This morning Joel and I spent time praying and meditating on a certain health issue I am dealing with on my healing journey. As I quieted my mind and entered into the garden of my heart I immediately saw myself in full armor wielding a sword. This was a new vision for me and took me back somewhat.
I asked Jesus what this meant. He replied, "Spiritual warfare. You are in a war. Guard your heart!"
I asked him how to do this, and He said, " With my Word."
Yes, I thought......Speak it, and use the Word of God as a weapon.
Joel finished meditating and as we talked he said he felt Holy Spirit tell him I was dealing (once again) with fear. I needed to focus on God's Word. I told him about my picture vision and he smiled and said, " I can see you in armor." I asked him if it was gladiator style and he said, yes. I told him that is was what I was seeing too! It made us laugh.
Xena Warrior Princess morphs into Granny Warrior on a mission! God's mission for my life. We all have one. A purpose, a plan, a mission from God, and He quips us for the journey.
That sword I was carrying....that sword I AM carrying......It is the sword of the spirit. The Word of God that " is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edge sword..." (Hebrews 4:12a).
It is important to wear the full armor of God, because the enemy does prowl around like a lion seeking whom he can devour. He steals, kills, and destroys. It is a war. At times we are asked to let The Lord fight for us, and at other times we pick up the sword and fight, but we always wear the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and the shoes of peace. We carry the shield of faith, wear the helmet of salvation, and protect ourselves with the sword of the spirit! (Ephesians 6).
I am still smiling over the Xena warrior attire, but I am not forgetting God's command to fight spiritual warfare with the Word. That is one sword I plan to carry with me wherever I go.
I will pray for you, "Granny Warrior"!
Jesus Himself used the Word of God to fight against the devil. Seems He knew that the Sword of truth was quite a weapon!!
Granny Warrior, I join you in the battle against fear.
And, like me, keep that helmet on, too. It is what guards my mind - the doorway that the enemy uses to plant his fearful thoughts.
How interesting when you parallel it with your dream! These are just such evil times I think. Maybe things have always been bad, maybe it IS the media, but when I was young, none of the things we deal with were out there. I'm thinking of shootings, blatant sexual deviation, cursing, and on and on... I suppose I sound like a grandma! But you know what I mean, it is time for those of us to fight with the sword in our hands and to know the Word. Blessings on your week,
Hi Renee, I hope you don't get more than one comment from me. I'm trying again. Loved this post. Steph and I are going to start a book by Chip Ingram on Spiritual Warfare together soon. Have you heard of his work? I think God wants me to learn about armor and being strong in Him this year! Thank you for helping me grow in my understanding of what it is to fight fear. I'll be praying for your battle against fear, too!
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