Sunday, July 30, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday and Sunday to you from our corner of Iowa where the hot and humid weather kept us inside much of the week.  With dewpoints in the mid to high 70's the air was thick and heavy.  Today we are experiencing lower temps and it feels so great!

Speaking of feeling great, I expect that is how many Ragbrai riders were feeling Saturday as they finish up their week long trek across Iowa.  It is an annual bike ride, this year 18,000 registered for the week, with thousands more joining for a day or maybe a few hours to be part of the pack.  Most of the week they rode in high heat and humidity often leaving before dawn to ride up to 100 miles a day.   It is a pretty good group of people of all ages that join this annual challenge,  '

Speaking of riding, Joel has managed a few rides earlier in the morning, but has never had an interest to ride with 18,000 others, camp outside, etc.  Some have friends or family that follow along with an RV, etc. which is great! And smart!  

Speaking of great, we have been able to spend time with friends this week who left our city 5 years ago to be full time RVers and serve in shelters, Salvation Armies, or Food Shelves aong the way.  They came for food and fellowship Wednesday night and then we went and watched them when they had a presentation of their lifestyle and ministry.   They greatly enjoy their new and after 5 years not so new life~!  Great to see old friends!

Speaking of old friends, we had two stop by for a short visit Saturday morning.  Dave and Deb came by for hugs and to catch up.  I have been praying for Dave since he and I were both kids,  He grew up in Brazil, the child of missionaries.  My home church helped support their family and I can remember looking at the bulletin board at church, seeing pictures of the Grant family and wondering what it was like to be missionary kids,,,,we prayed for them in Sunday School.  Then decades later we met them as a couple when Joel was serving a church in North central MN where he also was serving a church.   Realizing who he was, and our connection with adoption,  put us on a path to friendship.  Again, such a small world,

Joel had colleague group this week and was able to get to  most of it inbetween getting me to the doctor to check the ear thing.  He did a little woodworking and deck step building.  (His finger is is healing well. )  It really was a small injury that bled a lot.  Joel is helping out this morning with our church's healing/annointing with oil service that ocurs occasionally.  Something he feels strongly about. I have been walking daily, doing some writing, but mostly saving energy for visits from friends.  A rare but welcoming time.  Ear infection is gone but balance issues and sore ears continue.  Maybe a decongestant or antihistamine will help.  

Our resident wren has quit singinig and chatting all the time which probably means her babies have left the nest.  Miss her morning chatter~!  A few more rabbits are hopping around, and a couple of noisy crows are making themselves known.  Our plan is to get down to the river road this week.  It has been paved and set up as only a walking and biking path now.  Nice!  It was filled with potholes and ruts for so many years.  Such a pretty area only 5 minutes from us down the association path.  

I best end this scribbbles and get it posted.  Grateful for seeing dear friends, one couple we have known for nearly 3 decades and other couple for 4 decades!  We are old!  Grateful for laughter, tears, and all emotions inbetween.  Grateful for sunshine and cooler weather again.  Grateful for healing of fingers and ears.  Grateful for our oldest son who had a birthday.  Grateful for the good man he is.  Grateful for phone calls, texts, photos, emails and in person hugs.  Grateful for our home, our family, our friends, and so much more........

Enjoy your weekend~!

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