Good morning to you all! The past few weeks summer has come in all it's beauty. June feels more lie August with temperatures in the 90's and until recently dry heat making it more tolerable. Flowers are blooming including our beautiful rusty orange lilies that grace our front garden. Joel has rigged up wiring to protect them this year as the deer always and I mean always eat them during the night.
Speaking of nights, the past two weeks have brought more than a few nights of burning neuropathy like pain that wants to keep me awake. An appointment with the oncologist, a lot of blood work, and some of our own research has not given us medical answers yet but we believe there will be a breakthrough. There was nine years ago, and we are standing firm that it will come to pass.
How that breakthrough comes is in God's hands. What has come to light is God's presence on this journey. His words given to me in the dead of night or in the morning light. His words in visions, from friends, in devotionals, articles that keep popping up, and in His Word.......He is so good isn't He. One 4 am wake up call from my central nervous system had me saying, "I can't do this anymore." Immediately God spoke clearly in my mind, "THIS battle belongs to the LORD!" These words can be found in the story of Jehoshephat and Israel in 2 Chronicles 20. So in the midst of this we are praising God. Praise is a weapon of warfare. Giving thanks that His faithfulness and mercies are new every morning. Giving thanks that He fights our battles and we are to remain calm and t.r.u.s.t.
Last weekend Joel went north to MN for his Aunt Harriet's 109th birthday. He was able to stay with one of our families and have some good country porch and visiting time. He was able to see some of his family as they celebrated his Aunt's day. Her body is fragile but her mind is sharp! My sister Kay came and spent two overnights with me while he was gone. A blessing.
Speaking of blessings, my hubby just turned 75 yesterday! So grateful for him in our lives! So grateful for his good health..........and his broken bike is now fixed so he can be back out on his recumbent keeping in shape and enjoying nature.
Another blessing that has come recently is seeing our old friends Mary Lou and Keith who are full time RV'ers. They spend winters in Tucson serving a large shelter there and then they travel the rest of the year. What joy they bring when they come. What fun to hug on them..........last summer we had to visit from the garage with no hugs or shared meals. What a difference this year! Good fellowship, good laughs, and breaking bread together. AND celebrating two birthdays!
We also were able to bread bread and visit together with our oldest son a little over a week ago. Gotta love all those hugs and visits taking place right in our living room. So much to be grateful for.
Speaking of grateful, we are giving thanks, for sunshine, beautiful flowers, birthdays, a fixed bike, full nights of sleep, friends and family to hug and visit with, God's word in the night, the power of praise, doctors, tests that "rule out", the prayers of family and friends, and new mercies every morning!
Enjoy your weekend~
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