A few weeks ago I found something interesting on Dayspring.com. "Letterpress word blocks". I love ordering from Dayspring ~ they send everything FedEx, shipping is free over $50, and they stand behind their products. With these letterpress word blocks you can create your own words with different fonts and letter sizes. We knew just the place to hang the art, so we started talking about what word to create. I kept coming back to the word trust, and Joel was good with that.
T. r. u. s. t. Anyone who reads my blog knows that God has been teaching me a great deal about trust in the past few years. I am so grateful for His patience as we walk this journey together. Trusting Him requires letting go....it requires entering His rest... it requires obedience,,,it requires stepping out in faith believing He has a plan for good and not for evil. To give us a future and a hope. T.r.u.s.t.
The letters arrived just two days after I ordered them. I was excited to put them up but when I opened the box marked with the "U" I found a "V" inside! It made me laugh.....of course there was a V in the U box! (giggle) I called Dayspring and within a couple days I had the needed U....no cost to me.

When we first connected the letters for hanging I had them all straight across on the bottom. But as I studied the hanging more and more, it just did not look right. Yesterday morning as I looked at them on the wall, I said to Joel, "We don't need to trust God if everything is all in line...nice and straight....everything in place. BUT we do need to exercise our faith and trust God when circumstances are unpredictable or out of our control." Oh, yeah. So we rearranged the letters and now it looks right to us. Yes. Trust is required when there is going to be a bumpy ride......when we are not in control.....when our circumstances look impossible. When storms rage or we walk through the desert. T.r.u.s.t.
"TrUsT in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding...
In all your ways acknowledge Him
and He will make your paths straight..."
Proverbs 3:4,5
"In quietness and TrUsT is your strength"
Isaiah 3o:15b
Hi there dear one. I love this; haven't gotten anything from Dayspring in years. A perfect word for your testimony. I listen to Bethel's music almost daily now-love it, so thank you. Wish you were closer-I think there'd be so much to share with you. I'm trying to learn about the gift of Prophecy; I'll have to check out Bethel for resources.
Hugs, Noreen
What a great reminder to see every day.
And I do like how the letters are arranged!
So glad you enjoy Bethel's music. The "you make me brave" cd is my favorite. I wish we were closer too! What fun it would be to share what have learned and are learning......
Jokes, thank you! It is very helpful!
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