Friday, May 18, 2018

Follow The Yellow Brick Road....

Yesterday we traveled northeast to see an endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Mn.  My doctor here wanted me to see someone who understood Vit D toxicity better.  I expect if anyone knows how to deal in rare problems, it would be a place like Mayo.

I received a phone call from Mayo on Sunday morning ~ Mother's Day ~ to set up an appointment for me and they wanted me in right away so, after I protested that they were calling on a Sunday morning???  We scheduled for this week.  An hour before my appointment we arrived at the large building with enough people to fill a small town, and promptly ran into our daughter's sister-in-law who was working there that day!  Small world.  As we headed to the 3rd floor, and Desk 3D as instructed, they could not find me in the system.  Oh boy.  Nope.  Nada.  I was not listed as a patient and it turns out I was not even sent to the right location.  After a couple of phone calls they found out the doctor I was scheduled to see had just gone over to St. Mary's Hospital a couple of miles away so she would meet with me there.... We had already spent 20 minutes trying to find a parking space in a nearby ramp, so we went to get on a shuttle. After getting to St. Mary's we walked.....and walked.....and walked.....arriving at the right desk where we were escorted in to a hospital type doctor's office where we waited to see the endocrinologist.

Not the relaxing start I had envisioned.  The doctor was good and very informative.  It seems that they don't usually see patients with this level of Vit D unless they have been hospitalized for symptoms first.  My calcium levels are still in the normal range which is rare for the amount of Vit D in my body and blood.  She thinks the large quantity of water I drink every day along with salt water a few times a week have washed the calcium out of my blood and kept it from damaging my liver, kidneys or heart.  I am now on a low calcium diet , drinking water and salt water, and waiting for the D to go down.  According to her  it will take months.  But God.......

I am excited to share how God has been moving in the midst of this journey.

We like to talk with Holy Spirit and before we even knew about the Vit D we were asking Holy just what was needed for my body since the "flu" just was not going away.  Strange as it sounds, I was told to drink salt water.  Now in the past I have had low sodium which would cause a funky feeling and my Lyme doctor at the time had me drink salt water.  I don't eat processed food nor salt my food much so don't often get enough sodium.  We listened to God's guidance and I have been drinking salt water once a day or every other day and unbeknownst to us, it was getting rid of the calcium in my blood!  Only God.    When I look back on how the doctor decided to ck for LOW Vit D and did a full blood panel coming up with the toxicity and one "slightly off" liver test?  An answer to our prayer that if there was something going on, the doctor would find it. And helping rid my body of calcium building up in my blood?  I did not even know I had that, but God did and told me to drink salt water.

The symptoms of fatigue and weakness have continued to hang around, but this past Tuesday Joel felt the need to pray for a "spirit of weakness" to get off my body..........and I began to improve.  Tuesday night people in our group lay hands on me and a woman prayed over me, declaring somethings was going to change tomorrow. and I would know it.....and it did and I did.  For the first time in 3 months I felt close to normal.  Only God.

I just love how God intervenes in the lives of His children.  We cry for help and He answers.  I am still on the yellow brick road to recovery, but God has led the way, breaking off anything in the spirit realm, guiding the doctors, and answering our prayers.  He truly desires to help us.  We just need to keep following the yellow brick road.  It will lead us Home.

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