"Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him."
Psalm 62:5
"You're my place of quiet retreat,
I wait for your Word
to renew me."
Psalm 119:114
I knew these blessings were more for my mind than my body. My body has been demanding I rest, but my mind was resisting. And these verses reminded me of the scripture God gave me to go with my words for 2013~rest and trust.
"In repentance and rest you will be saved. In quietness and trust will be your strength."
Isaiah 30:15
The main verse that I focused on was Zephaniah 3:17........starting with the part that I read in my Daily Light devotional. "He will quiet you with His love". Later that day I came across the whole scripture on a blog I was visiting.
"The Lord your God will be with you. He is mighty to save.
He will quiet you with His love. He will take great delight in you.
He will rejoice over you with singing!"
Zephaniah 3:17
This verse is packed full of good news! We are first told God is WITH us. Always. Forever. With. We are never alone. What a comfort that is.
Then we read He is mighty to save. Our Rescuer. Sending His Son to save us. Savior. A mighty warrior on our behalf.
Next we learn how He quiets us. With Love, not just any love~HIS love. This part of the scripture has been my rock this week. Washed in His blood and now His love. Amazing.
We hear that He takes great delight in us. Not just ordinary delight which would be more than enough, but GREAT delight. The definition of delight is to take joy or pleasure and enjoyment in. This is how our Father God feels about us. This is how important we are to Him!
Finally, He rejoices over us with singing. God feels so happy and joyful about us He sings over us. Powerful!
How can we doubt the Fathers love for us? I am taking note of God's instructions to let Him quiet me with His love. To remember.............He delights, He saves, He is with, He sings, He loves. I pray the same for you. That you be quieted and embraced by our Father God's love.
As a person who battles anxiety, it is very hard for me to find quiet. When my surroundings are quiet, my insides often act up with incessant worry thoughts.
But, the Lord calls us to be still. And I know that He will meet me in the moments between those distracting anxious thoughts, if I just listen to the Presence that is always there.
Renee, I printed this for my journal. As always recently, we're on similar paths. God has been speaking to me about *resting* in *His love*. And I don't even notice how much I'm resisting most of the time!
Tuesday night was a beautiful night where I got to sit alone with Him and rest, and He used that time to remind me who I am and how He loves me. Then I opened your blog on Wednesday and read this! I hope to dig through these scriptures even more this week and reflect on the meaning. Thanks for sharing!
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