And then..........
A week ago Joel and I were able to go to a healing service that Charis Bible College Healing School held in Minnesota. Nearly 650 people attended the service of worship, biblical teaching and prayers for healing. At the end of the service we waited in line for 1 1/2 hours to reach the many many prayer ministers that were paired up to lay hands and pray over the needs of the people.
I will share my story another time, but Joel told me that the team he had prayed with spoke to the ringing in his ear, restless legs, and arthritis in his thumbs. One of the prayer ministers then asked, "Do you need prayers for your hearing?" and Joel, replied, "Yes! I forgot about that one!" So they also prayed for his hearing to be restored. He did not notice any changes then, but truly expected healing to come.
We arrived home at 1:30am after talking all the way about our adventure. We were flying high!
The next morning as we lay in bed talking Joel got a strange look on his face, turned over and said..."keep talking". So, I did. He then turned back and said, "I can hear!" Before, if he laid on his right ear he could not hear me talk clearly even though I was right next to him. Now he can!
Later that day we turned on the TV. In the past it had to be quite loud and he would still cup his hand over the ear to hear better and we used the closed captions at times. Watching the TV, Joel turned to me and said, "That is so loud, can you turn it down?" Amazing!
I had a good laugh when Joel said to me...."We'll, my hearing is restored, but the ringing in my ear is louder!" I laughed and said, "Joel, it is not louder, it just seems that way because you can hear it now!!!" Over the week the ringing has subsided too. Praise God!
I no longer need to ask Joel, can you hear me now? OR "can you hear the TV" No longer do we need to turn the volume way up on the phone. No longer.
Only God!
"I am the God who heals."
Exodus 15:26
Another awesome healing for the Dahlens! PTL indeed! Love you, Janey
Another awesome healing for the Dahlen family!PTL
Love you, Janey
Praise God Almighty!
Wow, that is AMAZING!! I want to hear about them praying for you now.
Mike, my husband, came home yesterday saying he had blurred vision in one eye. We were concerned for a stroke, so we took off to urgent care. They weren't sure what is going on, but it didn't seem to be a stroke so they sent him home with orders to see an eye doctor tomorrow. Please keep this visit in your prayers, it stumped the ER doctor yesterday. Of course we are both concerned, he makes his living welding and using his eyes. I'll let you know, thanks so much!
What an exciting moment for you both! God is indeed The Great Physician - and it thrills me that He healed your husband's hearing loss.
May the Lord continue to keep MY spiritual *ears* open, too!!
Oh my goodness, you and Joel must literally be feeling Heaven on earth! The power of God is truly awe-inspiring!! So happy for Joel as well! It is always good to share what the Lord has done or is doing for you. It honors Him. And encourages the faith of other believers. Hallelujah! Bless you both.
Thanks sister Jan!!!! Love you!
Amen, Elaine....Amen
Thanks Gayle......we lifted up your hubby in is he?
Hugs to you.
Thank you Sharon for coming by...we are so thankful...
Hi Michelle....we are so excited for Joel....and me too :)
So much to learn, so little time.
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