Saturday, August 12, 2023

Saturday's Scribbles

Good Saturday to you from North Iowa where the weather has been good, the corn is tasting sweet, and the flowers are still showing off all their beauty.  To repeat myself, our pansies are still blooming!  Wonderful!  Last night we sat on our covered porch enjoying a thunderstorm.  The rain smelled so good.  So have enjoyed our porch this week.

Speaking of this week, Joel has been focused on reaching a milestone on his recumbent bike.  10,000 miles.  And he accomplished it!  This is his second odometer.  The first one held 8,000 miles, this one 10,000.  So happy for him!  He has ridden the same bike throughout it all, having had it rebuilt a couple of years ago, and keeping it maintained throughout the years.  He started with this odometer in 2008, but Lyme disease kept him off his bike for 3 years.  When he hops on his bike now, he rides 10-15 miles spending little to no time on roads, but paths that we are blessed to live close to.  
10,000 miles!

Joel was at Gabby Grandpas this morning when a man we have known for years said, "I want you to know how much the class I took from you meant.  I learned so much.  It was a class on God wanting us well that we taught several years ago.  Then he said, "When I came to your home and you and Renee prayed over me, I had electricity going up and down my body and the back pain left.  I was able to travel on vacation for two weeks without pain.  Another man who was listening said, "They prayed for me too.  I was having some symptoms that were concerning and they went away and never have come back.  In fact, I sweat so much during their prayer time it dripped off me and soaked my shirt."  THIS was Holy spirit at work healing these two men. (Both these stories are in Joel's book, "A Little To The Right of Crazy".) It was so nice for Joel to hear those stories again.  Me too.  GOD does heal.  He is our Jehovah Rapha....The God who heals.

I can smell homemade bread in the oven as I type this. I enjoy making it for Joel. He does so much around here~it is a way to say thank you and enjoy something good too!  I have Been walking daily 20-25 miniutes and have done some house cleaning.  Thing is, I LIKE cleaning, especially making bathrooms shine.....and kitchens too.   I am still on medications for the ears but seeing improvcement. 

Joel will be off doing services for two churches tomorrow again.  Last week he did one here in town.  He keeps busy for sure.  We have been enjoying outdoor church this summer too.  Hoping to get back to it, but Joel is booked for 3 Sundays this month elsewhere so we will see.  He finished building new back steps on our deck this week.  They are stained too.  He'll stain the rest of the deck this fall I expect.  As you can tell, he is not one to sit around.

Today I am thankful for those healing stories that were shared.  Grateful for the book Joel wrote regardinghealing and his story.  Grateful for the healing I have experienced in the past and expect in the future!  Grateful for new steps made from refurbished wood.  Grateful for Joel reaching his 10,000 miles mark on his bike.  Grateful that he can ride!!  Grateful I can walk daily.  Grateful for homemade bread and it's wonderful smell.  Gratefufl for beautiful weather, a porch for sitting, rain to nourish the land. Grateful for texts and pictures from Europe.  Grateful for phone calls, and so much more.

Enjoy your weekend.

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