Last Friday as I sat back and closed my eyes, God showed me an old fashioned train. I was standing on the platform and before me was a train filled with people. I could clearly see only one person and it was like I knew who she was but didn't know at the same time. The whole scene was in black and white and shades of grey. I remember moving back on the platform and thinking, "I don't want to be on that train." As I watched the train, I heard the words, "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice"......Then as I looked at the powerful locomotive, a bright beam of light appeared and moved back through each car of the train and the heaviness seemed to lift, people seemed more active, and the one woman I could see clearly gently smiled. I tucked this away in my heart, waiting for more clarity on it.
This third week of Advent focuses on joy. On Sunday we were watching livestream Lutheran Church of Hope and during the sermon the pastor put up on the screen Philippians 4:4. There is was again......Philippians 4:4 that tells us to "Rejoice always, and again I will say, rejoice." We do so because the Lord is at hand as verse 5 tells us. The pastor went on to say that we find joy in God's Presence and in His promises. It certainly felt like God was trying to get my attention.
Some of the Christmas cards I had purchased this year had "Christmas Joy" written on the front of them and I kept thinking, how do I send these out as we grieve all the losses this year with CoVid. The losses we have had in our family and extended families in the past two weeks with the death of my sister Jo, Gr. Jo/ Gi Gi, to our kids and grandkids, the death of yet another great grandmother for some of our own grands, and the death in an in-law's family of their sister to CoVid. So much loss, so much sadness. Yet God was reminding me to rejoice always. Not so easy to do.
We are not being asked to deny our circumstances, our sadness, or our fears, but in the midst of them we look to Jesus knowing that "the joy of the Lord is our strength" (Nehemiah 8:10). We rejoice because in God's presence and His promises we are able to find the joy that eludes us in our circumstances. Last December I began proton radiation treatments at Mayo Clinic. We stayed at Hope Lodge during the week along with so many battling cancer. One thing stood out for me when we were there, the joy still to be found in trying circumstances. We were blessed by the stay, the people we met, the staff who cared for me. So blessed. Joy was present in the fellowship around meals, in the technicians who always were positive, in the Christmas music I listened to during treatments. Joy was present. And today in the midst of a pandemic, in the midst of death and grief, in the midst of suffering and loss we turn our eyes upon Jesus and have joy in His presence and in His promises. Joy in the memories we hold dear with those who have died. Joy in the treasures we hold in our hands that were special. Joy in knowing where our loved ones are celebrating Christmas this year. We find joy in the depths of our sorrow because God is with us. The Babe born in a manger gives us reason to rejoice.
So, knowing that God is with us gives us the courage and hope to grieve with a sense of joy. Joy is not based on happiness, but on what we know. And we know He is with us. We know where our loved ones are. We know we will see them again. We know CoVid will end. We know God has this. In His presence and in His promises we find joy.
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