Today over at A Place Called Simplicity Linny has declared Monday as a day of prayer and fasting. People can stop by and leave their own prayer requests and also pray over those requests that are left in the comment section. There are a lot of hurting people in our world in need of others to be "standing in the gap" as Linny calls it.
I decided to look up the meaning of these words to see if I was understanding them, and found that standing in the gap means to pray on others behalf. Intercessory prayer. I like the way these words sound....."standing in the gap". I could visualize the person in need of prayers, those who are interceding....and God hearing them all.
Intercessory prayer is what we do in The Knee Team. The Knee Team is Linny's group of prayer warriors that she started in response to all the prayer requests that come to her. At this point I am helping her lead the group and it is such a blessing to be a part of such a committed group of pray-ers...and you don't have to literally get down on your knees, just be willing to pray pray pray. If you would like to join or leave a request stop over to Linny's blog and do so.
I find these prayer groups comforting. And today I feel in need of it myself as I get ready for a needle breast biopsy tomorrow morning. It is difficult to be once again wondering and waiting to "rule out" cancer. I have been praying and fasting today for others, but once in awhile anxiety has raised up to interfere with my intercessory prayers. God understands. Whatever tomorrow brings, I know I can TRUST provider, my healer.
Speaking of my Healer, Joel and I have been prayerfully studying healing the past week in the Bible, with an evangelist online, and in an old book by FF Bosworth, who was a powerful man of God who believed God wants ALL His children to be healed and live their appointed time. Fascinating for an old Lutheran, and exciting for someone who has lived with illness for a long time. Over the years we have seen friends healed from diseases, but never pondered if healing is God's desire for everyone. In obedience to God's leading, we are opening our hearts to all God wants to teach us on this subject.
So, along with praying for others, I am also lifting up a sacrifice of praise to God..(last post) and focusing on our Healer in regards to those in need of restoration in their families, their finances, their bodies...adding my own needs, too.
Standing in the gap.
Dear sweet Knee Team friend I am praying for you! Janet
Praying for you and with you sweet Renee!
God bless you.
Thank you Janet! Apprciate your prayers so much.
Thank you Sunsine and Sand matters when we pray!
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