Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Who Knows Where The Time Goes

It was 50 years ago, in 1968 that our lives changed dramatically.  We were married June 30th of that year after we graduated from Golden Valley Lutheran College, significant in so many ways, but not the only event that occurred for us.  It was a time of change for our country, for the world.  It is the year that Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were both murdered.  It was a tumultuous time.

And here were are 50 years later.  The legacy of King and Kennedy live on and still shape us so many years later.  Who knows where the time goes........

And here we are, 50 years later and soon to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.  We are no longer the 20 and 22 year old kids who stood before family and friends saying "I do".  We are seasoned people in the autumn season of our lives.  Who knows where the time goes............

We can all look at events in our lives and question the passing of time. Whether births, deaths, graduations, marriages, we hold them dear and ponder.  Our son Kevin would have been 39 on June 1st.  He died when a virus attacked his heart causing congestive heart failure.  It has been 13 1/2 years since that early morning phone call waking us.  His then toddler son will soon be 16 now.  Who knows where the time goes...............

It feels like our grands were just born and yet we are watching them walk into college and high school doors, with the youngest two leaving single digit birthdays behind.  Who knows where the time goes............

Joel and I are now in our 7th decade of life.  We both are healthier than we were in our early 60's but we cannot look in the mirror without pondering where we are now.  Who knows where the time goes...........

It is no secret that we cannot hold time back.  No matter how many wrinkle creams, fad diets, exercise regimes, or surgeries people invest in to look and feel young.....we cannot hold time back.  We can only hold gently each sunrise and sunset, using the hours in-between to live a life worth living, embracing what is important, letting go of that which is not.

What do we hold precious?  What dreams do we still have tucked in the corner of our hearts?  What do we fill the hours between sunrise and sunset with?  Can we embrace the mundane and the precious, enjoying what makes up our lives.....because.......truly........who know where the time goes!

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