Saturday, September 8, 2012

Conversations In The Garden: Heavy Loads

"Come to me all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest." 
Matthew 11:28 

When God gives a verse to me two to three times from different sources, I know that I need to pay attention. Last Sunday I read this verse in my Daily Light scriptures book, and also from two different bloggers. Even though I had no clue why this particular verse had come to light, God had my attention.   A short while later I logged on to Saddleback Church's site to watch their Sunday service live. As I looked at the screen I saw a statement about being weary in large print, Of course I had to click on those words and see what Rick Warren would have to say....He spoke about Matt. 11:28!  Warren talked about how our hurts and disappointments become a heavy burden to carry around.  He encouraged people to bring their hurts to Jesus and leave them with Him, so we can become all God has created us to be.

I took all this information into the Garden of my heart spending quiet time in meditation.  I spoke to Jesus about the hurts I was carrying around.  Hurts from others and some just perceived by me.  I immediately saw a pile of big rocks and as I questioned in my mind what they were, Jesus asked me, "Do you want to keep carrying around this heavy load"?  I knew I did not, so I spent time praying over releasing the hurts stored in my heavy "backpack" one more time.

Yesterday this verse popped up once again so I decided to look up as many translations as possible to gather more insight into God's persistent message.  I went to the online site Bible Gateway where you can look up many different translations quickly.  The Amplified Bible version spoke to me. 

"Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened
and I will cause you to rest.  (I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls."
Matthew 11:28

Carrying heavy burdens and weary from the endless task of doing so on your own?  I tend to think I need to do things on my own.  Independently, pushing forward on my own time schedule.  Does that sound familiar?

Today I went back into the garden to ask Jesus about this verse that keeps coming back to get my attention.  It had been a tough week for me and I was tired physically and the garden Jesus led me over to the pile of rocks but this time I noticed a cross in the ground behind the pile.  A cross....HIS cross.  I realized Jesus already suffered for my hurts...for all our hurts.  When I looked down at the rocks,  I noticed the rock that represented the sexual abuse was in the pile. Yes, Jesus died on the cross for that time in my life too.  Thank you Lord.  Thank you, thank you.  

It amazes me how heavy negative memories and emotions can become. Time to let them go.  One at a time...over this time.  We are promised rest and relief for my soul. That's a pretty good promise!!!

Jesus wants us to release the burdens we carry.  He already paid the price.  For our sins, our diseases, our pain, our hurts.  He loves us that much.  There is no need for us to carry around the heavy loads that make us weary.  Take them to the cross and let Jesus refresh your soul.

1 comment:

sharon said...

Hello Renee, how strange! I have just come come a post with a similar message. HE is telling me something. Thank you. The Holy Spirit is working in the blogging world.