Tuesday, April 10, 2018

God Of Angel Armies

I was quietly meditating, asking Holy to guide my thoughts and show me anything I needed to see for Joel and myself.  I immediately saw us in Heaven, standing on the sidelines, watching a battle taking place.  To our right were slate colored horses with riders wearing slate armor, whose faces were obscured by armor.  Swords were drawn as the horse and riders thundered forward.  To my left were the angels on white stallions, they wore no armor but carried large silver swords.  As we watched the fighting taking place, I asked Holy Spirit if we were to join in.  He said yes and immediately Joel and I were pulled up on the back of horses behind the angels riding them.  I could actually hear the horses snorting, and the swords clashing as the fight continued on.  I could feel the horse underneath me, strong and muscular.  I felt safe with the angel in front of me.  I knew he was fighting from a place of victory.  I glanced at his face and saw he had longer blondish hair and a square jaw.  His face was set firm and his eyes were on those he was fighting with, the enemy.  This is where my vision ended.

I connected what I saw with what Ana Werner spoke of a week ago.  She sent out an email to her readers , sharing that Jesus had told her to "sound the alarm". Let everyone know that there is a battle going on against full healing for people and God's angels have joined the battle.  Our part in this battle was to "KEEP praising in the midst of the battle.  Keep praising because praise carries more power than we realize."

A couple of hours later I was on Facebook and saw that Dr. Brian Simmons had given a prophetic word from God.  "I have set My armies in place, they are battle ready and prepared to fight for you......Watch the miracles break forth as you step forward in faith.  I call you to march with My Heavenly armies and see great victories for you."

I love it when God connects the dots.  When I receive something three or more times I pay attention. I have been quite discouraged by this latest medical drama with Vitamin D toxicity.  As I struggle with symptoms that keep me close to the sofa, I am more than a little weary.  Yet, God.

I have a dear friend who has been dealing with a problem in her body that is causing great anxiety.  Our brother-in-law is dealing with chemo side effects as he journeys ahead.  A dear couple we have known for over 40 years is coming to grips with the doctor's words.....terminal.  Many of you are carrying your own burdens.  Life is at times so challenging.  Yet God.

God tells us we are never alone.  He fights for us.  He wraps His wings around us as a shelter.  The words I have received and what He has shown me let me know that He is very aware of what is going on and He is sending out His armies to fight.  In this situation I believe our job is to give God praise.  To step out in faith knowing He has this.  To praise Him and trust that He has it covered.  He hates sickness and suffering as much as we do.

If you find yourself in a battle.....or sitting exhausted on the sidelines.....remember that "The Lord with fight for you and you need only to be still."  Remember that praise is a mighty weapon of warfare.  Remember that God's Heavenly Armies rise against the enemy!  The God of Angel Armies Is Always On Our Side!

1 comment:

Breathing In Grace said...

Oh, dear Lady, this is such an encouragement to me I'm so sorry that you're battling a health issue. It can be so difficult to give God praise while going through a struggle, but He gets All the glory even if things don't go as I'd like. Thank you for this reminder. Prayers for you, sweet Friend. 💜