Wednesday, January 18, 2017

What A Beautiful Name It Is

Sunday Pastor Bill Johnson shared a personal story about his son Brian during his sermon.  When Brian was around 10 he would consistently have night terrors.  He would often climb into bed with his parents and Bill would speak over him, pray for him, comfort him.  He told Brian there were 4 ways to fight the spiritual warfare coming against him in the middle of the night.  1. Fight back with the name of Jesus. 2. Fight back with the blood of Jesus.  3. Speak God's Word over the circumstance.  4. Praise God.  (the enemy hates praise).  One night Brian did not come into their room and the next day Bill asked his son if he slept well without any night terrors.  Brian said no, but he had asked God for a verse to speak over the terrors and God gave Him one.  Brian learned to use those tools for himself and the night terrors were resolved.

Jesus ~~Savior.  Healer. Friend.  Protector. Son.  The Way * the Truth * the Life. What a beautiful name it is!   I have spoken the name of Jesus as a prayer on those occasions that I cannot sleep at night....when anxiety or a wired mind has me tossing.  I breathe in Jesus and I breath out stress.....when I breathe in I say "JESUS"  when I breathe out I exhale anxiety.  95% of the time I fall asleep.  Speaking the blood of Jesus for protection comforts me.  And I know His Word is mighty to proclaim.  Praise.....well it not only causes the enemy to run, but it fills me with joy and connects me to God.  Now if I could just remember to use these tools all the time!

I remember a story that was told about a mom who was having stomach pain.  It was pretty bad and as she lay on the sofa, her little 3 year old son came over to her, laid his hand on her tummy and said. Mommy's owies, Jesus.  Gone.  I can't help but smile when I write this.....of course her pain left.  Her child had believed, prayed with child like faith, and his mommy was healed.  Bless his little heart!

Quite a while ago my friend called me while she was traveling through crowded Phoenix.  One of her children noticed her sister was not responding well, a sign of seizures coming.  We prayed together while on the phone.  Later she called me and shared that she had felt they were to sing praises.  So they all began to praise God and sing songs of praise over her little one. Quickly she was was back to being alert and the potential for a seizure was gone.  Praise is a weapon of warfare and believe me when I say, sickness and disease is a weapon the enemy brings against us.  God provides weapons, powerful weapons for us to use against him and here is an example of praise as one of those weapons. The victory in Jesus is always ours!

One morning recently I woke from a bad had been going on for several hours so I started to think about what it meant.  I whispered, "The circumstances need to change, Lord.  Healing is provided."  A voice, His voice spoke back to me as I drifted off......"my child, pay attention to what I say...."

"My child, pay attention to what I say,  
listen carefully to my Words.  
Don't lose sight of them.
Let them penetrate deep into your heart 
 For they are life to those who find them 
and healing to their whole body."
Proverbs 4: 20-23

The Word is LIVING. POWERFUL. So is the name of JESUS.  The Bible tells us we speak life or death with our words...........Jesus tells us , "I have come to give you life and to give it to you more abundantly".

Yesterday I wrote about the weapons of warfare God provides.  Today it is still on my mind.   Are you in need of a few weapons of warfare?  Life throwing challenges your way?  Fear taking up residence?  Discouragement heavy like a yoke on your shoulders?

Turn to the weapons provided.....His WORD, His name, JESUS, His BLOOD, the action of PRAISE!  Add these to your arsenal along with Ephesians 6.....and victory is yours.

 "Mommy.  Owie.  Jesus.  Gone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have been trying to find that sermon on YouTube. I've heard it before and now a friend is going through a similar thing with her child and would love to listen to this sermon. If you happen to be able to guide me toward that sermon, that would be great! Also, I'm a member of Bethel.TV but haven't found it on there either. Thank you for your help! -Camille