate armor, whose faces were obscured by armor. Swords were drawn as the horse and riders thundered forward. To my left were the angels on white stallions, they wore no armor but carried large silver swords. As we watched the fighting taking place, I asked Holy Spirit if we were to join in. He said yes and immediately Joel and I were pulled up on the back of horses behind the angels riding them. I could actually hear the horses snorting, and the swords clashing as the fight continued on. I could feel the horse underneath me, strong and muscular. I felt safe with the angel in front of me. I knew he was fighting from a place of victory. I glanced at his face and saw he had longer blondish hair and a square jaw. His face was set firm and his eyes were on those he was fighting with, the enemy. This is where my vision ended.
I connected what I saw with what Ana Werner spoke of a week ago. She sent out an email to her readers , sharing that Jesus had told her to "sound the alarm". Let everyone know that there is a battle going on against full healing for people and God's angels have joined the battle. Our part in this battle was to "KEEP praising in the midst of the battle. Keep praising because praise carries more power than we realize."
A couple of hours later I was on Facebook and saw that Dr. Brian Simmons had given a prophetic word from God. "I have set My armies in place, they are battle ready and prepared to fight for you......Watch the miracles break forth as you step forward in faith. I call you to march with My Heavenly armies and see great victories for you."
I love it when God connects the dots. When I receive something three or more times I pay attention. I have been quite discouraged by this latest medical drama with Vitamin D toxicity. As I struggle with symptoms that keep me close to the sofa, I am more than a little weary. Yet, God.
I have a dear friend who has been dealing with a problem in her body that is causing great anxiety. Our brother-in-law is dealing with chemo side effects as he journeys ahead. A dear couple we have known for over 40 years is coming to grips with the doctor's words.....terminal. Many of you are carrying your own burdens. Life is at times so challenging. Yet God.
God tells us we are never alone. He fights for us. He wraps His wings around us as a shelter. The words I have received and what He has shown me let me know that He is very aware of what is going on and He is sending out His armies to fight. In this situation I believe our job is to give God praise. To step out in faith knowing He has this. To praise Him and trust that He has it covered. He hates sickness and suffering as much as we do.
If you find yourself in a battle.....or sitting exhausted on the sidelines.....remember that "The Lord with fight for you and you need only to be still." Remember that praise is a mighty weapon of warfare. Remember that God's Heavenly Armies rise against the enemy! The God of Angel Armies Is Always On Our Side!
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Saturday's Scribbles
The sun is shining today and the temperatures are, well, they are dang cold! We are using the fireplace, cranking up the furnace and I'm bundling up in sweats and wool socks. Hello........... Tomorrow we are getting snow again. Six to eight inches are forecast for our area. Seriously, this is so wrong. Just where has Spring gone?
I expect we all have at one time or another been looking for Spring to arrive! Spring filled with flowers and warm temperatures, and Spring filled with a change of circumstances, all of us eager to leave a winter season behind.
Our oldest daughter mentioned to me recently a time when she was in college and could not afford to go on a "Spring break". A couple of her friends came to stay with us and we decided to have our own Florida experience. It was winter, but we cranked up the heat, decorated our grandfather clock to look lie a palm tree, added a few "tropical" foods and decorations and put on summer clothes. We could not change her circumstances, but did the best to create fun and joy right where we were. Creating spring in the midst of winter.
Guess we need to do the same here in the Midwest. Keeping our joy on while dealing with yet more snow. Keeping our joy on while in the midst of unwelcome circumstances. God is in the midst of our winter seasons. He brings sunshine to our days and SONshine to our circumstances.....He reminds us that victory is ours.! We live in hope for better days. Spring is coming
Thursday, April 5, 2018
D For Drama
I woke up Tuesday morning thinking, "This is it. I need to go back to the doctor. Something is wrong." I had the flu over six weeks ago. It hit me hard....vertigo, sinus infection and UTI added to the mix. I seemed to get better and then worse. And worse. I was so weak and shaky and bloody tired. I knew I had blamed it on being more stressed due to eye issues but this seemed off somehow. Could the flu last so long?
The doctor first told me it could very well be left over symptoms from the flu. It seemed to be lasting longer than normal in people and she mentioned my history........... BUT she thought some tests were in order to rule out anything else. All my tests came back normal but one. But let me back up here............
Before going in to see the doctor we prayed that if anything was wrong, it would be revealed. Let the doctor find it. So when the doctor was telling me she wanted to do a B-12 and Vit. D test I told her I have taken those supplements daily for 11 years. My Vit-D level had been only 7 (50 is average) when I started taking it. She still wanted to check them, but told me she needed a "reason" to test Vit-D or it would not be covered by Medicare. Seriously? We discussed my history and the reason cropped up, so it was a go.
The doctor called me at 5 pm that day to tell me that all my tests were normal but one. The Vit-D test was off the charts. Higher than she had ever seen in anyone. Say what? It is rare, but it appears I have Vit-D toxicity and several of the symptoms I have been having are listed as side effects of having too much Vit D. Too much Vit-D creates too much calcium in the blood which creates a host of problems...... SO, I am off of Vit-D and drinking salt water, as that is one of the things that removes calcium from the blood.
Who would have thought. I have done my own research, and cannot come up with a reasonable explanation for the toxic levels in my blood. I was taking 2000 - 4,000 iu's a day which is the dose recommended by many doctors. It stores in fat though, and evidently my body stored it well. Too well. The levels may take awhile to drop. So I am resting, praying, drinking salt water, taking in more fluids and no Vit-D or calcium for now.
God answered my prayers. The doctor found a problem that did not even connect with the flu. I am so grateful she decided to test the levels. She was sure they were low................turns out they were high! She was stunned and told us she had never seen anyone with this high a level before.
I was talking to our son about this, trying to figure out the "why" of it, when he said..."Mom, it is kinda cute how you are trying to answer the why of this. After all these years of having a body that is in no way "normal" you still believe your body does things normally." Ha.....
I am sharing this today for two reasons. One, our answered prayer. God led the Dr. in the right direction and a problem was revealed. Thank you Jesus. Two, to give you a heads up. IF you take Vit-D supplements make sure the doctor tests you periodically so you do not end up with toxic levels in your system. I don't want you to have your own D drama to share!
The doctor first told me it could very well be left over symptoms from the flu. It seemed to be lasting longer than normal in people and she mentioned my history........... BUT she thought some tests were in order to rule out anything else. All my tests came back normal but one. But let me back up here............
Before going in to see the doctor we prayed that if anything was wrong, it would be revealed. Let the doctor find it. So when the doctor was telling me she wanted to do a B-12 and Vit. D test I told her I have taken those supplements daily for 11 years. My Vit-D level had been only 7 (50 is average) when I started taking it. She still wanted to check them, but told me she needed a "reason" to test Vit-D or it would not be covered by Medicare. Seriously? We discussed my history and the reason cropped up, so it was a go.
The doctor called me at 5 pm that day to tell me that all my tests were normal but one. The Vit-D test was off the charts. Higher than she had ever seen in anyone. Say what? It is rare, but it appears I have Vit-D toxicity and several of the symptoms I have been having are listed as side effects of having too much Vit D. Too much Vit-D creates too much calcium in the blood which creates a host of problems...... SO, I am off of Vit-D and drinking salt water, as that is one of the things that removes calcium from the blood.
Who would have thought. I have done my own research, and cannot come up with a reasonable explanation for the toxic levels in my blood. I was taking 2000 - 4,000 iu's a day which is the dose recommended by many doctors. It stores in fat though, and evidently my body stored it well. Too well. The levels may take awhile to drop. So I am resting, praying, drinking salt water, taking in more fluids and no Vit-D or calcium for now.
God answered my prayers. The doctor found a problem that did not even connect with the flu. I am so grateful she decided to test the levels. She was sure they were low................turns out they were high! She was stunned and told us she had never seen anyone with this high a level before.
I was talking to our son about this, trying to figure out the "why" of it, when he said..."Mom, it is kinda cute how you are trying to answer the why of this. After all these years of having a body that is in no way "normal" you still believe your body does things normally." Ha.....
I am sharing this today for two reasons. One, our answered prayer. God led the Dr. in the right direction and a problem was revealed. Thank you Jesus. Two, to give you a heads up. IF you take Vit-D supplements make sure the doctor tests you periodically so you do not end up with toxic levels in your system. I don't want you to have your own D drama to share!
Monday, April 2, 2018
You Are Welcome Here
Yesterday a very delicate butterfly landed in my hand. I was able to gently caress it, observing and enjoying it's beauty. It felt like a precious gift from God to hold close for a moment of time.
Of course we don't have any butterflies around this time of year. In fact even though it is April we are now in another "storm watch" with more snow heading our way. The "butterfly" that I held in my hand is an analogy for our oldest grandson. He came from college to have Easter dinner with us. We had four hours one on one with him. A precious gift. A brief moment in time together, stored now in our memories.
Our oldest daughter Sarah went to church with us and had dinner with us before heading south to pick up her son. Of course we enjoyed having her here too, but this "precious gift" is how I feel whenever we spend time with a grandchild. We do not have the privilege to live around any of our grands, so our visits with most of them are limited to one holiday a year, a visit to their homes, and maybe an event that gathers family to celebrate, like a wedding. One on one time is rare and spending a few hours with Evan yesterday was much appreciated. Great fun.
God made us for relationships. He created us for loving relationships with others and with Him. He desires for us to welcome Him into our hearts and into our homes, enjoying the gift of His presence. As we gather together, He gathers with us. Not only in times of joy, but as we seek him during the difficult seasons and in the mundane. We hold these moments like a delicate butterfly. Precious.
We were so excited to have our grandson come. We fed him his favorite food, made up an "Easter bag" for him to take back to the dorm, and took pictures to honor the event. A celebration! We can certainly do no less for our Savior who created us, created family. We invite Jesus in. The One who suffered and died, who rose from the dead. He brought us to His banqueting table......"His banner over us is love". Let us bring Him to our banqueting table.....let our banner over Him be love. Come Lord Jesus, come. You are welcome here.
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