Monday, January 21, 2013

I Have Been Asking

I have been asking God for a the garden of my heart, during devotions, at the kitchen sink, in the quiet right before sleep comes.  But before I spoke the question with my lips or consciously in my mind I was already forming the words deep in my soul.......give me a sign, Jesus.  When you are healing me, let me s e e it.  A visible sign to take in with my eyes.  Let me s.e.e. something more healed.  One little thing visible to the naked eye.  Then it will be easier to shed the unbelief that creeps quietly into my heart and hides there.  You did it before, just do it again!  Please?

Pleading is not pretty nor productive, but I confess to it. 

And in God's true nature, He responded with His Word before I even knew I had been asking.  It was not what I wanted to hear, but it is what God wants to tell me, to teach me.  You see, it is a matter of trust.  There is that word again...........t.r.u.s.t.

Hebrews 11:1 has come to me several times in the past few days  True to my nature, it took God hitting me over the head with it to realize it was the answer to my question for a "sign".....and true to His nature it was given to me with love and patience.

"Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

This beautiful image below is one  I posted here recently and is now a daily reminder for me, as I trust the Lord and HIS ways.... 

As I link up with A Holy Experience I am so grateful today for God sending me with what I need, not what I want.


Anita Johnson said...

Your blog is so perfect for me in my health journey, thank you for writing the words I am not capable right now to do.

Renee said...

Sending hugs and prayers your way, Anita.........