These words from Sarah Young's devotional book, Jesus Calling, remind me where to turn when life is an uphill climb.
"Trust is like a staff you can lean on as you journey uphill with Me."
Sometimes life is an uphill struggle. So, when those times come, where do we turn? How do we keep going? Well, we Trust....we Lean. We Trust. The words of Proverbs 3:5, 6 come to mind:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."
Yes, God promises to make our paths straight if we TRUST Him and lean not on our own understanding. Seems so simple...but it can be so hard! God's instructions are for our own benefit, though. Trust......Lean....Acknowledge and then.....and then! He makes the way clear. In His timing adn His way. And don't forget, He never leaves us alone...He always walks with us! It is a comfort to know God is by our side.
Oh God, oh God, you are our strength. You love us...your love for us is so deep and wide! You want what is best for us. We won't always understand your ways, but we trust you Lord. We will trust and obey.
Renee, I think we both really like and hold onto to this Scripture closely. It has always been one of my all time favorites and has helped me hold on through many difficult days. Beautiful!
Hi Michelle..this truly is a scripture I call upon often. Thanks for coming by.
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