Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Trees and Humans

On our 52nd Anniversary Joel and I went on a little jaunt to our favorite area by the lake not too many miles from our micro-city.  In a normal world, we would have probably gone to our favorite little coffee shop where Joel would sip a specialized coffee while I enjoyed a 100% fruit smoothie.  If we were really rebellious we would buy one of their large cinnamon rolls to split.  That was before coronavirus.  Our world has changed in so many ways, so on the morning of our anniversary we took our own drinks from home and headed west.

As we sat by the lake watching both humans and nature out on the water, I noticed a large tree in our vision. I love trees in every season.  There is nothing more beautiful than a tree dressed in it's finest during the summer months.  And then when fall brings my favorite colors?  Amazing.  And there is also a sense of pure beauty when a leafless tree continues to spread its arms into the gray winter sky.  The contrast of light and dark holds it's own gift.  And so does a tree in Spring when it begins again to release new life.  Trees are one of God's greatest creations.

This tree, on this morning brought to mind how important it is for all of us to have deep roots of faith to walk through all the seasons of our lives.  Those roots help us grow strong, stand firm, and become all God has for us to be, just like this tree.

Yes, there is so much to learn from trees. Planted in good soil they grow strong, they live long.  They flourish.  They serve a purpose. The earth would not survive very long without them!  I'm thinking God knew what he was doing when He created such a wide and beautiful variety of trees.

In some ways we can be compared to trees.  We, too, need to be nourished in order to flourish...... through God's Word, through prayer, in worship and praise, by the wisdom and teachings of others, staying close to God.  Feeding our souls certainly gives us strong roots and those strong roots enable us to open our hearts to others giving us purpose.  You know, maybe God knew what He was doing when He created humans too!

 I am so thankful for trees.........and most of the time I am thankful for humans too. (ha-ha) At this time, in this season it is good to remember that not only are the trees God created meant to give Him glory. but so are we.

"Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31

1 comment:

NanaNor's said...

Dear Renee, I haven't been visiting blogs lately, but so glad I did. Our little Christian coffee house is open again and I love going there. It's a blessing to have it open again. Happy Anniversary to you and Joel, may your days be filled with love and joy! Happy 4th of July!