Good Saturday to you on this first weekend in September. I think we need a reminder that it IS Sepember since the temps this weekend are supposed to be in the high nineties. What? Or as our oldest questioned....Why?!?! The animals may be a bit confused too....I am happy to report that my yellow pansies are STILL blooming and that has never happened. They always die out by mid summer so it is fun to have them around. Our red geranium is blooming too. Nice!
Speaking of nice, it has been a week to seek out with gratitude all things good, cuz things have been off. Monday we went to our chiropractor with my back out. By Monday evening Joel was feeling funky. Tuesday was a day of 3 one hour naps and alot of Castle reruns for him. By Wednesday he was up and running! I took over his spot on Thursday evening and Friday. A bit better today. Yesterday I listened to books or read on the IPad. It is all getting old.... like us!
Speaking of getting old, I used to bee able to read several books at a time, switching back an forth......or listen to two conversations at the same time, etc. Not any more. I am reading 4 different books right now....two on audio and 1 on an old IPad and 1 in my hands. It's too much. I am enjoying Laura Bush's audio book, "Spoken From The Heart". It is written from her journals I expect. As a teacher and librarian she is quite orderly and detailed. I do like getting the perspectives of first ladies on their times in the White House.
Joel spent a couple days riding, doing woodworking, and doing our floors. When it is floor time? THIS is when we say we need a smaller house! He went to Gabby Grandpas this morning to coffee and chat with some guys. He just helped me get a large tray full of veggies and chicken thighs ready to roast in the oven. It should last us 4 meals.....we like leftovers so it works for us!
A dear friend sent me a text and shared she had been praying over my/our lives while outside and a shadow came over her. She looked up and two eagles were flying over. Later she shared a few words with me and I felt so touched by God. You see, without her knowledge...only God's, He had given me 2-3 times this week, Isaiah 40:31 that says "Those who wait upon the Lord with soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." God connected the dots for me through this friend. It happens often.....and I am richly blessed by it. He hears.....He cares.....He is so good.
Joel and I were talking about past Labor Day weekends. We spend them mostly alone but when the kids were young we spent them getting ready for school and doing work, like clearning the garage, etc. Not exactly fun times! Looking back, Joel and I were good at working and overworking but not so goot at the fun stuff. It brings us joy to see our kids do things differently. Life is just too short to not throw fun into the mix~
Today I am grateful for some porch sitting and blooming pansies to gaze at. Grateful for sofas when necessary, reruns of Castle, walking and riding, and cleaning and woodworking. Grateful for clean floors and veggies roasting in the oven. Grateful for reminders from God through eagles and friends. Grateful for phone calls, texts, and emails. Grateful for all this and so much more.
Enjoy your weekend.
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