Then Jesus said, 'Come unto me all of you who are weary
and carrying heavy burdens,
and carrying heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you.
Take my yoke upon you.
Let me teach you
because I am humble and gentle at heart,
and you will find rest for your
souls.'" (NLT)
"My yoke is easy and my burden is light." ( NIV)
Matthew 11:28-30
It was a month ago on Sunday, September 2nd that I received Matthew 11:28-30 the first four times. First in my Daily Light devotional before even getting out of bed, then while reading two blogs that morning, and later while reading Rick Warren's blog post for that week.
I did not want to hear it.
I did not want to hear the word
I did not want to hear the word
I was worried about what it meant. At first I took it literally, and oh how I wanted to hear something different. My response was~~NO! I have done nothing but rest for years of my life...viewing the world from my sofa sanctuary. Having had a taste of life outside my home on a daily basis during the summer, I was NOT ready to go back to viewing the world from my blue recliner. I began to desperately search for answers...Why? What did I do wrong? What can I do to change it? God told me three times He wanted me well, didn't He? Why couldn't I be healed overnight like Joel?? My emotions were all over the board, hopeful and determined one minute, discouraged and grieving the next. It was all about m.e. I was certainly responding with fear instead of faith knowledge. Those verses....?
I ignored them
another week
another week
Let me jump ahead to last night. I was watching a Biblical teaching on healing and the speaker was talking about humility and pride. As he went into his teaching, with scriptures to back what he was saying, I began to feel convicted by God as I identified myself with lack of humility in this area of healing~ there was pride.
He shared that when we question God's timing, when we get upset that our expectations have not been met, when we feel we am in charge and need to make things happen, etc. that all comes from a place of pride. Hmmmmmm
I wanted the healing of my body to be like Joel's....mostly overnight and quick! I wanted to SEE the manifestation, be able to make leaps and bounds in my progress and have the life I wanted. Whole and healthy.......N.O.W. Things done according to MY understanding. Pride.
Jesus is my Lord, not my understanding. God is God. We are not. His ways are mysterious and yet they are good, right, and fair. He loves us and wants the best for us. Letting go of our own understanding brings us to a place of being humble. Being humble is a good place to be as it lets God work in our lives without resistance.
So, 4 weeks after my ranting began it is ending. I have seen it as it is, and am on my knees in repentance and humility, once again letting God work in my life and in my body in His way and His timing. I have learned so much in the past 3 weeks, and more surprises are in store if I go by what I learned last nigh
I had written a post on my reactiong to the relapse before I watched the teaching on humility, but God had other plans and I had to come back and rewrite it, sharing what he taught me just last night with His gentleness, love, and firmness.
What a great post, Renee. I think we have had a similar past three weeks. It's so hard to understand when we are well or almost well, and then all the sudden we are struggling again, why that happens. I am stubborn too. It's hard for me to back up and let things happen, let God happen. I like to be in control instead of giving the control to Him. Anyway, I am happy you have found peace. I am keeping you close in my prayers as I feel your struggles too. But God is good all the time, even when we don't want to see it, or simply just don't understand it.
I love you and so does He. Blessings to you sweet friend.
INCREDIBLE post, Renee!! God is speaking through you and He is teaching me with your words. Thank you!!
This post spoke to me Renee, Pride, that could be me too, thanks with all my heart
Hi Ginny
Yes, it is hard to not lean on our own understanding, thats for sure. I am in the process of finding peace on a daily basis..through God's Word. Thank you for your prayers...praying for you today friend.
Oh you are so welcome Kim. I just love when that happens
Hi Sharon
You are welcome Sharon. God is a loving God and teaches us in such gentle ways I think..
It is a difficult lesson and I struggle myself on being busy and not resting. Wishing you humble rest friend...
Thanks gayle...
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