We had to walk in the Mall a couple of times this week, but when the paths and road were free of ice we walked outside even when it was cold! I actually wore two pair of pants, a hooded sweatshirt under my winter coat and wool socks with my tennies the one day! We like the fresh air! I just had to share the beautiful pictures Joel took with his phone on one of our walks. The sun was setting and God was busy painting the sky as only He can do!
Everything looks afire with God's glory!
The clouds look like cotton balls
Love the reflection on the water
Last Sunday my sister and BIL came over for a nice visit. Monday Joel worked outside to finish up leaves, etc. and we did a little Christmas shopping. Wednesday Joel headed out at 8:30 am for a Synod/ Pastors meeting and luncheon and he got home in time to grab the supper I had ready for him to take to church as he had to teach confirmation and then followed that with a pre-baptism meeting and then a worship committee meeting. Phew! Add all that together along with over three hours of driving, and when he came home close to 10 he sat down in the chair and promptly fell asleep!
I had spent the day getting ready for our speaking engagement at Trinity Lutheran church here in town. A few months ago we were asked to speak on our healing on Thursday November 13th. It was a nice, small gathering with 4 pastors in attendance, including Joel. We love to share what God has done in our lives, we were able to pray for someone's healing, and we heard from others who shared how God has blessed their lives with the miraculous.
Joel had headed out to pick up our bulk food order early in the morning before the luncheon, and then after supper he went to another Lutheran church here in town to help them with a "mock" interview as they prepare the call committee to interview candidates for the position of Senior Pastor. He has done this before for a couple of other churches. When the mock interview was nearly over, a man there said, "We want to hire YOU!" It made us laugh, but was a compliment of course. That's my cowboy preacher!! Friday we grocery shopped, took a long walk in a 10 degrees wind chill, and after lunch took a long nap! Tomorrow Joel has a funeral/graveside after church. Busy week.
I am still finishing up the photo album and journal for our second oldest daughter. I also took some of our favorite photos of grandkids and had 5x7 black and whites made to be framed for the dining room wall. I had picked up box frames at IKEA, copying our oldest daughter's idea for her own home.
Our kitchen sink is ceramic and had gotten badly stained over the years. Our cleaning lady wanted to bring bleach in to clean it and we said no. I used a mixture of baking soda, borax, and salt but it did not come off. Finally I thought about what people can use to whiten their teeth....a baking soda and hydrogen peroxide paste. I used that and it all came off. It looks new!!!! So there is an idea for anyone who has the same issue going on. I am going to try it on grout next.
I have been reading Kris Vollottan's book, "The Supernatural Ways of Royalty". Very thought provoking on how we see ourselves vs how God sees us. Are we paupers or royalty? As God's children we are royalty. I also have been using the Passion translation of the book of Psalms for part of my morning readings. I really like Dr. Brian Simmons translation. We taped (yes we still use our VCR/DVD player to tape shows) several shows that we were too busy to watch this past week, and vegged in front of the TV last night catching up. We still finding Madam Secretary the best new show on TV. So what is going on with you?
Until next time.............
We've been experiencing a seesaw of weather changes up here in our mountains, too. Highs in the 30's, and then hot temps, and then wind and cold again. Still no sign of moisture, though, and we desperately need it! I'm hoping for some snow this year. I like the snow. It makes me peaceful, and I kinda like playing in it, too!
You guys sound busy! But I love reading about what you're up to! Always something good, always abounding in the work of the Lord!
Hi Sharon ....I think the whole country is experiencing the strangest weather...scary stuff really...such dramatic changes and so fast. I like the snow better than the bitter cold......Take care friend....stay warm.
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