It is raining hard today. There is thunder and lightening in the sky at times, and a good old fashioned steady rain is helping the grass and spring flowers to grow. The rain is washing "winter" dust off the house, roof, and decks ~making everything clean. The often used quote, "April showers bring May flowers" is ringing true here in the Midwest today.
At times I feel the need for a good old fashioned rain to rid me of my "winter" dust, while making me clean again and helping me grow. There comes a time when we all are in need of renewal. Our bodies may need a rest, our hearts may be in need of healing, or our minds just might need cleansing and reordering. Sometimes in our brokenness we need all three.
In such a time as this, God will cleanse and heal us when we come to Him with arms outstretched. He will restore us, renew us, and sustain us, just as a cleansing rain restores the earth.

I love that. I miss the midwest storms, but I can relate to the cleansing rains. We need more rain to melt the snow and warm the ground. It's drizzly here, but promising. Rain has always felt refreshing to me and I love the soul cleansing connections. Happy Rainy Day!
Thanks for your comments, Meli. It is still raining tonight and will for a few days...in fact we are in a flood watch but don't expect problems here. I love the sound of rain on the roof...
What a nice reminder, and I love the scriptures that you put along with this piece. I love to hear the rain on days when I am able to snuggle inside or when I am going to sleep and I love it even more this time of year to see the brighter green that surrounds us afterwards.
thanks Jan Lyn!
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