"Therefore, thus says the Lord
If you return, then I will restore you~~
Before me you will stand;
And if you extract the precious from the worthless
You will become my spokesman."
Jeremiah 15: 19
I would like to share a story from Donna Partow's book, "Standing Firm" that speaks to the subject of how our broken places can make us strong.
In Eastern Europe there is a factory that crafts exquisite vases that sell for thousands of dollars. They use a fascinating technique. First the potters spin clay into almost paper thin vases. The vase is so fragile that if you ding it with your fingers it will break. If the vase is flawless, it is turned over to an artist who delicately paints a one-of-a-kind work of art on the surface. When he is finished he lovingly holds up his masterpiece, and then drops it into a large metal box. It smashes into hundreds of tiny pieces!
Another workman takes the box and for days painstakingly glues the vase back together. But no matter how hard he tries, the vase looks ugly. There is no way to hide the cracks. The vase is still fragile, though stronger that it was before the glue.
Finally another artist takes over. This artist works with pounded gold and carefully paints over each and every crack in the vase. The result is not only an exquisite work of art, but a vase that is so strong it is virtually unbreakable.
God is our master craftsman and has formed us exactly the way He wants us to be. At times this means letting us drop, momentarily, and shatter into many pieces. Then, with a deep and abiding love, he puts us back together stronger than ever.
As His children, let's allow Him to make something beautiful from each and every broken place in our lives.
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My goodness. This is so interesting. What a great analogy for what God can do with our lives. Thank you, Renee, for sharing this.
Have a wonderful weekend.
He has put me back together many, many times.His Love is the glue in my life.
Praise The Lord!!
Joy & Blessings,
Beautiful post. Thank you!
Oh, Renee, this is so beautiful and speaks to the battered and bruised within me that God has made into something worthwhile. Thank you so much.
Boy did I need to read this today! I'm trying to imagine 'being put back together stronger than before.' Sounds impossible. Good thing God makes all things possible!
I really enjoyed this post. Very interesting about the vase and a great analogy Renee. God bless you this weekend.
yes to this Renee. The picture looks like I feel so many times and your last line is what I want with all my heart. Have a great weekend.
Wow, what a great analogy! When our lives seem cracked and broken, it gives God the chance to make something beautiful out of it! This is so awesome, because when people have broken lives, they often feel like God couldn't make beauty out of their mess. But that is what He does best!
Thank you for sharing this!
I don't know if you know this or not, but I recently started a weekly link party titled "Something Beautiful"!! (We are writing about the beauty that God puts into our lives.) Oh yeah, and my name is Renee, too! So you got my attention when I saw "Renee's Something Beautiful"! You're more than welcome to link this up on Monday. And feel free to link up on future Mondays, too, if you want.
Have a great day!
(By the way, you may remember that my blog used to be Renee's Coffee Break, but I recently changed the name to A Glimpse of Beautiful.)
This post really speaks to me as I can so identify with being broken and put back together much, much stronger than before! Thank you!
I used to make pottery way back in my college days. I will remember this wonderful visual of mended pottery in your post today.
I watched my brother make pottery many times, but I've never heard of this method. Interesting...but such a great analogy.
This is a wonderful, powerful story. I love it. It illustrates a great truth in a clear, easy to understand way. Thank you.
So true, so incredibly powerful! Your post is, indeed, a "keeper" in my little comfort book of "Poems, Prayers and Promises."
Thank you for sharing this with us, across the miles!
Very interesting. I know God has had to put me back together a few times. Remember the old song...Something Beautiful, Something Good all my confusion HE understood...Thanks for sharing. Blessings Debbie
Wow, what an interesting process and perfect picture of God's renewal and redemption.
Praying for you, sweet lady!
That is very beautiful, Dear. Thanks for sharing it and for your sweet visit.
This is an amazing teaching for me today, Renee. I don't think I would have understood the impact as well if I had not been in a broken place. I'm grateful to God for it and I'm grateful to you for sharing.
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