Saturday, July 22, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from another beautiful day in Iowa.  The sun is shining, there is a gentle breeze, and the flowers are showing off their beauty.  We are delighted that our yellow pansey plant is still going strong.  They usually don't do too well in the heat of summer but this one is sturdy and blessing us daily from the porch view. Joel told me a sparrow decided to nestle down in the pansies and sat preening himself, looking around, and even singing before it took off again.  Joel loves to go out early and have his coffee while nature wakes up for the day.

Speaking of porch sitting, we have managed some, although the air quality was unhealthy a couple days at least.  So far the mosquitoes have not found us during the day.   Joel has spent most the week rebuilding the steps on our back deck, and staining them.  He'll stain the whole deck eventually.  We have a big maple tree he can work under which provides the shade he needs.  I love that Maple tree and enjoy resting with the back door open so I can hear that tree as the wind blows through its leaves.  

Speaking of trees they finally were able to come and trim our 60 ft. high trees up front and in the back too.  Five hours of work and a whole boatload of cash expended has us feeling better about the trees.  Especially those that hang over onto our two neighbors properties.  The owner of the tree company came by the night before and he gavc Joel a piece of wood ......a "burl"..,,from a wood native to the Bahamas where he had been on vacation.  What a nice gift for Joel!  Of course it cannot be used for anything, but it is a great conversation piece.

We asked our retired opthamologist neighbor to look at my MRI report since I can't get answers until August......crazy wrong.  Anyway it was very helpful and especially since he told me that I had some fluid show up in my mastoid air cells and that alone can cause balance issues.  Well, long story short, last night my balance was really bad and then my ears started hurting.  Joel wanted me to get it checked so we went to urgent care this morning and sure enough, for the first time ever, I have ear infections!  What?  Dr. said my balance should definitely improve so we are hopeful!  So glad we asked our neighbor for his inisghts.........thank you neighbor and thank you God!

Speaking of neighbors today our neighbor from our old neighborhood, Millie, is having a celebration of her many many years of doing day care.  She truly served children in the community doing the "Lord's Work" in caring for little ones.   She has used her gifts well.  When Joel was in seminary I did day care in our home...three years.  We enjoyed the little ones and their parents too.  There were two little girls who often spent weekends with us too as mom and dad were involved in work that took them for weekends and during the week.  We took care of one little girl for 9 days.  She even spend her first birthday with us.  When her parents came to get her she would not leave my arms.  She was confused as she thought we were her new family.  It opened my eyes to how hard it can be for little ones when their parents are gone long periods of time.  Anyway, doing day care was enjoyable but not something I would want to do for decades.  Way to go, Millie!  So thanful for people dedicated to caring for the children of others.

Speaking of thankful, I am thankful for porch sitting, Joel riding and me walking, nice weather, antibiotics that heal, people like Millie, my energizer bunny Joel, helpful neighbors, our big Maple tree, the trimmed trees, phone calls, texts, and emails... and so much more.........

Enjoy your weekend....

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