Go out into the world and fear nothing!
A few weeks ago I read the above quote in the Daily Guidepost and I shared it here. It is actually a blessing that Pastor David Kidd says over his congregation at the end of each service. It became the church's motto. As soon as I read it, I stored it in my heart as a reminder for when any kind of fear or caution comes knocking on my door.
My husband does not need a reminder to "fear nothing". He is one who goes out into the world in obedience to God no matter what the cost. Last January he was healed overnight. I wrote about that HERE , so I will share a shorter version. We had watched a Biblical teacher, Andrew Wommack, whom a friend recommended. He was speaking on "God Wants You Well". As Christians we certainly knew that God healed people, but this was a new way of us looking at healing and also the gift of a prayer language. When we went to bed that night I asked Joel what he thought of this way of praying for healing and if he ever wanted the gift of speaking in tongues.
His reply was, "I don't know about this, I need to process it. And I am not sure what I would do with the gift of speaking in tongues." As he climbed into bed he decided to pray for healing remembering what Andrew Wommack had shared, and then he fell asleep. He woke up at 4am and knew he was healed. He said, "I am healed. And I can speak in tongues too!" At which time he did. He believes that he was given the gift of a prayer language as confirmation of his healing. We were amazing, humbled, and thankful. A month later I, too, received the gift of speaking in tongues. We also began seeing results to our prayers for my own healing, although mine has been a much slower process.
So there we were, an ELCA Lutheran pastor of 32 years and his wife, standing on Isaiah 53:5...."By HIS stripes we are healed". Believing God wants us well. And there we were speaking in tongues, using a personal prayer language to communicate with God spirit to spirit. We kept this to ourselves for a while. It was so new, so exciting, so a.m.a.z.i.n.g. After about a month we shared it with our children. Then Joel shared it with his colleague group, and then a few friends. He discovered there were other Lutheran pastors who had the gift of speaking in tongues but they had kept it to themselves.
We read and continue to read as much as we can on both subjects, we spent a great deal of time watching Biblical teachings from several difference sources, and we continue to study God's Word on healing and the gifts of the spirit.
Eventually Joel felt strongly that God wanted him to speak out on his testimony...the healing, speaking in tongues, the healing available for others, ALL of it....and to God be the glory. He has had a variety of questions and reactions from family, friends, or congregational members. He is also praying with people for healing more than ever before because God has instructed him to do so. He is stepping out boldly into the world and fearing nothing, no matter the cost.
I have been more cautious to share some of our journey publicly. What would people think of us speaking in tongues or speaking of the same power that raised Jesus from the dead being within us to heal? What would people think if I declare that I believe that I am healed, but am still having symptoms and limited it what I do?! I was worried, but in obedience today I share "the rest of the story".
For two crusty old Lutherans on the down hill slide to 70, life has been turned upside down this year! We are now on a whole new path of God's choosing, and at times we are in uncharted but exciting territory! It may be a bumpy ride, but God is with us, and we are holding on tight. We need fear nothing, and that includes speaking out boldly about our own journey.
"(Pray)....that I may speak boldly as I ought to speak."
words from
Ephesians 6:18-20
Wonderful, wonderful Renee. I too have only recently started to speak in tongues. I didn't know what it was at first as I started at my home group meeting, and the lady sitting beside me said you are speaking in tongues and they all had to explain it to me. All I know is that since I have started to pray in tongues my life has been so full of blessings and I like you am starting to be slowly healed. Halleluiah
Hi Sharon
How exciting for you! I feel the same way...blessings have come, the scriptures are more alive than ever, and I am healed. Praying your healing is complete soon. God is so good, isn't it!!!
It is your story, so speak away! I am Lutheran as well but have certainly spent a lot of time in the pentecostal community. I feel like each of the branches has it's own expressions and gifts. I am thankful for the healing!
Renee, I am overjoyed to read a few pieces here to get updated. So thrilled about your healing and travel made possible and in awe of what God is doing in your life and Joel's. I love hearing about conviction and the varied gifts God gives his children, so I love that you decided to share!
Thanks for popping in my place and leaving a message. After all this time, I doubted anyone would notice. I simply could not blog during school as I was required to write 2-3 papers per week.
Yes, our calendar is full of appts. My daughter is struggling and I have several new fairly serious issues I am battling. Like you, I have a high need to feel safe. The peace you sensed in my blog is from the Lord, who is teaching me that I AM safe and to remain with Him moment by moment. So, LOTS of practice, but I am also grateful for my husband and little family that are coming closer together and in faith. Without troubles perhaps I would not have cause to rely on God as much. Amen? What journeys He takes us all on.
I'm loving the look of your blog. It is wonderful to take a peak at it. I've not read any for so very long. Yours feels like home.
God Bless!
Jan Lyn
Hi Gayle
Love how you say each of the branches have their own gifts to bring. Amen!
Jan Lyn
How good to hear back from you already. Boy do I understand that high need to feel safe. One of my favorite blessings now is "Go out into the world and fear nothing". A great verse is the one God gave me for the trip. Thank you again for using your precious eyes to catch up here. So glad to welcome you back.
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