2 Timothy 1:7 tells us we do not need to have a spirit of fear! And throughout the Bible God tells us over and over again to "Fear not".
2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us we do not walk by sight. We walk by faith. We believe even though we do not see. We know that God has a plan for us...a plan for good and not for evil and with each step we take forward into the mist....into the unknown, our fears subside and our faith gives us the courage to keep moving forward on the journey God has laid out for us.
We walk by faith.
Renee, when we lived in South Africa on the West Coast just north of Cape Town, we had very thick fog rolling in from the sea in the spring and fall. Sometimes the fog was so thick that I couldn't see the front of the car. When I drove my son to school, I was always terrified that I would hit a kid on his bicycle that may swerve in front of my car. So I fervently prayed for God's protection all the way. He protected us all every time, in spite of my fears. I couldn't see the way, but He could, and He kept us safe. It still encourages me after all the years that passed since then.
Yes, we walk by faith and not by sight.
Thank you for your encouragement that reminded me of God's faithfulness through the years.
Well put, Renee. Love what Malva shared too.
I'm so grateful that in the darkness and fog our Guide always knows the way.
"Even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you" Ps 139:12
I really like your true story, Malva and your words resonated with me today "fervently prayed for God's protection".
I wrote this as a reminder for myself today as I am experiencing fear but what I must rememeber is we are not alone and we walk with God on our journey ~ having the courage to walk through our fears when we remember God is more powerful than any situation we find ourselves in.
Thank you for sharing this!
I really like your true story, Malva and your words resonated with me today "fervently prayed for God's protection".
I wrote this as a reminder for myself today as I am experiencing fear but what I must rememeber is we are not alone and we walk with God on our journey ~ having the courage to walk through our fears when we remember God is more powerful than any situation we find ourselves in.
Thank you for sharing this!
Thanks for the Bible verse, Lisa and your continual prayers. They are a great comfort.
Sorry..somehow I double posted here and am not sure how to remove it ;)
Renee, I am glad that my sharing helped you. I'll pray for you that God will calm your fears and give you His peace. He is faithful and kind. He will fight your battle for you.
“The Spirit of God came in the midst of the congregation…saying, Be not afraid nor dismayed…for the battle is not yours, but God’s (2 Chron 20:14-15).
Renee, please contact me anytime you want to talk. You can send me a private message through my Websitre (www.lisabuffaloe.com) and we can exchange e-mails adresses if you would like.
Praying for you, sweet lady!
renee, i'm lost for words and my heart aches. i'm holding on to faith but i need prayers... i need prayer warriors. please pray for me and my husband and the restoration of my marriage. please pray that the devil will get his hands off of my marriage and my husband...
I am praying Pia for God to intervene in your marriage and for heaing to come. God is with you.
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