As we traveled home yesterday from a weekend of celebrations, we took in the world around us. June brings so much beauty in nature. Everything is so green in the Midwest and the overcast gray/blue sky was filled with birds. Much of the land was hilly and the farmers were busy with "farm work" out in the fields. We stopped at our favorite popcorn store that draws people from quite a distance. It is a wonderful place with a variety of things to shop for. Joel came away with popcorn and I came away with a pair of earrings. After lunch in a worn out McDonald's, we visited about the gathering we had been a part of.
I love observing how our children do life in their own corners of the world. This past weekend we went to our oldest grandson, Evan's graduation. We traveled 5 plus hours to get together with other family and their friends to celebrate this young man's accomplishments. He will head off to college this August. I am so grateful we were able to help them celebrate, as we did at our oldest granddaughter Grace's graduation party a month ago. Our oldest daughter and their family are busy, hardworking, well-liked people who love Jesus, life, friends, family, church, and hockey! They enjoy living life to the fullest! They put down roots after a long ago move from Chicago, and their beautiful little community is blessed to have them there. (Although I could be a bit prejudice. Let me think....hmmm nope.)
Coming back to our quiet home was both nice and not so nice. We like our routines, but we miss all the hugging on loved ones. Isn't that the way it is. So while there I found myself listening and observing. Recording a video in my mind of what went on around me, to bring it forth at a later date when loneliness creeps in. Sometimes the videos hold conflict, but since it is mine to record I can filter out what I want, right?! Ha.....
These times with family are treasures to hold close. Life is short, precious, and the cliche that every day is a gift is very true. While we were gone our friend's mother died, and another friend we have had since seminary emailed to let us know his dad had died. The cycle of life. Both loved the Lord and I know that brings our friends great comfort. Death looks so far away when we are young. Reaching the ages we are now, and experiencing some of what we have makes it look a lot closer. It looses its sting when we know where we are going. Victory is ours.
But today I write about life, and doing it well. There are no do-overs so what we do each day is pretty important. For our grands, graduation from HS is leading into college and a whole new world without the home sanctuary. There whole lives are ahead of them, and they are eager to get started on the next phase of their journey. I hope they learn quickly to live life to the fullest, cherish the days before them, and remember that each one is a gift.
It is a lesson we all need to learn whether 18 or 81. Each day is a gift to be opened and enjoyed. A mystery unfolding before us filled with good, bad, and sometimes even the ugly. And if you are blessed, you have family, friends, and a solid community of believers to walk with you along the way. And no matter what comes? Victory is ours.
Amen Renee, I love this post! It is hard to see our grands getting older, but if they love Jesus the best is yet to be. I continually remind myself to cherish each and every day-we never know when we'll be going home. What a glorious day that will be when we see Him face to face. Sending you big hugs.
Good to hear from you Noreen.....So true, we never know. Hugs.....
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