Friday, November 18, 2016

And God Stepped In

Joel and I watched a beautiful segment on CBS today, created by Steve Hartman. We like that man and the stories he tells speak hope.   He, himself, was in tears as he shared this story of goodness, and so were the two of us.  A man in his 80's was grieving the death of his wife.  He struggled with depression and not feeling he had any purpose for his life now that his wife was gone.

And then God stepped in.

While in the grocery store one day a little girl noticed him and said...""Hi old person!"  She then insisted her mom take her over to him so she could give him a hug!  He told her mom it was the first time he felt happy in a long time.  Thus began a relationship that defies understanding.  She has grandparents close by....he has grandkids although all grown up and gone.  The two of them forged a bond that has continued since their first encounter.  She visits him at least once a week, and there are a lot of hugs and 4 year old chatter that goes on.  He feels like he has purpose again.."To watch her grow up." He told Steve Hartman that she is an angel in his life, and that God definitely had something to do with the two of them connecting is such amazing ways.

Yes, God stepped in!

When we lived in Salt Lake City Utah our children had "adopted" grandparents.  We lived far from family in Minnesota. and a couple we met at church became mentors to us and grandparents for our two oldest, who were not much more than babies.  They were retired Air Force, Joel was in the Air Force......we inherited their "old" furniture and boy did we need furniture!  They were active members of the church we attended......they encouraged and supported Joel as he filled in as their pastor on Sundays for 9 months.  And they loved on our babies as grandparents do!  I only hope and pray they received half as much from our relationship as we did.

Definitely, God stepped in.

God was present when He connected my friend Katherine and me through a conference call prayer group for people with Lyme.  About 40 of us prayed for over 500 with the disease.  This brief encounter during the conference call moved into emails, then brief phone calls and then one day after about a year Katherine suggested we watch a man we had never heard of speak about healing.  We did so, Joel was miraculously healed overnight, and I began healing soon after.  This relationship reached a deeper level when Katherine, Joel and I met at a healing conference in CT in 2013.  We even were able to meet her family.  A young mom in her 30's came from New Hampshire and a couple in their 60's drove from Iowa to unite in our passion for healing, and God's perfect planning made it all possible.  It still makes me smile and brings tears to my eyes.  He is so amazing.

And God stepped in.

I cannot help but share again about how Joel and I met.  We both came to The Lutheran Bible Institute in the fall of 1966.  My older sister and her friend arrived later in the fall for parents weekend and took a campus tour.  They then told me they met the man I was going to marry.....when they pointed him out to me my reply was less than nice, but they told me they would pray about it. Just 18 months later we said our vows before family, friends, and most importantly our Lord who brought us together.  God stepped in and one confused, insecure woman barely 20 married one lonely, self-assured young man of 22.  Our faith in Jesus united us and 48 1/2 years later we continue on in this adventure called life.  So grateful.

Yes, God stepped in.

I am sure all of you are remembering your own special times when God stepped in.  God sees us, people.  He sees us where we are......He sees us in our brokenness.....and He loves us so deeply He reaches in to make us whole and fulfill His purpose for our lives.  We are His beloved.

Lord, thank you for stepping in and connecting us as your children.  Thank you for "being the God who sees us" and who with your unfathomable love heals us through Your power and the people you bring into our lives.  Let us always be open to your perfect plans for us and for others.  Thank you that we are your beloved.  In His name..............

And God stepped in............


Anita Johnson said...

He does step in.....hallelujah!

baili said...

loved your sharing ,so inspiring ,
loved your profile writing too .
gratitude is seed where all the goodness grows from

Renee said...

Hugs, Anita