Saturday, February 12, 2022

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from Iowa where it feels like someone keeps pushing the reset button here.  The temperature goes up to 38 degrees on one day, like this past Thursday,  and then plummets to -9 degrees two mornings later.  Come on! The weather is so unpredictable, swaying back and forth like a swinging bridge in high winds.

Speaking of a swinging bridge....have any of you been on one?  Being a person who does not really like water nor heights, I find myself avoiding them.  My most recent encounter with that kind of peril would be when we took a road up in the mountains near Lake Tahoe.  There was one area where only one car fit going across a space so narrow and so high in the mountains that we held our breath as we drove across it. With no railings, it barely fit the car and Joel, who has no fear of heights, was gripping the steering wheel as we crossed.  Prayer sustained us as we trusted that even though the way was narrow and looked unsteady, we were safe.  We watched other cars cross and we decided the view would be worth the risk.  Then we realized we were on a one way road and could not turn around.  Ha   No where to go but forward!

You know I have to connect this somehow to our journey of faith with Jesus.  Sometimes the way looks narrow and unsteady but we step out in trust.  We made a decision when Christ became our Savior that the "view" would be worth it all, and we drove onto a one way road.  No way to go but forward!  Mostly that means we are blessed by His Love and grace and walk a road well traveled.  Sometimes it means we are on a road less traveled but love and grace still blesses and sustains us.   There will be times God speaks to us and we obey even though the outcome is not guaranteed.  We may even be required  to be "rocking the boat" as God has told us to do.  Four years ago we heard prophetic words from a man who saw in his mind that we were rocking a boat and he cautiously asked us that question...."Do you rock the boat?"  He then told us that God was pleased and did not want us to stop rocking the boat.  Without going into any details, Joel rocked the boat this week in some of what he shared to a small group of people.  What will the consequences be to his obedience to Holy?  We don't know.  We do know we answer to God, and not man.  God blesses us when we walk that wide well traveled road and when we walk....or drive across a narrow one way road.  We trust God in His love and grace, right?

Writing about the roads we travel made me think about a book I finished this week entitled, "Why Am I Here?" by John Skipper, a retired journalist, man of faith, friend of Joel's, and author of many books. This small book is packed with powerful insights into John's quest for purpose....just why is he here....He really simplifies and clarifies through his words and the words of others he quotes just why God created all of us.  I expect all us us have been challenged with this question.  In the past few years I have questioned a few times why I am here.  What purpose has my life now in this season.  Glimmers of that answer were revealed as I finished this book.  We all have purpose whether we sit on a throne or in a prison cell.  Fame and success do not really answer the question. Maybe our purpose is to be more Christlike as John says in his book.  Something to ponder........... 

Speaking of fame and success, did you catch any of the Olympics this week?  We watched a lot.....and I mean a lot of curling ~ mixed doubles, men's, women's.  Also ice skating ~ Nathan Chen is amazing in his performances and how he views life.  We also took in the biathlon and a bit of ski jumping.  I wonder what it feels like to soar through the sky like a bird?!

Looking once again at purpose and agenda, my hubby has been back in the garage making boxes out of recycled redwood.  He always finds something to keep himself busy!  He made me a basket out of redwood that is pretty cool.  Most of his boxes are a small box within a box within a box.  He is up to 150 or so now.  Seriously.  He definitely is reusing the redwood posts for something good!  I have been building up my walking....up to 35-40 minutes daily.  I also finished my puzzle.  We have noticed I like puzzles that have golden retrievers (never have had one) an old truck (another no) and country scenes and living.  Again I have never lived in the country!  Hmmmmmm  Here is my latest....

There is just something about the country that I find quiet and peaceful.  Even the rocks worship God as the Bible tells us.  Think of of creation worships God.  And we do too.  There is a certain country porch that always draws me........along with a lake view...........Nature is such a gift to us humans.  Just settles us right down, and soothes the soul.

On that note it is time to close this week's scribbles.  So much to be grateful for.  Olympic TV, teachings on healing and deliverance, phone calls with family and friends, worship music, a narrow road on the way to Lake Tahoe, natures peaceful call to us humans, "rocking the boat", John Skipper's book, Joel's need to recycle wood into something useful, texts, prayer, laughter, and so much more...............

Enjoy the weekend!

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