I have struggled with what I felt was Holy Spirit telling me to write about for my blog. Seriously? Putting our personal stuff out there? Then at morning devotions the Guidepost story for today was about anger and how most anger could more accurately be labeled fear. "Anger is usually fear wearing a scary mask". My response was, "Okay. Someone must need to read this............so here goes.
This week, in the late afternoon after a beautiful day spent decorating the house and tree...the boiling pot on the back burner of our lives boiled over. Unexpectedly. Surprisingly. It was sobering.
I used to tell our kids that often there is a pot on the burner of our lives that is simmering with "stuff" that happens. Sometimes it gets closer and closer to boiling over and just one last drop in the pot can cause an eruption that makes a mess of things. That happened to Joel and me this week.....It had us asking, what happened here and why?
Joel and I disagreed on what it meant to put ourselves at risk for a Covid exposure. I felt he was taking a huge risk and he felt he was minimizing the risk well. We both thought we were on the same page , but turns out we were not and instead of handling it well, fear bubbled over and I became angry and found myself raising my voice. He reacted and raised his voice and the argument brought us to the worst disagreement we have had in probably 20 years. We just don't fight. Yes, we disagree, but we never escalate, raise our voices, or carry on. When we had Lyme disease we just did not have the energy to get into a boxing ring over anything. Period. And we liked it that way......it has worked well for us for the last couple of decades.
And then...........the pot boiled over.
Later that evening we sat down and talked about the question we both were asking, "What just happened?" It is why God has asked us to be transparent here, sharing it for the world to see. Because I expect the past two years have had all our pots simmering on the stove at higher levels than normal. The pandemic is something new for all of us. The fear, worry, caution, isolation, division, death and disease, has taken a toll. For us, add to it the continual medical marathon with my body and the daily managing of the lymphedema and fractured ribs and maybe we have reasons for the pot to be boiling. Yep. And I expect we all have more than one issue that has kept our pots boiling or at least simmering on the burner of life. It is obvious with the increase of violence in the streets and on airplanes alone that many are not handling it so well....this season of conflict, disease, death, and even loneliness.
So, how do we become more aware. When we are thinking we are really handling it all so well.......being the stoic, independent, determined people we are.....we sometimes miss the warning signs of when we are at the point of "enough is enough".
In our circumstance, Joel and I first apologized to each other, forgave each other, forgave ourselves, and then took it before God and repented. For us all those steps were important. And then we sat down and discussed whether we had missed any warning signs that brought us to the "boiling point". And just how are we taking care of ourselves in the midst of it all?
Our journey is challenging some days, to say the least. So is yours. And yours. And yours,,,,,,,,,,,, The scriptures tell us over and over...........'Fear not".........."I am with you"............ Don't let the sun set on your anger..........." Trust in the Lord your God".............
I don't begin to understand why this pandemic continues to bring sickness and death. I don't begin to understand the political climate in our government the past decade, On a personal level I don't understand why something else keeps coming up to fight in my body. But I do understand that God is with us. He is faithful. He will work all things out for good. This week the Advent candle is Peace. We all need a little peace, don't we. And our peace comes in Jesus. He is our peace.
There is someone who needs to hear my words today. Holy Spirit has told me to put this out there for this person to read. He loves you that much. He wants you to hear...........:Fear not. I am with you, Let it go. Release the fear and anger. Receive His love and peace. The pot will stop boiling..........Trust Me. (God)"
What are we all doing to keep the pot from boiling?
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