Last Sunday we stayed after church to help decorate. They have been doing it for years and are like a well oiled machine. ! Interesting to observe. Their tree is pretty. Monday and Tuesday we caught up on sleep and getting re-organized after the family left. I think Joel ate leftovers for several days....the leftover Lime Pear Salad, cranberry relish, pie, etc. Good thing we both like having leftovers!
Wednesday evening I lead the womens Bible study...about David, Uriah, and Bathsheba. A complicated story for some....the wrath of God....the big time sinning of a King...a baby's death. I did text with our daughter Bethany picking her brain some since she has her Masters in Old Testament Theology from Luther Seminary. I had Joel's input too! I love learning, and I like teaching too.
Thursday I finished writing our Christmas newsletter and started Christmas cards. We send out around 120 I think. It gets costly with the price of stamps and cards, but we still enjoy receiving cards, photos and letters from others, so the tradition continues~!
Friday we went tree shopping, We did not feel good about spending a great deal of money on a tree, so I put aside my desires for a Fir, and we bought a nice Scotch Pine instead. Of all places, we found one we liked at Ace Hardware for less than half the price of the Fir. Yay! We got the lights on last night and will decorate this evening. Isn't it nice?
Our tree --lights only until tonight!
Speaking of trees, when we lived in the Philippines the military flew Christmas trees over for us. It was really nice to have a tree, but they were soooo dry by the time we got them we were always instructed not to decorate with lights! I can remember standing in line out in the 85 degree sunshine and high humidity, waiting to buy our tree.....for $2.00. You just took the one handed to you and kept going! There were always long lines for everything....groceries, clothing, doctors, and even Christmas trees!
Today we went to St. Ansgar Iowa to look around a couple of unique shops they have. It was a nice day to travel and we enjoyed looking around, but came home empty-handed, which is okay! How much stuff do we is just stuff!
Joel and I have been reading Ann Voskamp's book, "The Greatest Gift" for part of our Advent devotionals, and are enjoying it! I am actually reading a fiction book by Joanne Fluke, and still reading Frances Chan's book on the Forgotten God (Holy Spirit). It is excellent! A few Christmas specials, Hallmark Christmas movies, and online teachings have rounded out the week.
Until next time..............
Dear Renee, You have been on my heart so much lately-you need to email me and let me know how to uphold you! I love your tree-what camera/phone did you use to get such a great photo of the lights without any blurriness? I sure wish you were closer friend-I know we'd have such wonderful fellowship together. Wanted to share that I have to have lab work don on the 15th and a dr appt. on the 18th-would love prayer that my levels are down; want to be a testimony to Him. Trusting Him to lead me.
Sending lots of love, hugs and prayers to you today.
Oh, your tree is just lovely. I never can get a good photo of our tree! I somewhat think Christmas trees are like children, all are lovely, but your own is just so amazing! I just finished the Christian novel, All Things New by Lynn Austin. It is about the recovery of the Old South after the Civil War. I found it fascinating and a subject that isn't gone into very much. I was down with a bad cold yesterday and just rested and read, and I think it did wonders for me! It is an interesting winter, I am hoping for more snow for us before Christmas.
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