John 8:44 says in Jesus' words, "When he lies he speaks his native language, for he is a liar, and the father of lies."
Like all of you, I have seen his lies at work. Maybe it has been in a child who believes he is bad, an adult who tells themselves they are a failure, and in myself when I am discouraged. We are all susceptible to his lies, as I am sure you can attest to.
Ephesians 6:10-18 tells us to put on the full armor of God to enable us to stand firm in every battle. It is available to us for protection from the enemy. We are told to wear the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God. God loves us so much that He has provided just what we need to protect ourselves! So, when you get up in the morning and get ready to start your day, don't forget your armor!
Please visit Charlotte and Ginger at to read other inspirational posts and join in.
this is so good and I always forget that we are in a spiritual battle until I'm well into the fight. Thank you for this really important reminder..have a great weekend Renee and I hope He showers tons of blessings on you.....
This was/is an Awesome post and one that not enough peolpe read...
In fact my husband has become more and more aware of this as truth the more he and I plus our teen boys get into HIS Word...
It is our daily prayer that more will come to know~~~KNOW Jesus in there hearts,(not just at church) and then they too will walk a better walk with HIM..
This is my 1st Spiritual Sunday event.. Thanks for sharing..
Blessings and Hugs Dena
Yes, I have to agree with Sarah--thank you so much for this awesome reminder!
Wonderful post, Renee. There is a battle going on and we can't afford not to have the full armor.
Thank you for this powerful message...It is really something for all of us to be aware of every day. I appreciate this post and your lesson.
Amen! So true, great reminder……
Sweet Blessings,
Hi Sarah
THank you for coming by...always enjoy your comments.
Enjoyed your post today. How often we forget that God has given us the correct armor, our armor. Today's message at church touched on how David had to use his own form of armor (stones and a sling) not Saul's armor. We need to know that our armor is God-given not man's.
Linda J
Good advice. We should never be without our armor. Thank you for sharing this.
I hope I always have my full armor of God on. Thank-you for this wonderful and important post today.
God Bless,
I am not a great person to memorize Scripture verses but this one sticks in my head and it is my absolute favorite. When I was struggling with many things when my kids were younger and my health was questionable a friend told me to memorize this and I repeat it daily even when I am at my absolute worst! Renee, thanks for giving this to me today. It is late in the evening and I needed another dose of this. Blessings Anne
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